Punctuation Rules

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by chrisbjork, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. chrisbjork

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    Nov 3, 2009
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    This issue is minor I know, but since I am something of a purist insofar as English is concerned it is of interest to me: In the context of the guidelines for posting RV park reviews on this site, what set of rules requires that all words within quotation marks be in initial caps? E.g., why is “This Is An Example” acceptable while both “This is an example” and “this is an example” are not (and, if I understand correctly, would cause a review to be rejected for publication)? According to the rules I learned, the only time the first word within quotes requires an initial cap is if it is dialogue; I have never heard of a rule requiring initial caps for all words within quotation marks.
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I did not write the guidelines, but I assume you are referring to the following passage [brackets are mine]:

    [Spelling "my best camp" or "my town" without the first letter being a capital letter or "WISCONSIN" in all capitals is not correct punctuation. "My Best Camp" and "My Town" and "Wisconsin" is correct! ]

    All this is saying is that the names of campgrounds, cities, and states should be capitalized correctly. The examples of correct and incorrect capitalization are shown in quotes to set them apart from the other text. The words my best camp and my town were simply used to stand for the real name of the camp or town. The quotes themselves have nothing to do with the capitalization in this example.

    Rules of correct capitalization call for the first letter of all words in a proper name to be capitalized, and all capitals should not be used.

    To use real examples:

    Kentucky Horse Park Campground is correct
    kentucky horse park campground is not correct
    Kentucky horse park campground is not correct

    Gun Barrel City is correct
    gun barrel city is not correct
    Gun barrel city is not correct

    Utah is correct
    UTAH is not correct

    Does this explain what you were asking about?

    All that said, if there are one or two small mistakes in a review the checkers will usually correct them and post the review anyway. However, totally unedited reviews with numerous mistakes will be deferred back to the reviewer. Reviews do not have to be perfect, but they do need to be reasonably correct and easy to read and understand. It is not unusual for over a hundred reviews to be submitted in a day, and the checkers cannot keep up if they constantly have to make major corrections.

    Thanks for your inquiry, and I hope this has given you the information you wanted.
  3. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(Chrisbjork @ Nov 6 2009, 01:11 PM) [snapback]19925[/snapback]

    This issue is minor I know, but since I am something of a purist insofar as English is concerned it is of interest to me: In the context of the guidelines for posting RV park reviews on this site, what set of rules requires that all words within quotation marks be in initial caps? E.g., why is “This Is An Example” acceptable while both “This is an example” and “this is an example” are not (and, if I understand correctly, would cause a review to be rejected for publication)? According to the rules I learned, the only time the first word within quotes requires an initial cap is if it is dialogue; I have never heard of a rule requiring initial caps for all words within quotation marks.

    In the unlikely case that this is your first forum, you will probably be aware that spelling, grammar, and punctuation are rarely properly used on ANY forum. Spelling is my big bugaboo, but I got over it years ago. I guess if people want to demonstrate how poor their spelling is, that's ok. As long as I understand what they are trying to say, I accept it. Forget about them using spell checkers. That's entirely too much trouble!
  4. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    In the unlikely case that this is your first forum, you will probably be aware that spelling, grammar, and punctuation are rarely properly used on ANY forum. Spelling is my big bugaboo, but I got over it years ago. I guess if people want to demonstrate how poor their spelling is, that's ok. As long as I understand what they are trying to say, I accept it. Forget about them using spell checkers. That's entirely too much trouble!

    I usually make an feew speling and punctuation mystakes on purposie so ya"lll wo'nt think I is perfect. The kids nowadays have no clue about this sort of stuff and u can expect this sort of thinges to get alots worste in the future. I probaly wrote the Kentucky Horse Park myself as we were there recently and they had it that way on their sign. Great place by the way no matter how you spelll it and I thought that was the hole point.
  5. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Hi Lin,

    Either I don't understand your post or you don't understand the point of my previous post. I wasn't pointing out that someone actually misspelled or incorrectly capitalized Kentucky Horse Park Campground in their review. I simply chose to use it as my example because it was a real place (as are Gun Barrel City and Utah), and it had several words in the name which would demonstrate correct and incorrect capitalization. I did this because the OP did not seem to understand that the words my best camp and my town were only used as as examples of places, and I thought it might make a little more sense if I used real names. There were many other camps, towns, and states I could have chosen, but I just happen to pick these.

