Pit Bulldogs

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by CaptainJayATP, Jan 20, 2008.

  1. CaptainJayATP

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    Jan 20, 2008
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    I am having to move out of my RV park next week. This is my 2nd year here. A nice friendly park in Callahan FL, Kelly's Countryside RV Park. This all came about when the park owners moved in a month-to-month RV with a Pitt Bulldog nextdoor to me. The dog is nasty and growls at everybody. I have two very friendly Springer Spaniels who I keep in my RV 24/7, and go out only to do their business or walks. I am a responsible pet owner, and keep all my RV windows closed 24/7 and the stereo or tv on. This way, if my dogs happen to bark while I am away, they are less likely to disturb the neighbors. I asked the park owners for another campsite, and was told no. "you can't have that site up front because you keep too messy of a campsite". I was furious. My campsite is immaculate! And I have a nice 98 Jayco Designer 5th wheel. The only thing on my patio is a small 4 ft table with a black mini frig and a convection oven, and a patio chair. I can't believe they let Pit Bulldogs and Rotweilers in this park! We have 2 other nasty dogs that snarl at everyone that come down for the winter with their owners. So, I am moving to another campground next week that does not allow Pit Bulls and Rotties. True, there are some friendly pitt bulls & rotties, but the ones in this park are NASTY! :(
  2. mastercraft

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    Apr 15, 2006
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    We had that problem at the Bozeman KOA in July. We told the owners the first night and the dog was gone the 2nd day, but others had told us that the dog had gotten loose the day before and the police were called. If the dog had been in an RV, I would not have had a huge problem, but the dog was in a tent and when the owners walked it, they could hardly control it and they let their teenage daughter walk it and their was no control. I had to carry by bear spray anytime I walked my golden out of fear that that dog was loose. Best of luck with your move.
  3. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    I am sorry you had such a bad experience at this campground, and it shouldn't have happened. I do, however, compliment you for your review of the campground. In your review you noted the positives of the camground, nearby features, some good points about the owner, and so forth, plus your experience with the pitbull next door, and then you rated the campground a 7--very commendable on your part. So many people act silly and rate a park way down (with a 1 or a 2) because of a problem or two, and overlook the positives. You did not, and I think that speaks highly of you.
  4. CaptainJayATP

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    Jan 20, 2008
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    Dear Beastdriver. Thanks for the very nice comments about me. I am a classy guy. I'm a retired FAA air traffic controller and currently a captain on biz jets and King Air's. I'm also
    a gourmet chef and my favorite hobby is fine dining at first class restaurants and a bottle
    of Brordeaux. I am a frequent traveller to Paris too! CaptainJayATP, JAX FL. :)
  5. Tallboy

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    Oct 28, 2004
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    Sorry to hear about your problem. Some dog owners are very inconsiderate. We are next to one with a black lab. The owner lets it ut at 7 AM every morning and it barks at anything that moves. It's my wake up call. Although I'd rather be able to sleep in a little later, I can't with this dog.

    Last winter we were in Arizona City, AZ. Felt like we were lving in a dog kennel. Campground was in the middle of town. People of the town would leave the dogs outside day and night. When it got warm the dogs would shut up, otherwise they barked from 7 PM until 9 to 10 AM. Gets old fast.
  6. thomasgunnar

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    Mar 13, 2008
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    QUOTE(CaptainJayATP @ Jan 20 2008, 06:20 AM) [snapback]9947[/snapback]

    I am having to move out of my RV park next week. This is my 2nd year here. A nice friendly park in Callahan FL, Kelly's Countryside RV Park. This all came about when the park owners moved in a month-to-month RV with a Pitt Bulldog nextdoor to me. The dog is nasty and growls at everybody. I have two very friendly Springer Spaniels who I keep in my RV 24/7, and go out only to do their business or walks. I am a responsible pet owner, and keep all my RV windows closed 24/7 and the stereo or tv on. This way, if my dogs happen to bark while I am away, they are less likely to disturb the neighbors. I asked the park owners for another campsite, and was told no. "you can't have that site up front because you keep too messy of a campsite". I was furious. My campsite is immaculate! And I have a nice 98 Jayco Designer 5th wheel. The only thing on my patio is a small 4 ft table with a black mini frig and a convection oven, and a patio chair. I can't believe they let Pit Bulldogs and Rotweilers in this park! We have 2 other nasty dogs that snarl at everyone that come down for the winter with their owners. So, I am moving to another campground next week that does not allow Pit Bulls and Rotties. True, there are some friendly pitt bulls & rotties, but the ones in this park are NASTY! :(

