Posts Disappearing

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Texasrvers, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Recently I have written 3-4 replies to other posts. However, after I have finished my reply and I click on "Add Reply" the message disappears and I get a screen that says I must log in. I know I am logged in or I wouldn't have the reply screen in the first place. This doesn't happen every time, but enough that it is really maddening because my reply isn't posted and I can't get it back.

    Also many times when I am typing a reply a large portion of it will just disappear. At first I assumed I was doing something to cause this, but this happens frequently even though I try to be very careful. Also this only seems to happen on this web site. I use Microsoft Word a lot and this problem does not seem to happen with it.

    I have been posting for over a year and don't think I am doing anything wrong. Does anyone know why this is happening?
  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    That is no fun! I think the webmaster may be the one to help here. I do not remember a problem due to this. Also you may be dropping the link to internet for a micosec and that would do it.
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Thanks for trying to help, John. Unfortunately even if your explanation is the case it does not stop the problem. So I think I’ll start composing my reply in “Word” and then copy and paste it into the reply box. (Which is what I did this time.) At least that way if the reply isn’t posted I will still have a copy of it in Word and can try again. That takes only a little more time than typing directly into the reply box, but is far better than completely losing everything I've written.
  4. MaineDon

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    Jan 31, 2007
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Mar 12 2007, 02:34 PM) [snapback]6490[/snapback]

    Recently I have written 3-4 replies to other posts. However, after I have finished my reply and I click on "Add Reply" the message disappears and I get a screen that says I must log in. I know I am logged in or I wouldn't have the reply screen in the first place. This doesn't happen every time, but enough that it is really maddening because my reply isn't posted and I can't get it back.

    Also many times when I am typing a reply a large portion of it will just disappear. At first I assumed I was doing something to cause this, but this happens frequently even though I try to be very careful. Also this only seems to happen on this web site. I use Microsoft Word a lot and this problem does not seem to happen with it.

    I have been posting for over a year and don't think I am doing anything wrong. Does anyone know why this is happening?

    I have had the same problem, Texas...but only on one computer: the one with high-speed, Roadrunner, DSL. My antiquated dial-up system at my other house does fine. Odd.
  5. obxblond

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    Nov 2, 2005
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    This is my first post so I have no experience with the disappearing act. Maybe on a related topic though - I have not seen any new RV Park reviews added to the home page in four days.
    Anyone else notice this?
  6. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Obx, It has been my experience that there will not be any new reviews for several days and then a whole bunch will appear all at once. I think this is because the webmaster looks at each review before it is posted, and I am assuming that he/she gets to that just whenever he/she can find the time. I am also assuming he/she has another life besides checking reviews for this web site and may not do it on a daily basis. He/She may actually be on a trip themselves right now. I'm also sure that there are periods of time when less reviews are written so less are posted. I'm sure more will be appearing soon.

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