Oregon Covered Bridges

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Cheryl Fuller, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Hi everyone. I have a question, and I know that some of my good friends here can help me. We will be going on a motorhome trip along the Oregon coast this summer and when I was viewing an Oregon website, it talked of covered bridges. Being a hopeless romantic, I truly would love to see one - has been a desire of mine since I watched The Bridges Of Madison County with Clint Eastwood. It lists them by counties, and to tell you guys the truth, I could not make heads nor tails out of where they were really located. Please keep in mind that I do not know how to read a map....ask me anything you like about the business world of finance, mergers and acquisitions and I can talk on and on about it, but we have discovered, in our travels, that the best way I can assist in the map dept. is to keep my eye out for a nice wide spot that Greg can pull over into so HE can look at the map, and I can fix him a sandwich while he is doing so. What happened to the days of my having an assistant to do those things for me - aaahh yes, retirement!!! Ask me any question you can think of regarding equestrian matters, and I've got your answer, but can't tell you if we heading north, west, east or south!!! Which is prompting Greg to look into getting me one of those GPS systems that talks to you and tells you "you are going the wrong way". As planning the trip is usually my job and he lets me know if there is someplace special he would like to see or go to, I was wondering if any of you seasoned RV'ers have traveled the Orgeon Coast (silly question, of course, you have) and if you could tell me if there were any covered bridges near the coastal roads. I realize that my friend, John Blue is off hobknobbing around, preparing to board a cruise ship - (yes Jackie, my friend, we are not the only cruisers hanging out here). I have no doubt that Beastdriver, John, Butch, Big Ben, MeterMan46, Browzin or some of you others can clarify for me..... Thank you all in advance,,,see how confident I am that you will come thru!!! :D
  2. Meterman46

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    Mar 12, 2006
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    Hello again Cheryl,

    It's amazing what Google can do for you.....LOL...here's a website that might help.


    All I did was a search on covered bridges in Oergon and found this I hope this helps. Also every fall Indiana has a Covered Bridge Fesitval And It is crowded but they have all sorts of activities for a whole week. But I'm sure the rest of the time you can see what they have to offer. It's too bad that these beautiful structures are often forgotten about or destroyed for no reason It's been a long time since I've been over the frstival in Indiana but I hope to get over there sometime soon. And if we ever get in your neck of the woods We will let you know and We hope if you ever get over this way you'll stop by, your always welcome to.AS for the PM I'll let my wife know asap and will have a answer for you later today as I'm off to work Happy Trails. Brian
  3. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    Hi Cheryl,

    We can not help you with the covered bridges of Oregon, but if you ever get to eastern New York--western Vermont, we have covered bridges in both states. Sorry I can not help, have a great day.
  4. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    I suppose by now you have checked out the site referenced by Meterman. Since you mentioned that you weren't good with maps, I thought you like to know the Lincoln County bridges are the only ones on or near the coast. All the rest seem to be in the Wilamette and Columbia River valleys. One note of warning: Of the bridges I have seen in the mid-west and northeast, not one would accommodate an RV. In many cases even the roads to them will not handle RV's especially if the road exists only to access the bridge. So, unless you know otherwise, visit these beauties only in your toad.

    My tentative plans for this summer also include the Oregon coast - haven't been out there in about 4 or 5 years. I think Good Sam is having their annual national rally in Redmond, OR around 7/20, so I probably won't get to OR until late July to avoid some of the extra 1,000+ RVs that will be in the area around that time. Events like that and the Sturgis Rally in SD can really fill up RV parks within a couple hundred miles for weeks before and after the event.


    Jerry S.
  5. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Jerry, thanks for the info. Now I know to only look at the Lincoln county bridges. We will definitely check them out when we are in the toad. It was our plan to be there around July 4th - thus also avoiding the rally, but our plans will probably be bumped to August as our best friends come out from Texas to stay with us for a week in the summer and have just found out that he can only take his vacation from June 30- July 15th. We usually go up to Mt. Rushmore fairly often as it is only 350 miles from home - have been to Sturgis several times - hubby and son both have motorcycles, but have always stayed in hotels and have stayed away from the "rowdiness". If the RV parks are anything like the hotels, the price quadriples during that week...

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