    Please, Please, Please do not lump them into the same pile. I have a rotty pup. My other rotty passed in January. This dog had a list of references about her behavior as long as your arm. Yes there are bad ones but look at the owner not the dog.
    Thank you
  7. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Hello Czimm and welcome aboard!
    Well said concerning the owner not the dogs. :rolleyes:
    We too had a rottie for many years. A rescued version to boot. Would calmly look to us when someone came into our 'zone'. All I had to do, was quietly say..."its ok bear" and she would just sit on her haunches (usually on my foot).
    MUCH happier when we boondocked. At crowded campgrounds: she preferred to be inside the RV sleeping on the couch.
    Lowl growls...never barked. :unsure:
    However, let a police/fire siren go off... AAAAhhhhOOOOOOoooo !!! :lol:
  8. thomasgunnar

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    Mar 13, 2008
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    QUOTE(FosterImposters @ Mar 14 2008, 07:04 PM) [snapback]10737[/snapback]

    Hello Czimm and welcome aboard!
    Well said concerning the owner not the dogs. :rolleyes:
    We too had a rottie for many years. A rescued version to boot. Would calmly look to us when someone came into our 'zone'. All I had to do, was quietly say..."its ok bear" and she would just sit on her haunches (usually on my foot).
    MUCH happier when we boondocked. At crowded campgrounds: she preferred to be inside the RV sleeping on the couch.
    Lowl growls...never barked. :unsure:
    However, let a police/fire siren go off... AAAAhhhhOOOOOOoooo !!! :lol:

    Thank you for the welcome and for the wonderful story. My rotty needed to be around people and she absolutly loved camping. The more people the happier she was.
  9. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    Let me start by saying I am a dog lover. I have never been with out one. That being said I understand why There is a problem with some breeds. I agree to a point that it has some thing to do with th owner. Like it or not Pits and rotts are involved in a lot of awfull cases. And in almost every one the owner will testifie as to how wonderful there dog is. Never have I heard one say" yes I knew they had a mean strick.
    Insurance companies don't want to insure them. They can and do hurt people and other pets.
    When is the last time you heard of a beagle killing some kid? By you saying "not my dog" you fit right into the mold. I would rather have an owner say "yes they are big and powerful and yes they can hurt you."
  10. Critters n Me

    Critters n Me
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    Mar 20, 2008
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    I'm brand new to this site (and to RV'ing!!) but had to reply to the first topic I read on the message boards!
    I bought my first (old, or I guess "classic" hehehe) last fall, and travelled from my lifelong home in Missouri across the country to the Oregon Coast. I've been living my DREAM since!! I guess this is one place I don't need to explain that eh?
    Anyhow, I'm travelling with my "critters". Two kitty cats, and my three dogs. Well, this 24' RV is supposed to sleep six...and there are six of us!!! All the critters are doing great.
    This topic caught my attention right off, not only am I the recently resigned president and founder of a regional Humane Society, but I am also the very proud 'owner' of a very wonderful and sweet Rottweiler.
    Josie isn't just my buddy, she's also my Certified Assistance Dog, as I have Multiple Sclerosis. She has gotten me through many tough times with her gentle help, and her caring doggy soul!!! Yes, also, as a single lady travelling alone, I am also kinda glad that she DOES sound sorta mean when she barks!
    However, I am always very careful to warn everyone around that she is just a darling sweetheart of a dog, and let them pet her etc so they understand. Her bark isn't just worse than her bite....it's all she's got :) She wouldn't hurt a flea. She barks, yes, and it almost ALWAYS means "Let's play!!!".
    In my role as director of the Humane Society, I saw MANY aggressive dogs. Yup, some of them were Pit Bulls or Rottweilers. But many of them were chihuahuas too. Or Cocker Spaniels. Or "mutts" (which are my second favorite kind of dog!!). I'd just about rather be bitten by a large dog (Rott or Pit) than a little one (mini poodles come to mind....OUCH!)

