Pets & Parks

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Procarver, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Procarver

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    Jul 20, 2010
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    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.
  2. kcmoedoe

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    May 22, 2008
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 03:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    Don't think you are going to find a lot of sympathy with this post. My dog is the reason I spent $300,000 on a coach. I could go an awfully lot of great places in style for that kind of money, but my dog couldn't, hence I RV. I can't envision an RV park that could succeed with a strict "NO PET" policy. I believe fully 50% of RVers, especially full timers, have a pet of some kind. Others feel just about as strongly about excluding children and campfires. Add in those who would like to see "No Alcohol" the law of the park and there wouldn't be too many RVers left for a very restrictive park to rent to. I think you have a request that will go nowhere fast.
  3. Tallboy

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    Oct 28, 2004
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 01:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    Haven't had any cat problems but agree on the dog problems. Seems to have got worse in the 6 years of full-timing RVing and workamping. Run into a lot of people where it's not their dog barking, has to be someone else's dog that is barking. :rolleyes:
  4. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    We also bought our motorhome so that we could take our animals with us.
  5. Tom

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    Oct 12, 2004
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    Procarver, sounds like you should be more upset with pet owners than the pets themselves.
  6. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    We gladly welcome pets. We only had a problem with one pet barking and I immediately went over and informed the owners that they must deal with it or leave. Dogs bark on occasion, children yell, engines make noise, people laugh and everyone should learn to handle nose, of any kind on occasion. Most people that are animal lovers wouldn't dream of going in their RV without their pets.

    I'm sorry to sound rude but my feeling from your post is that you are an angry person in general.
  7. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    I wish that more people that joined this forum to just complain about one thing would do some research and post to the other threads that have already talked about this.

    Procarver, since you didn't do your research, let me tell you what has already been learned here. It has been agreed that it is not the pets, but the owners that are the problems. It is also only the very few bad owners that makes everybody look bad. The vast majority abide by the rules, clean up after their pets, keep them on a leash and out of your site. Pet owners would like to see fenced in areas where they can let their pet run loose for exercise.
  8. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    So far we have never run into problems with any four legged campers, It's the two legged one's we've had problems with... :D

  9. possumtrotky

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    Jan 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 02:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    Wish more people felt like you. Dogs and cats are not part of rv'ing in my book. I hate looking out the window while eating and seeing a dog doing his/her thing. Yes it is the people and not the animal. The people drag the animals along like its the only thing that is worth while. If I had a choice I would not stay in a park that had animals in it.

    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Nov 20 2010, 12:21 AM) [snapback]24908[/snapback]

    We also bought our motorhome so that we could take our animals with us.

    expensive dog house isn't it. I would not want it when you get ready to get rid of it.
  10. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    QUOTE(possumtrotky @ Nov 22 2010, 10:21 AM) [snapback]24935[/snapback]

    expensive dog house isn't it.

    Yes, but they let us go with them. Afterall, someone has to drive.

    I would not want it when you get ready to get rid of it.

    And I probably would not want someone else's RV that has had animals in it. Pets are like kids. You can tolerate cleaning up after your own, but you don't want to clean up after someone elses. And don't forget humans can be pretty nasty, too. I would not want an RV that had belonged to a smoker or a snuff dipper. I'll take an animal "accident" any day over the smell or sight of that.
  11. RLM

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    Aug 24, 2006
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    It is socially accepted that kids don’t poop on the ground, pee on a tree, or make a continuous racket (bark) when left alone, but I’ve seen pets that have better behaviors than some children. Kid’s behavior is also a product of their ‘owner.’

    The other day I met a nice older gentleman who was riding a Harley. He carried his small dog with him. The dog was dressed in biker gear, too include eye goggles. And I thought I had seen everything, but it’s not for me to judge.

    By choice I don’t have a pet and therefore do not understand the relationship of noise to dog size. Why is it that the smaller the dog the more incessant the barking?

    QUOTE(kcmoedoe @ Nov 19 2010, 07:47 PM) [snapback]24906[/snapback]

    Others feel just about as strongly about excluding children and campfires. Add in those who would like to see "No Alcohol" the law of the park and there wouldn't be too many RVers left for a very restrictive park to rent to.

    Meaning that you can't please everyone all the time so a bit of tolerance, where desired, might be appropriate.
  12. edcornflake

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    May 14, 2010
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    QUOTE(kcmoedoe @ Nov 19 2010, 10:47 PM) [snapback]24906[/snapback]

    Others feel just about as strongly about excluding children and campfires. Add in those who would like to see "No Alcohol" the law of the park and there wouldn't be too many RVers left for a very restrictive park to rent to. I think you have a request that will go nowhere fast.

