Pull Throughs

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by Texasrvers, May 21, 2009.

  1. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I just read two reviews (same park; different reviewers; a year apart) that complained (and slammed the park) because they had to turn right to get into their pull through site. One person even stated that "pull thru's are always from the drivers point of view or to the left." That is news to me. I first thought they meant they had to do a sharp right turn which could have been a problem, but I looked at the park on the map, and it clearly shows that the sites are angled. As I think of the places we've stayed I can remember quite a few that had right (angled) turns into the pull through.

    Have I been turning into pull through sites wrong all these years?? Now that I know I am supposed to turn left, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle a right turn anymore. Should I start giving parks a 1 if there are left turns?? :p

    Joking aside can someone tell me why pull throughs are supposed to be to the left?
  2. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    If you are by yourself, and you don't have a Class A, B, or C, but are pulling a trailer, you are then at a disadvantage if they are many trees that you must navigate on the outside turn.

    Personally, I don't have a problem with this. It's when I have to back in to the right, then I have to constantly stop, get out, and make sure I'm not going to hit anything.
  3. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    My wife hates pull thru's. With a back in, she has a great chance to yell at me.
  4. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ May 21 2009, 11:00 PM) [snapback]16516[/snapback]

    I just read two reviews (same park; different reviewers; a year apart) that complained (and slammed the park) because they had to turn right to get into their pull through site. One person even stated that "pull thru's are always from the drivers point of view or to the left." That is news to me. I first thought they meant they had to do a sharp right turn which would have been a problem, but I looked at the park on the map, and it clearly shows that the sites are angled. As I think of the places we've stayed I can remember quite a few that had right (angled) turns into the pull through.

    Have I been turning into pull through sites wrong all these years?? Now that I know I am supposed to turn left, I'm not sure I'll be able to handle a right turn anymore. Should I start giving parks a 1 if there are left turns?? :p

    Joking aside can someone tell me why pull throughs are supposed to be to the left?

    I've had both and no problems with either. My only "fear" is making sure my egress is as easy as the ingress.
  5. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    I guess I hadn't noticed....... If it's pull through, I pull through, and it doesn't matter which way I have to turn.....

    I don't like back-in, but I won't refuse to take one. I figure with a lot of practice, I will eventually get the hang of back-in.

  6. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ May 21 2009, 10:00 PM) [snapback]16516[/snapback]

    ...Have I been turning into pull through sites wrong all these years...??

    First time we heard of this 'rule' was while caretaking last summer for a new RV park owner in Oregon.

    His freshly planted saplings presented no problem, however his layout was for left turns INTO the pull-thru sites...and gentle right turns EXITING the sites. Had painted giant white arrows on the black-top to nudge everyone to leave in this manner.

    Had a number of folks confide:
    1. Not used to leaving their site by a different route than they had entered, (usually can only backtrack to exit a park)... and
    2. They had gotten used to the left-turn-only-rule in so many other RV parks.

    Didn't matter what rig folks are driving/pulling: SOOOO easy to cut that right corner (and whatever is sitting in that spot) when turning to the right.

    Guess I had learned 'farmer right-turns' early on in my driving development...ha!
  7. westernrvparkowner

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    Sep 6, 2008
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    Thanks for the posts. I saw those same reviews and wondered the same thing. I have never had a complaint about which direction a person had to turn into a pull thru. In my park you go down the road and pull thrus are on both the right and the left. Unfortunately, do to limited space they have to be at near 90 degrees. Would love to have made them more angled, but I have to play the cards the land has dealt. When people turn right they do have a tendency to cut the corner, hence all our right turns are flaired. Still lose a little grass, but what the heck. Doesn't take much for some people to get bent out of shape. But I have to admit, being incensed about right side pull thrus is very high on the "get a life" list. I will also bet the posts are from the same person, maybe different user names, the same homo sapien. There cannot be two people on the planet who would give a park the lowest possible rating because the pull thrus require a right hand turn. Good Grief, what would the park get if they had to turn right and it was raining! :D
  8. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    The great thing about this site is that it lets you see things in a way different from your own RVing experience. We have always had a class A and do not tend to think about how things may not be the same for other types of RVs. I had never thought that turning into a spot would be different for a towed RV, but now I know. Also there are two of us so one can drive into the spot while the other yells instructions (actually we use walkie-talkies so that we don't have to yell and disturb the neighbors.) I'm sure it is much more difficult to get on the pad and line up the utilities if you are by yourself. Guess I learned something today. Thanks.
  9. Gunnar

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    Feb 10, 2009
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    I never would have guessed there was a proper way to enter a pull thru site. I must admit I have never thought about it either.

    We normally take pull thru sites as a last resort. Our 5th wheel is only 30' so we like to leave the pull thrus for the folks with the big stuff. I find that at many campsites the back in sites are just as nice and sometimes nicer.

    The spot we normally camp at has left hand turns into their pull thru sites. We take a back in and the owner is always at the site to guide us in.
  10. RV Camper1

    RV Camper1
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    Jul 10, 2005
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    The thing about most pull-through sites is that when angled well, if you enter with a left turn, then you have to leave with a right turn. Enter with a right turn then you leave with a left turn. It may well be true that it is easier for the driver to observe his rig when turning to the left. but I was lead to believe that mirrors are there to watch the side when turning to the right? And it isn't at all difficult to do, either.
  11. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    I generally use pull throughs only for overnights, so I don't have to remove the TOAD. I could care less whether it is right or left turn. If it is raining, however... (see above).

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