    The problem is the aggressive dog....NOT the breed. If you look at the statistics, the actual truth is that mixed breeds bite more than any other kind of dog (of course, there are more of them!). It's the bites by these larger breeds, though, that make the news. It's the society we live in, and the horrid criminalistic PEOPLE who try to "train guard dogs", that cause aggression to happen in some dogs.

    It's my suggestion that if this original poster can't get the RV park to cooperate, it is her RESPONSIBILITY to report this aggressive animal to the local Animal Control Authorities, Police Department or Sheriff's Department. They will be able to evaluate if this animal is truly aggressive, is a threat to her or to others. Maybe this dog is a "Josie" and just barks mean..... imagine if you felt threatened everytime one of these yippy yappy little dogs (sorry Pomeranian owners!!!) barked and barked at every leaf that blew. But, if you are truly worried the thing to do isn't to just vent here....you should call local authorities and find out who is responsible for checking on vicious dog reports.

    I'm amazed that even here in Oregon, where it seems EVERYONE has a dog (or two or three), that there are some parks that just have blanket "breed bans"....and don't allow Rottweilers or Pit Bulls (many also ban ChowChows, German Shepherds, Dobermans etc). Of course, since my Josie is a Certified Service Dog, she isn't included in that, and I could challenge this in her case, but I wouldn't because it's not worth the stress!!!

    I think ANYTHING that causes a nuisance in a neighborhood, whether it's an RV campground or a large, expensive gated community of mansions, should be dealt with by those in 'authority'. However, when it comes to what has become known as Breed Specific Legislation, I am very opinionated too!!!
    "Ban the deed NOT the breed".
    Poster: Please report this aggressive dog, for evaluation, before some child is harmed. The main problem should be the threat of physical danger...not the inconvenience of an occasional dog bark!!!!
    Kathey and the Critters
  11. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    I am surprised that you blame the parks for the ban. They have to do what there insurance companies want them to do, or no insurance. Many home owners policies ban certain breeds also. It has been 15 years since I lived in a house but even back than some breeds were band.
    True all breeds can be aggressive. Which would you rather be attacted by a aggressive toy poodle or 110 pound rott? With the amount of bad pubilisity they have had can you really blame people for being scared
  12. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    I fully understand the park's position if it bans a specific breed of dog that has a reputation for being vicious, or a very large dog that can do damage to someone else. As Ben pointed out, the insurance companies are the ones that refuse to cover parks that allow any type of dog, and I can understand their position, too. If you are the gentlest, kindest, 65 year old guy in the world, with a perfect driving record, and you go out an buy a 400 horsepower sports car, you are going to get slapped with a huge insurance premium, if you can find insurance, because of the statistics regarding high horsepower sports cars. The same thing is true of dogs. It is regrettable that our pets, especially those who serve the handicapped, have such restrictions, but it is justifiable in my opinion.
  13. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    Dam I may end up liking this guy.
  14. thomasgunnar

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    Mar 13, 2008
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    QUOTE(Big Ben @ Mar 20 2008, 09:09 AM) [snapback]10814[/snapback]

    Let me start by saying I am a dog lover. I have never been with out one. That being said I understand why There is a problem with some breeds. I agree to a point that it has some thing to do with th owner. Like it or not Pits and rotts are involved in a lot of awfull cases. And in almost every one the owner will testifie as to how wonderful there dog is. Never have I heard one say" yes I knew they had a mean strick.
    Insurance companies don't want to insure them. They can and do hurt people and other pets.
    When is the last time you heard of a beagle killing some kid? By you saying "not my dog" you fit right into the mold. I would rather have an owner say "yes they are big and powerful and yes they can hurt you."

    Yes they are involved in some awful cases. But,why does an owner put his/her dog in a position to hurt or be hurt. I have been bitten twice by dogs. Neither a rotty. I am on my second one now and still have all my fingers.

    By the way, as far as insurance go to Calgary Canada and there is an insurance company that will give you a discount because you have a rotty.

    I have no problem with sites that do not allow my dog. I just wont stay there and I will ask family and friends not to stay as well. My biggest issue is when I ask if the have any pet restrictions and am told no. Just pick up after them and keep them on a leash. When I show up with my reservation they say no because of my dog.

