Pick Up After Your Dog!

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Sandra, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Sandra

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    Feb 11, 2005
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    I can't believe the number of people that are dog owners that don't think it's their responsibility to pick up after their dog. We've been fulltiming now for 1 1/2 years and every park has in its rules that you MUST pick up after your dog however all over the place I see dog poop. There can't be that many seeing eye dogs around! It's awful. You go to a really nice park and have to sidestep all the time to get around the excrement. If you want to own a dog, you have to be responsible for it. PICK IT UP! Sorry for my ranting but it really ticks me off. I buy the little orange bags at Dollar Tree that are supposed to be used for diaper disposal. They are $1.00 for 100 bags and are great. Come on everyone, let's keep these campgrounds and the areas around them clean or one day no campground will accept pets!

  2. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    Sandra: The people who don't pick up after their pets are the same people who throw trash in the fire rings, leave latex gloves on the ground next to the sewer connection, leave trash on their sites, leave picnic tables filthy, and so forth. Slobs are slobs, and not always necessarily pet owners, I am afraid. I strongly agree that all pet owners have a responsibility to "scoop the poop" and, in fact, I usually will pick up other "poop" I see when walking my dog. As to campgrounds banning people with dogs, that's not going to happen. Given the huge number of people who have pets, it would be business suicide to do so. I like the policy of a campground we stayed at in Flagstaff, AZ. If you see someone not cleaning up after their dog, tell management: You get a free night and the offender is invited to leave immediately.
  3. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Sandra, some people are presumpuous enough to think others should pick after them. We had new neighbors move in next door to us last week. This morning, I was dusting in the formal living room, which is at the front of the house. I watched as the lady (and I use the term loosely) let this huge dog outside - unleashed. The dog ran across our yard, which was no big deal but then she followed and stood in our front yard and watched the dog as he crossed the street and ran around. Then he proceeded to take a poop in the neighbors yard before crossing the street and coming back to her in our yard. I was still in my nightgown or I would have been outside pretty quickly. I called my husband at his office and told him that she and I are going to be having a chat soon. Our house backs to a greenbelt, with a walking a biking trail so most of us have put low decorative fences across the back so we can enjoy the view. As this will not keep that dog in, they keep it chained on the north side of their house - right under our bedroom window and he barks and howls all the time. I hate to appear to be the "neighbor from Hell" but the barking was bad enough and seeing that this morning put their inconsideration over the top. I will be watching out the front window so I can catch her outside when I am dressed!!! I too carry little bags when I walk the dog and always pick up after him. I saw the ones that the newspaper comes in and I use those.
  4. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    That last line should have read "I save the ones the newspaper comes in" not "I saw"...
  5. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    Cheryl, Don't be so paranoid we know what you meant.
    We have 2 dogs and are also full timers for most of 10 years. I am in a park in Florida that has about 200 sites and a pretty good percent of them have dogs. We are walking the dog walks a couple times a day and I just don't see that folks are not picking up after their dogs. We have one some where in here that doesn't pick up. I have and have seen others picking that dogs droppings.
    Being we have dogs we are walking in the dog walk areas and I just don't see the violations you are talking about.
    My I suggest that when you see some one not picking up,take their picture. Most all of us have digital cameras today so this is easily done. Turn their picture in to management or post it some place for all to see.
    I would like to think that the folks that are on a site like this are serious RVers that take responsibility for their pets.
  6. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    We have a miniature schnauzer, and on her leash, I have a container with her doggie bags, and it is convenient and is always at hand. We have also seen the droppings in campgrounds and have to say we are not any to happy with the lack of responsibility of those dog owners either. Sorry to say, those same individuals have the idea that the rules do not apply to them and therefore choose to do as they damm please. And more than likely, they are the same people who cross through your camp site, have loud after hours parties, allow their dog to bark continuously, and are just plain obnoxious. They have the outlook, "hooray for me, and the h--- with you". Campground etiquette is not in their thoughts or actions. Sad. We go camping to get away from home, as we have some of the same problems in our neighborhood. (barking dogs).
  7. kw5kw

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    Jan 27, 2006
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    And, I might just add:

    There are stray dogs everywhere.

