Am a new Park owner and am looking at the different systems out there. Any idea's, opinions on these systems.
That's the sort of question that would be better addressed to a group such as the Association of RV Campground Owners (ARVC). At the ARVC Expo in Raleigh a week ago there were lots of reservation services as vendors and I'm sure many of the park owners have strong opinions about them. Maybe getting in contact with that group would provide some of the answers you seek.
Can I offer a quick suggestion for a park website to look at? This park has a visual representation of sites available and amenities in each site:
Unfortunately, it doesn't include information about which site has a guy who has a homeless couple come to his 5th wheel to sell him marijuana (uh, it's legal in Colorado--just go to the store), and then at a later date runs into them somewhere else and they all repair to his trailer to smoke weed and drink whiskey, and the trailer guy makes sexual comments to the homeless woman so the homeless guy murders the trailer guy with a knife and steals three guns, his truck, and some other stuff. The trailer guy's body was found three days later after the homeless guy murdered a student in Utah and that investigation included the stolen truck that was traced to the trailer guy.,256062 But I can see why they'd leave that out.
I would check out, it is a great park management system and allows you to take reservations online. It works great and is simple to onboard and use.