    Sorry,I know I go off on this subject but I have issues with my dog being lumped into the description of a bad dog. She was socialized with other dogs and people not just a few but hundreds. She was never put into any situation where harm could come to her or people.

    My dog has many references from vets, campsite owners, neighbors, friends. If you want names and numbers just ask.
  15. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    Ben: Now, don't get carried away.
  16. Farmerswife

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    Jan 20, 2009
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    I feel compelled to comment on this issue as I am a dog lover, responsible owner, and an open minded person (or try to be!) Pit bulls in public access places--RV'ing, dog parks, loose on the run, auctions, flea markets, etc. trouble me greatly whether I am with my dogs or without. I know people say look to the owner, not to the breed--but that is AFTER THE FACT. There may be many wonderful pits--but I don't know the great ones from the killers and I can't look at an owner and predict the future, mostly. (Some owners are quite predictable by virtue of their behavior and their lack of sensitivity.) Responsible pit owners need to understand the reasonable fear people have and keep their dog out of public access places where there are other dogs or young children. I will not stay in a private RV park that allows pit bulls, and will leave an event or location where a pit bull is mingling in a crowd. This decision is an informed decision, not an irrational bias.
  17. westernrvparkowner

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    Sep 6, 2008
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    I have to agree with Farmerswife, When I see a dog, I see the dog, not the owner. Dogs don't have a picture of the owner tatooed to their side. My park isnurance exempts Rottwiellers and Pit Bulls from my coverage. If a guest has one of these breeds and it harms one of my other guests I am on the hook. THe insurance company will not pay a claim or defend me in court. Heaven forbid someone gets seriously injured. I am not willing to risk my business and all my personal assets because someone tells me their dog is "friendly" I will not be surprised if when my policy comes up for renewal more dogs are added to the exempt list. The fact that someone pronounces their dog as "friendly" is not sufficent for the insurance company and consequently we must regretfully refuse any guests with these exempt breeds.
  18. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Well said Farmerswife.
    Long ago, in another life, we were owned by a rescued rotty. She was a lovable lump...but you sure couldn't tell that from looking at her.

    Mostly boon-docked then, middle of local deserts...so she looked the part of a protective companion for me as I hiked alone.

    In retrospect...2 adults and a large dog was comical in our first couple 'weekend warrior' RVs. Thank heaven for overhead beds. She couldn't reach us to jump in. :lol:

    Remember wide-eyed State and Federal park rangers when we'd pull up to kiosks to check-in. She could stand on the couch behind the driver's seat and stick her entire head out the window to check them out...at eye-level. Just wanted a free petting. ;)

    Miss her...but that was then. I wouldn't subject her to our current 'RV park mode' world. Neither would understand.
  19. thomasgunnar

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    Mar 13, 2008
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    QUOTE(Big Ben @ Mar 20 2008, 09:34 AM) [snapback]10818[/snapback]

    I am surprised that you blame the parks for the ban. They have to do what there insurance companies want them to do, or no insurance. Many home owners policies ban certain breeds also. It has been 15 years since I lived in a house but even back than some breeds were band.
    True all breeds can be aggressive. Which would you rather be attracted by a aggressive toy poodle or 110 pound rott? With the amount of bad pubilisity they have had can you really blame people for being scared

    No I can't blame the campsite for following their insurance company's policy. What I can blame them for is the way they treat me when they tell me my dog is not allowed.

    While in campsites my rotty is always on a leash as was my previous one. This is not for the general publics protection but it is for my dogs protection. There are bad people out there, the big ones are the worst, it hurts more when they hit you.

    I guess long story short is I would like people to give my dog a chance. If you ever see her come and say hi. We are saddened that the breed has a bad reputation, but we are doing our best to help change that. All we ask is for a chance to prove ourselves.

    OK I have a question.