    The campground that the wife and I frequent is on a lake just a few miles out of the city. It's close enough that we can get away from the city, but we still have access to everything as well. It's 15~20 minutes to the house depending on hitting the traffic lights.

    It's also close enough that they're now building two--that's right, two-- new housing developments next door. These will be in additon to the one that's already there.

    While we're in the park now, we see stray dogs from the 'neighbors' all the time. We see excellent examples of where they've been as well.

    Now, this park is really spread out, and has loads of room. Infact they could easily tripple the 110 sites they already have and still have loads of room left to expand. So, when we're way off in the back area... no we don't pick up, but when we're in close, we always pickup. In the rare times that Stormy tends to do her business twice in the same walk (I only carry one bag at a time) and we're in close, then I'll go back to the trailer and grab another baggie. And, no, I don't buy those that hook on the leash, I use those plastic bags that everyone tends to use these days. They're free--for now anyways they're free.

  8. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    I don't see the pooper scooper problem in parks as much as I see the problem of those who leave their dogs alone while they go out for the day. More times than I can count, I've been next to people who have done this and while sitting at my site I have to listen to the constant howling and yelping and then when cars go by the barking starts...I've told the owners of the parks about these instances and for the most part nothing is ever done. I let the owners of the dogs know how their dogs acted while they were gone and they don't seem to care or they say their dog never acts that way...yeah, like they'd know when they're not there.

    I feel bad for the dogs...can't blame them for the way they act. I certainly wouldn't want to be left by myself in a trailer for 12 hours straight...some people shouldn't have pets if this is how they're going to "take care of them"!
  9. Crittercove

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    Oct 19, 2006
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    They make these little tubular shaped containers that actually attach to a dog's leash that has "doggy poop bags" inside. You just pull one out when you need it. So now it's really easy to pick up after your dog. The container holds a good # of bags, but isn't bulky or heavy...doesn't weigh down the leash or the dog. You can buy refills for them as well. You don't toss the container when empty.

    We bought ours online, but I imagine most petstores carry them.
  10. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    We purchased one of the containers and bags from Camping World a few years back and used a "tie" to attache the container on the retractable leash. Does a good job for us.
  11. jmo

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    Aug 20, 2006
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    It's the night walkers me thinks :angry: because I don't actually see people NOT picking up after there dogs. We are occasional campers and can't say a big problem in our travels but our dogs are in habit of going out couple of times after dark at home in yard so expect to be walked same when camping. I would like to break them of it which probably involves change in water/food access. Picking up after your dog is so easy I can't imagine the laziness of people. I do carry a small flashlight so if not well lit I can see to pick up. Other problem with night walking is dog can stop and eat something quickly and you don't know or can't get to it. Then add two dogs to the mix :lol: if you see woman tangled in leashes, bags and dogs with flashlight whirling ...stop and say hello :D

    Husband at camp site get out here with me ... snore, snore.

  12. COWolfPack

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    Sep 29, 2006
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    I can't stand people who don't pick up after their dogs. :angry: We bring our 4 dogs camping with us and always manage to pick up after them. We just bring a bunch of the wal mart shopping bags with us. They work just fine and they are free. Just got to make sure there are no holes in the bag before you use it. :ph34r: People who don't pick up after their pets are just lazy and inconsiderate. You got to admit though that it is fun when you see someone who doesn't pick up after their dog walk away a little and step in a pile someone else had left. :lol:
  13. Leezerman

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    Oct 16, 2006
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    QUOTE(COWolfPack @ Oct 21 2006, 03:07 AM) [snapback]5314[/snapback]

    I can't stand people who don't pick up after their dogs. :angry: We bring our 4 dogs camping with us and always manage to pick up after them. We just bring a bunch of the wal mart shopping bags with us. They work just fine and they are free. Just got to make sure there are no holes in the bag before you use it. :ph34r: People who don't pick up after their pets are just lazy and inconsiderate. You got to admit though that it is fun when you see someone who doesn't pick up after their dog walk away a little and step in a pile someone else had left. :lol:

