State Parks: Can't Find Ranger? Get The Camphost!

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by DXSMac, May 31, 2009.

  1. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    I camp hosted at a State Park in WA for 2.5 weeks and had a wonderful time! However, there was an "incident" at 1:00 AM (squatters who came in and took over unused portions of two different sites already occupied and paid for).

    At this State Park, the rangers stay until 2:00 AM on Weekends. The occupants of one of the two sites tried to find the ranger (who was apparently on "rounds" at the time) and couldn't. So, they called the Sheriff, only to be told by the Sheriff that it was "not my jurisdiction."

    Well, I didn't hear about it until 6:30 the next morning. The people didn't know they could have come to get me, and I had phone numbers and would have gone down the chain until I got someone. Heck, the head ranger lived on the premises, I would have pounded on the door!

    The squatters were still there at 6:30 and I called a ranger. The squatters packed up and got the heck out of there before the ranger got there, so couldn't do any citations.

    Even though you may only "work" a few hours each day, as a Camp host, you are "on duty" 24/7 (or it was explained to me that way....). So, if you can't find the ranger, pound on the camp hosts door, even if it's 1:00 AM!

  2. John Blue

    John Blue
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    Nov 9, 2003
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    The odd part is you find this type of people all over. I would not call they RV people more on the bum side of life. They side in late and find a site, side out next day before anyone picks up on problem. It saves them money, this way they have more dollars for beer and drugs. :(
  3. n2travel

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    Jun 25, 2009
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    I had encountered a squater before. They tore down my tarp and chopped a few big marks in the tree next to the tarp, im gathering to scare me away. I had to go 30 miles north to check on my grandmother and was not expecting to come back until the next day.

    While venturing to my grandmothers, the park had called me to verify I had left as the date card on my sites post was removed and someone had taken over my camp area. I told the camp office no I didnt take the date card down and would be back.

    This park has hosts that travel the park all the time and know who is who in each site.... thank god... but i know it had to be those people who tried scarring me out of my wits by knocking my tarp down and put foot long marks in the tree next to it..... Just never know... parks just arent what they use to be 10-20 years ago as a child.... totally different.... really ashame
  4. RV Camper1

    RV Camper1
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    Jul 10, 2005
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    Having been a campground host several times in different states, I will say that most of the people in the parks are still good folks and very honest. there are occasional problems, usually with kids or young adults, but some of that has been true for many years.

    We have had a few instances of similar problems, but not that many. There are still far more good people in our parks than bad.
  5. n2travel

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    Jun 25, 2009
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    I totally agree with you. Can't stop enjoying life because of the few tainted apples.... just need to be awake, aware and alert and have a back up plan. Unfortunately things just arent what they use to be.... and the only problem with this statement.. is when I was younger I promised myself I would never sound like the adults who repeated those same words...

    QUOTE(Kirk @ Jun 26 2009, 06:45 PM) [snapback]17143[/snapback]

    Having been a campground host several times in different states, I will say that most of the people in the parks are still good folks and very honest. there are occasional problems, usually with kids or young adults, but some of that has been true for many years.

    We have had a few instances of similar problems, but not that many. There are still far more good people in our parks than bad.

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