    We camp because we want to share the family camping experience with our kids and our dog, we love having campfires and the occasional beverage by said campfire... Should the uberboring park of the future become the norm, I'd have to switch to tenting in the woods behind my house! (and I know you're not calling for such a campground KC) I don't stumble around drunk walking my barking dog and not pick up her 'leavings' while my barefoot chilluns race through the campground shouting and knocking over pic-nic tables. My dog does bark occasionally. My kids do make noise once in a while. I always have more baggies than I'll need on any walk and always pick up what's dropped. I like to think that I'm the norm, but maybe not.

    It's been said several times, but more often than not, it's the people. Most people have become so entitled and self centered, that they don't notice when their selfishness is negatively impacting those around them. I see it all the time, there is neither common sense, nor common decency much of the time.
  13. Procarver

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    Jul 20, 2010
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    QUOTE(kcmoedoe @ Nov 19 2010, 07:47 PM) [snapback]24906[/snapback]

    Don't think you are going to find a lot of sympathy with this post. My dog is the reason I spent $300,000 on a coach. I could go an awfully lot of great places in style for that kind of money, but my dog couldn't, hence I RV. I can't envision an RV park that could succeed with a strict "NO PET" policy. I believe fully 50% of RVers, especially full timers, have a pet of some kind. Others feel just about as strongly about excluding children and campfires. Add in those who would like to see "No Alcohol" the law of the park and there wouldn't be too many RVers left for a very restrictive park to rent to. I think you have a request that will go nowhere fast.

    If you spent $300,000.00 on a coach to accommodate a mutt, you could have saved $$ by going to a psychiatrist. If you wish to travel with a dog in your coach, fine, but keep it there preferably with a mussel on it so it can't bark. I also find it quite interesting that people like yourself prefer to change the subject instead of sticking to the issue at hand. I wouldn't tolerate such behavior from my kids when they were growing up. Last but not least, based on a few years observation, mutts accompany closer to 10% 0f campers, not 50%.
  14. Procarver

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    Jul 20, 2010
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    QUOTE(Tom @ Nov 20 2010, 05:46 AM) [snapback]24910[/snapback]

    Procarver, sounds like you should be more upset with pet owners than the pets themselves.

    Kind of like arguing which came first the chicken or the egg, however, you are in part correct as it does seem the more pampered an animal is the less disciplined it appears to be.
  15. wpr

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    Dec 27, 2005
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    QUOTE(RLM @ Nov 22 2010, 01:36 PM) [snapback]24937[/snapback]

    Meaning that you can't please everyone all the time so a bit of tolerance, where desired, might be appropriate.

    RLM, you wrote the golden word again! ;)

    But from the following answers we don't seem to be going down that path.

    By the way, my tolerance level did go down many notches for quite some time after I stepped in a mutt's landmine left hidden in the fall leaves two feet from my entrance step. Of course it was just a coincidence that the motorhome on that side of me had a canine supervisor of the corresponding size.....
  16. Procarver

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    Jul 20, 2010
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    QUOTE(edcornflake @ Nov 22 2010, 10:46 AM) [snapback]24938[/snapback]

    We camp because we want to share the family camping experience with our kids and our dog, we love having campfires and the occasional beverage by said campfire... Should the uberboring park of the future become the norm, I'd have to switch to tenting in the woods behind my house! (and I know you're not calling for such a campground KC) I don't stumble around drunk walking my barking dog and not pick up her 'leavings' while my barefoot chilluns race through the campground shouting and knocking over pic-nic tables. My dog does bark occasionally. My kids do make noise once in a while. I always have more baggies than I'll need on any walk and always pick up what's dropped. I like to think that I'm the norm, but maybe not.

    It's been said several times, but more often than not, it's the people. Most people have become so entitled and self centered, that they don't notice when their selfishness is negatively impacting those around them. I see it all the time, there is neither common sense, nor common decency much of the time.

    Your family sounds quite like what we considered the norm 20 years but not now. Your last paragraph showed insight rarely seen today. I don't think most want boring. Properly trained and supervised children and socializing around a campfire with a beverage of your choice are all a legitimate part of the camping experience, tolerating boorish behavior, loud music, mis-behaving children or pets shouldn't be. I still think the mutt should stay at home.

    QUOTE(HappiestCamper @ Nov 20 2010, 08:00 AM) [snapback]24913[/snapback]

    I wish that more people that joined this forum to just complain about one thing would do some research and post to the other threads that have already talked about this.