    Also I know you were being funny with all your misspelled words, but unfortunately what you wrote is like some of the real reviews that are submitted. And as I said before the checkers just don't have time to correct a review like that. So yes, while the "hole" point of this website is to submit reviews, they still need to be reasonably well written.
  6. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 7 2009, 03:58 PM) [snapback]19938[/snapback]

    I usually make an feew speling and punctuation mystakes on purposie so ya"lll wo'nt think I is perfect. The kids nowadays have no clue about this sort of stuff and u can expect this sort of thinges to get alots worste in the future. I probaly wrote the Kentucky Horse Park myself as we were there recently and they had it that way on their sign. Great place by the way no matter how you spelll it and I thought that was the hole point.

    Now THAT made me laugh! I bet you had to try hard to make some of the mistakes you made.
  7. RV Camper1

    RV Camper1
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    Jul 10, 2005
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    We clearly do not want to offend the language inspectors that are part of our new federal controls of the internet!
  8. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 7 2009, 02:58 PM) [snapback]19938[/snapback]

    I usually make an feew speling and punctuation mystakes on purposie so ya"lll wo'nt think I is perfect. The kids nowadays have no clue about this sort of stuff and u can expect this sort of thinges to get alots worste in the future. I probaly wrote the Kentucky Horse Park myself as we were there recently and they had it that way on their sign. Great place by the way no matter how you spelll it and I thought that was the hole point.

    I understood your post the same as if you spelled everything correctly and used perfect grammar. :lol:
  9. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    Normally, I write my replies on in my word processor and then paste it into the thread. I got in this years ago. I also believe it is faster as I am a lousy typer and this way I can go fast and let the computer do the corrections.
  10. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 9 2009, 01:09 PM) [snapback]19967[/snapback]

    Normally, I write my replies on in my word processor and then paste it into the thread. I got in this years ago. I also believe it is faster as I am a lousy typer and this way I can go fast and let the computer do the corrections.

    That's a great idea. On occasion, my fingers type faster than my brain can keep up and I see those dreaded red lines under numerous words that I have to go back and change, LOL!
  11. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    I am afraid we are in the last generation that will know how to spell and use proper punctiation. I recently heard that many districts were dropping cursive writting.
  12. jan-n-john

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    Nov 1, 2007
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 9 2009, 09:02 PM) [snapback]19970[/snapback]

    I am afraid we are in the last generation that will know how to spell and use proper punctiation. I recently heard that many districts were dropping cursive writting.

    Your right. There going to get worse, everyday. This is agreed to by my wife and I, e.g the too of us. To many people getting it wrong. Their just not literate. They need to do something about there spelling.
  13. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Oops, I think you misspelled a couple of words. Shouldn't it be, "This is agreed two buy my wife?" :p :D
  14. coacbcps

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    Jun 3, 2009
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 9 2009, 09:02 PM) [snapback]19970[/snapback]

    I am afraid we are in the last generation that will know how to spell and use proper punctiation. I recently heard that many districts were dropping cursive writting.

    This is true. As a teacher, it's nice if a child can read and write in cursive but to tell you the truth all they need to know is how to sign their name in cursive (for checks and other important documents). Personally I just wish students wrote LEGIBLY (print or cursive). Many of them look as if they are writing with their toes! :lol:
  15. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Nov 9 2009, 07:02 PM) [snapback]19970[/snapback]

    I am afraid we are in the last generation that will know how to spell and use proper punctiation. I recently heard that many districts were dropping cursive writting.

    Unfortunately, you're probably right. I still try to write cursively as much as possible, especially when it comes to corresponding with family and friends. I still write out my own Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc...even the envelopes, I haven't succumbed to labels...yet, LOL!

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