Rv Full-timers Dilema: An Idea....

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by DXSMac, Nov 25, 2007.

  1. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    The Real ID Act, if it ever is implemented (currently delayed), will cause problems for Full-Timers. The biggest problems are vehicle and drivers licensing, and determining a "residence" state.

    For vehicles: I have seen 18 wheelers rolling around with something called an "apportioned" license plate. Well, why can't full-timers get something similar to that? Have each state sell a special uniform license plate for "full-timer" RV folk. This plate would cost, say, $76. Of this $76, $1 would go to the Federal Government (Dept of Homeland Security? Just playing with ideas....). Of the remaining $75, each state would get $1.50. Ok, there would be some bugs to work out, for example, should Hawaii really get a share of this, because...... can you theoretically expect someone to "drive" to Hawaii? Ok, counties would lose revenue on this one..... Still gotta work some bugs out.

    Driver's Licenses: Just pick a state and stick with it. But, since the Real ID Act is trying to lean us to a "national" ID card (which I'm vehemently against!!!!), well, have Dept of Homeland Security issue a "national" Drivers license. Again, split the revenue among the 50 states. Ok, counties might lose revenue again.....

    Residence: With the recent flap over (I forgot the name of the county) in Tennessee that refused to let someone vote because they "didn't have a connection other than a mailing service...." Well, here is a compromise. Each state have a special "RV registration." On this one, you just, well, admit you don't care about "local" elections. You vote only for STATE elections. It would be an "at large" voting registration for that state. This way, you get around any "connection to the place" issues.

    So, what would be wrong with these ideas? Or let's come up with alternatives if these ideas don't work!

    JJ :blink:
  2. Bud in Florida

    Bud in Florida
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    Apr 9, 2007
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    I have often thought that someone in a state with no income tax, like Florida ought to just sell 1 sq foot lots to full time RVers. They could then have a physical address and get their driver's license in Fla-- pay property taxes etc and have a mailing address.
  3. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(Bud in Florida @ Nov 26 2007, 08:08 PM) [snapback]9237[/snapback]

    I have often thought that someone in a state with no income tax, like Florida ought to just sell 1 sq foot lots to full time RVers. They could then have a physical address and get their driver's license in Fla-- pay property taxes etc and have a mailing address.

    Isn't that already what CMRA's (Commercial Mail Receiving Facilities, i.e., Mail Boxes Etc) do? Ok, you don't "buy" the slot, you rent it...... CMRA's used to enable you to have a "physical" address until some law was passed in 1999 requiring CMRA's to require their clients use "PMB" as part of the address (Private Mailing Box).

    But maybe..... as long as it was a piece of ground...... and not a building........ it might work! Ok, what would be done with this 1 square foot? Just let it go to weeds? Hmm..... maybe some closed landfills might work! Buy 1 square foot of that!


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