    Procarver, since you didn't do your research, let me tell you what has already been learned here. It has been agreed that it is not the pets, but the owners that are the problems. It is also only the very few bad owners that makes everybody look bad. The vast majority abide by the rules, clean up after their pets, keep them on a leash and out of your site. Pet owners would like to see fenced in areas where they can let their pet run loose for exercise.

    And we would prefer to see parks with no pets or as some have, a no pet area same as a no smoking area. I did find it interesting you chose to question the research of one known for that endeavor. But then again, you misspelled my name as well.
  17. Procarver

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    Jul 20, 2010
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    QUOTE(dalsgal @ Nov 20 2010, 07:20 AM) [snapback]24911[/snapback]

    We gladly welcome pets. We only had a problem with one pet barking and I immediately went over and informed the owners that they must deal with it or leave. Dogs bark on occasion, children yell, engines make noise, people laugh and everyone should learn to handle nose, of any kind on occasion. Most people that are animal lovers wouldn't dream of going in their RV without their pets.

    I'm sorry to sound rude but my feeling from your post is that you are an angry person in general.

    Dalsgal, you appear to operate a RV park and also appear to be doing it properly. I only commented on pets in camp grounds, I don't know how all of this other nonsense got interjected into the equation. We just feel that if parks are going to allow pets, they should be strictly limited to one section with the rest including common areas, "no pet". We both grew up with animals both as pets and to eat and believe they S/B kept in their place. On a lighter note, I recommend you don't give up your day job to become a psychiatrist. I am considered by most to be a happy go lucky person and I wouldn't even be angry if I learned I was to die tomorrow as I have lived 35 years longer than expected after being diagnosed with a cancer that is terminal 99.9% of the time. I will however plead guilty to a complete lack of tolerance for unacceptable, ignorant, boorish behavior and poor performance.
  18. kcmoedoe

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    May 22, 2008
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 22 2010, 04:50 PM) [snapback]24940[/snapback]

    If you spent $300,000.00 on a coach to accommodate a mutt, you could have saved $$ by going to a psychiatrist. If you wish to travel with a dog in your coach, fine, but keep it there preferably with a mussel on it so it can't bark. I also find it quite interesting that people like yourself prefer to change the subject instead of sticking to the issue at hand. I wouldn't tolerate such behavior from my kids when they were growing up. Last but not least, based on a few years observation, mutts accompany closer to 10% 0f campers, not 50%.

    By all means, I am sure your "observational" numbers are more accurate than mine. I didn't realize you were a professional observer and myself an admitted unaccomplished amateur. Thanks to hard work, I have $300,000 to spend anyway I please. I chose to spend it on a rig so my dog can travel with me. If that is considered crazy, so be it. How is my post changing the subject? I believe the subject was about RV parks and Dogs. Also, why would travelling with a mussel on my dog do any good. Do you not know what a mussel is? A mussel is a freshwater clam. I don't think having a freshwater clam on my dog would stop her from barking. The only advantage I could see to a "no pets" park would be the fact that you would stay there and I would not. You sound like a very angry person, perhaps you should take my time at the psychiatrist.
  19. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 22 2010, 06:28 PM) [snapback]24944[/snapback]

    I did find it interesting you chose to question the research of one known for that endeavor. But then again, you misspelled my name as well.

    Just saying, been covered in a bunch of other topics here already.
    I know my eyesight is really bad, but I don't see where I spelled it wrong. "Pro" as in professional, "carver" as in what most of us will be doing with the turkey on Thursday?
  20. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 22 2010, 06:20 PM) [snapback]24945[/snapback]

    We just feel that if parks are going to allow pets, they should be strictly limited to one section with the rest including common areas, "no pet".

    This post sounds quite different from your first one that stated, "We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". I took your first comment to mean you would like to see more parks that did not allow pets at all. If other members read that the same way I did I can see how they would jump in to defend being able to stay at RV parks and have their pets with them.

    Now if what you are really saying is you would like to see more parks that have a no pets area that is a whole other idea and not an unreasonable one. I think most RVers with pets would agree to this. We have stayed at several parks that have pet and no pet areas and feel that is fine. It accommodates both ways of thinking and is more akin to smoking/no smoking areas. I absolutely would not mind staying in the pet area and refraining from taking my pets into the common areas. Many parks already have that rule, and in fact I do not take my pets there now. I love my animals like a child, but I do not expect everyone else to feel the same way or to have to be around them outside of my RV.

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