We are selling our nearly new tow dolly and are looking for listing alternatives beyond FB marketplace, Offer UP and Craigslist. Suggestions please, for the Tampa Bay, FL area?
Whats wrong with all those places? When we were in a rv park over the winter last year the next door guy in the park had a tow dolly he wanted to sell as he was switching to a Jeep he could flat tow. The Craig's list ad was seen by a fellow living almost 500 miles away that drove to buy it. Listing with very clear photos, a accurate discription and expecting a realistic price should get you a real buyer.
Yeah, i really dont see a problem with Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace, as well as similar sites. I have bought and sold motirhomes, cars, and other items on CL frequently. Sure they get a bad rap sometimes in the media, but in most cases, if you take basic precautions, you should be fine, and will find a buyer.