Problems Posting New Reviews

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by dodge guy, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. dodge guy

    dodge guy
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    May 13, 2007
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    Anyone else had a problem with submitting a review? this is the 3rd time I`ve had a review kick me back to the beginning to tell me to pick a state only to find it has completely deleted everything. and it`s not me because it has been with three different computers. I had a nice long review of a new campground and the site just totally lost it.
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    First, sorry you have had a problem. My first suggestion is to always copy the text of your review before submitting it. In fact, I write all my reviews in a word processor such as MS Word and then paste them into the review comments. That way if it is lost, I still have a copy of the text.

    Next, the easiest way to start a review is to look up the park listing, and there will be a "Review This Campground" button. If you click on it, the system will take you straight to the form for that park and you do not have to pick a state or the name of the park from the drop down lists. This can help avoid mistakes. Course this would not work in your case because you said it was a new park. Again I am sorry, but I cannot tell you what the problem is. When the system detects that information is missing it is supposed to highlight the missing item(s) in red, but it is also supposed to keep the rest of the review intact. Choosing the state is the first step and this must be done before the system will even move on to the next step, so getting a message that you need to pick a state is very confusing to me, but I won't say that it can't happen.

    All I can say is please try again, and be sure to copy your review this time. Also if this happens again, please let us know.
  3. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    One more little note. If we have the review you will see a BIG Thank You. If you do not see this at the end a mistake has been made and we will not have the review.

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