  14. Holiday Rambling

    Holiday Rambling
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    Jun 24, 2007
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    QUOTE(Beastdriver @ Feb 27 2006, 02:11 PM) [snapback]3587[/snapback]

    Sandra: The people who don't pick up after their pets are the same people who throw trash in the fire rings, leave latex gloves on the ground next to the sewer connection, leave trash on their sites, leave picnic tables filthy, and so forth. Slobs are slobs, and not always necessarily pet owners, I am afraid. I strongly agree that all pet owners have a responsibility to "scoop the poop" and, in fact, I usually will pick up other "poop" I see when walking my dog. As to campgrounds banning people with dogs, that's not going to happen. Given the huge number of people who have pets, it would be business suicide to do so. I like the policy of a campground we stayed at in Flagstaff, AZ. If you see someone not cleaning up after their dog, tell management: You get a free night and the offender is invited to leave immediately.

    I'm all for the last line. We are dog owners and wouldn't think of leaving our RV without pockets of plastic baggies. I agree fully with the above, these are also the same people who think the campground is there solely for the purpose of babysitting their children for the weekend. Nothing is more aggravating then to park the RV, start to set up and step in dog poop. We have stayed at campgrounds that charge a fee/night for dogs. While I don't like it, I pay it and understand why. It takes all kinds to make up this world! :(
  15. Bud in Florida

    Bud in Florida
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    Apr 9, 2007
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    I like the idea of asking people who don't pick up the poop to leave. Because, if that doesn't happen, the campgrounds will eventually start banning dogs and I don't want that to happen. One park at Siesta Key in Fl already has a no pets policy. Slobs could cause that to spread.
  16. Meterman46

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    Mar 12, 2006
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    QUOTE(T Lynn @ Aug 3 2007, 07:05 PM) [snapback]7895[/snapback]
    QUOTE(Beastdriver @ Feb 27 2006, 02:11 PM) [snapback]3587[/snapback]

    Sandra: The people who don't pick up after their pets are the same people who throw trash in the fire rings, leave latex gloves on the ground next to the sewer connection, leave trash on their sites, leave picnic tables filthy, and so forth. Slobs are slobs, and not always necessarily pet owners, I am afraid. I strongly agree that all pet owners have a responsibility to "scoop the poop" and, in fact, I usually will pick up other "poop" I see when walking my dog. As to campgrounds banning people with dogs, that's not going to happen. Given the huge number of people who have pets, it would be business suicide to do so. I like the policy of a campground we stayed at in Flagstaff, AZ. If you see someone not cleaning up after their dog, tell management: You get a free night and the offender is invited to leave immediately.

    I'm all for the last line. We are dog owners and wouldn't think of leaving our RV without pockets of plastic baggies. I agree fully with the above, these are also the same people who think the campground is there solely for the purpose of babysitting their children for the weekend. Nothing is more aggravating then to park the RV, start to set up and step in dog poop. We have stayed at campgrounds that charge a fee/night for dogs. While I don't like it, I pay it and understand why. It takes all kinds to make up this world! :(

    It doesnt stop them in the neighborhoods either alot of towns are imposing stiff fines for not picking up after your dog but it still happens as most have said the RESPONSIBLE owners do pick up after thier dogs wherever they are be it home....campground.....walking the neighborhood......if you banned them for not picking up what would be next??? too many cheesy lights???? too much smoke?? banning will only hurt the responsible owners like most bans the do...the ones who break the rules simply don't care what the rules are.....and yes they are the ones ruinning it for the REST of us.......
  17. sparky

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    Aug 14, 2006
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    I used to be in a singles group
    and one lady had 2 dogs---she refused to clean up after her dogs
    so several others did the clean up for her---they got tired of it-they dropped some right outside her door--she came out stepped in it---screamed---how dare you--I heard she does clean up sometimes now--
    sparky--and the cat
  18. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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  19. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    Most parks have rules that not only protect the parks property, but also protects the other users, your guests. My point is, if a guest is not obeying the stated, signed rules, the person(s) has to leave, just that simple. Put her out for everyones benefit, no ifs or buts--out.
  20. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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