We are planning to spend our first winter in AZ. We decided on Bullhead City and maybe head south and spend a month in Yuma, Anyone have any suggestions on rv parks in either place? It`s always better to know before you make a reservation what someone else thinks of the parks in the area
If you will go to the RV Park reviews section of this website, you will find nine reviews on five different parks in Bullhead City, and 22 reviews on nine different parks in Yuma.
To me Bullhead City is a close copy of the moon. Not a lot of anything around the place. We went 5 miles one night around Bullhead City to find a place to eat, no luck. As soon as you cross the river into Laughin life picks up again, but no one could live to long in Laughin. As you move south it is better around Lake Havasu City, lots of very large RV parks. In Yuma you will see this is the place to be. The hold city is a large RV park. On Hwy. Bus. 8 you see RV parks on top of RV parks. City is OK and has lots of places to eat and things to do near by. Tons of people down for the winter months and lots live in Yuma full time.