    Do people view rottys with a tail different than ones without?
  20. meghann

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    Oct 9, 2008
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    I wantedt to say thank you. It's people like you that help others to realize that it's not the breed. I too have a rottie! Yes she is a big girl and yes she is a sissy! The reason that these big dogs get a bad rap is simply because they are big. When you are attacked by a beagle, poodle or other little dog do you really think that they are any less interested in killing you then a large dog? The difference is that they can't NOT that they don't want to. Most of the time when you hear of a rottie attacking the story starts with my dog was sweet but they always investigate and find out that there was much more to the story! People abuse animals, all they do is defend themselves. You must remember that! They defend themselves. When was the last time you heard a rottie try to explain himself.... duh, they can't! :angry: The pet owner is ALWAYS the problem. Puppies aren't born mean.... none of them! I take me rottie camping every where. When people say"is she nice" I resond with "very... but she is still an animal so don't get in her face. At that point she usually sits on them and holds them there so that she can turn around and lick them in the face anyways!!! As a matter of fact everyone that I have ever met was the same way!! Have a little respect people. Everyone had a right o there own dogs as long as they are responsible so don't pin it on the breed, pin it on the owner. I think someone should apologize it the pit bull in question. Maybe he/she has a rough life living with the owner that they have.QUOTE(Critters n Me @ Mar 20 2008, 11:20 AM) [snapback]10817[/snapback]

    I'm brand new to this site (and to RV'ing!!) but had to reply to the first topic I read on the message boards!
    I bought my first (old, or I guess "classic" hehehe) last fall, and travelled from my lifelong home in Missouri across the country to the Oregon Coast. I've been living my DREAM since!! I guess this is one place I don't need to explain that eh?
    Anyhow, I'm travelling with my "critters". Two kitty cats, and my three dogs. Well, this 24' RV is supposed to sleep six...and there are six of us!!! All the critters are doing great.
    This topic caught my attention right off, not only am I the recently resigned president and founder of a regional Humane Society, but I am also the very proud 'owner' of a very wonderful and sweet Rottweiler.
    Josie isn't just my buddy, she's also my Certified Assistance Dog, as I have Multiple Sclerosis. She has gotten me through many tough times with her gentle help, and her caring doggy soul!!! Yes, also, as a single lady travelling alone, I am also kinda glad that she DOES sound sorta mean when she barks!
    However, I am always very careful to warn everyone around that she is just a darling sweetheart of a dog, and let them pet her etc so they understand. Her bark isn't just worse than her bite....it's all she's got :) She wouldn't hurt a flea. She barks, yes, and it almost ALWAYS means "Let's play!!!".
    In my role as director of the Humane Society, I saw MANY aggressive dogs. Yup, some of them were Pit Bulls or Rottweilers. But many of them were chihuahuas too. Or Cocker Spaniels. Or "mutts" (which are my second favorite kind of dog!!). I'd just about rather be bitten by a large dog (Rott or Pit) than a little one (mini poodles come to mind....OUCH!)

    The problem is the aggressive dog....NOT the breed. If you look at the statistics, the actual truth is that mixed breeds bite more than any other kind of dog (of course, there are more of them!). It's the bites by these larger breeds, though, that make the news. It's the society we live in, and the horrid criminalistic PEOPLE who try to "train guard dogs", that cause aggression to happen in some dogs.

    It's my suggestion that if this original poster can't get the RV park to cooperate, it is her RESPONSIBILITY to report this aggressive animal to the local Animal Control Authorities, Police Department or Sheriff's Department. They will be able to evaluate if this animal is truly aggressive, is a threat to her or to others. Maybe this dog is a "Josie" and just barks mean..... imagine if you felt threatened everytime one of these yippy yappy little dogs (sorry Pomeranian owners!!!) barked and barked at every leaf that blew. But, if you are truly worried the thing to do isn't to just vent here....you should call local authorities and find out who is responsible for checking on vicious dog reports.

    I'm amazed that even here in Oregon, where it seems EVERYONE has a dog (or two or three), that there are some parks that just have blanket "breed bans"....and don't allow Rottweilers or Pit Bulls (many also ban ChowChows, German Shepherds, Dobermans etc). Of course, since my Josie is a Certified Service Dog, she isn't included in that, and I could challenge this in her case, but I wouldn't because it's not worth the stress!!!

    I think ANYTHING that causes a nuisance in a neighborhood, whether it's an RV campground or a large, expensive gated community of mansions, should be dealt with by those in 'authority'. However, when it comes to what has become known as Breed Specific Legislation, I am very opinionated too!!!
    "Ban the deed NOT the breed".
    Poster: Please report this aggressive dog, for evaluation, before some child is harmed. The main problem should be the threat of physical danger...not the inconvenience of an occasional dog bark!!!!
    Kathey and the Critters

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