Paraon And Coushatta Update For Jerry S

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Texasrvers, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    We just got back from a quick trip to the Paragon and Coushatta casinos, and I thought I would give you an update. The construction at Paragon is almost completed. They are still working on the pool and spa, but they are supposed to be completed by the middle of July (which is now). They have put in many of the newest slot machines in the casino and more are being added. There’s a new café, Roxy’s, that looked cute (50’s style), but we didn’t try it. Their new buffet area was very pretty, but again we did not eat there. I hope the food is better now because we did not care for it the last time. The RV park seemed about the same. We were only there one night so we didn’t see much of it. However, that muddy construction area near the park entrance was not as bad. Most of the big machinery was gone and it was quieter. Overall we thought the place was better than when we were there last time.

    One the other hand the Coushatta casino looked old and tired and worn. They have a few new machines, but they do not seem to be keeping up very well. We were disappointed with them this time. Again the park seemed to be about the same except the wifi signal was very weak and sporadic. Last time I did not have any trouble with it, but this time it just wouldn’t stay connected. If Coushatta doesn’t make some improvements we may pass them by next time and go on over to Paragon.

    Have you ever been to L’Auberge du Lac in Lake Charles? It is fairly new (about 2 years old), and is a bit more upscale. We went there this time because we did not want to spend that much time at Coushatta. We will probably stop there again.

    Finally I just want to add that the only people who had luck on 7/7/07 were the casino owners. :angry: but we had fun anyway :D .
  2. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    Sorry I took a while to get back to you on this. We've been on the road for about 10 days now and are currently in Sundance, WY just west of the Black Hills. We expect to be on the Oregon coast in about three weeks and then back home after Labor Day.

    We were at both Paragon and Coushatta in May. We evidently have differing opinions when it comes to casinos bringing in the newests machines. New machines usually means my old favorites disappear. We used a $20 food coupon (resulting from a complaint I filed last October) at Roxy's. In May it was the same Roxy's that has been there for years. We also had a few 2 for one buffets. I didn't notice any difference in the food selection, the new buffet just has a bigger space. We were unable to get WIFI at a close to the lodge site during our entire 5 day stay at Coushatta. See my review dated 5/07.

    I have yet to go to the new (I'm not even going to try to spell it - I'm not even sure of how to pronounce it) casino in Lake Charles. I heard or read somewhere that their RV accommodations are $40 a night for just electric and maybe water. Since Kinder is as far west as we go on our spring and fall MS/LA trips, I am not going to spend $50+ for gas and lodging just to find out the casino doesn't have the kind of old-fashioned machines I enjoy.

    Thanks for the update.

    Jerry S.
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Jerry S,

    Sounds like you are having fun. We have never been to Oregon in the motor home or to the Black Hills at all. We really would like to go some day.

    I agree that sometimes casinos take out my favorite machine (which is basically the last one I had good luck on), but I usually find another one that becomes my new favorite. There are a few I like to play better than others, but they all wind up taking my money, so in the long run I guess it doesn't make much difference. I generally look for ones that give bonus spins or have a 4th bonus reel, and I like the ticket system so that my hands don't get so filthy handling the coins. I don't mind the older style machines, but when the reels are very faded and coming apart I think it is time to get new ones.

    Our first time at Paragon was last February, and the area where Roxy's is now was under construction then. From what you said it sounds like Roxy's has been there for a while, but we didn't know that because of the construction. We have eaten at 2 other Roxy's (are they a chain?) and they were good. Guess we'll have to give this one a try next time. At least it looked all nice and new.

    I did not think there was an RV park at L'Auberge in Lake Charles. I have never heard of or seen one there. I'll have to check it out. There is one at the Isle of Capri (which may now be Diamond Jacks). It is suppose to be just a parking lot with hookups, but it is also supposed to be really cheap. We have never stayed there. The two times we have been to L'Auberge we have just driven down in our car from Kinder. It's just about 30 mi so it is not too far for a day trip.

    Have you ever been to the Ute casino that is in the southwest corner of Colorado, near Durango? We are thinking of going to that area in the fall. Just wondered what it was like?

    Heave fun and be safe on your trip.
  4. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    I tried answering your last post about a week ago. You know how unreliable park wifi service can be - once I finished the reply and hit send, it was offline. I do not remember where I read or heard about RV facilities (not actual park) at the new casino in Lake Charles. I seem to recall it was minimal facilities and expensive. I have read about the Ute Casino near Durango and and stop there some day but I don't think we will make it that far south on this trip.

    We finally made it to the Oregon coast yesterday and are glad to be rid of all the 90 -107 degree temperatures. We will spend about 2 weeks in Oregon and then start back east.

    Jerry S.
  5. Sonny Domingue

    Sonny Domingue
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    Sep 9, 2007
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    Jerry S

    I did not know the Paragon is messed up.
    We go to Cyprus Bayou in Baldwin,La they have a 10 site RV park in the rear area.
    $ 9.00 a night.

    Also have you tried BoomTown Casino in Gretna,La.
    We park at Bayou Segnet State Park,100 sites then drive to Casino a short distance away,not sure how many miles.

    It's fun but can get expensive :)
  6. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    In general, I like to stop at casinos with RV parks with other things to do - like Paragon and Coushatta. Last time I checked out Cypress several years ago, they had not even opened for the day yet at 10AM. The casino was not 24/7 and their RV parking area had nothing to offer. I also do not want to "commute" to a casino like the one in Gretna from my RV spot. When I spend several days at Coushatta or Paragon, I can walk to the casino to gamble or eat any time of the day (20 years ago I would have added or night). Alternatively, I can do laundry, go for a swim, shoot hoops, fish right in the RV park or walk/shuttle into town.

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