We want to be able to travel in the summer without having to stay in parks that have lots of kids around. We want to travel in the cooler climate states. Can anyone help?
I don't know of any, but I find unless to go to the beach, Disney or places kids like to go, there usually aren't that many kids.
Judy, From what we have found on our last 8800 mile trip in spring, kids would not be a problem. We do not see a lot of kids anyplace we go. Most of the 55 plus parks are down here in FL, also in TX and AZ. Disneys park or beach will have a ton of kids but that is not in the north. Go out and have some fun!
Try the CG's adjacent to Casinos.....Hinckley, MN.....Morton, MN.........Mesquakie (Tama, IA----electric only, but free.)-----Mahnomen, MN..........Prior lake, MN.......Welch, MN.............St. Hilaire, MN...............Flandreau, SD..............Deadwood, SD.