Submitting Campground Reviews

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by b2bowers, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. b2bowers

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    Jul 22, 2009
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    I wish you'd change the review to not require someone to have camped at a campground in order to post a review. Many times we go to campgrounds and check them out prior to staying to determine what they are like. We visit the office and get the information on what they provide and the rates they charge. Sometimes we ask one of the existing camper residents what they think of the park. The owners always let us drive through the campground to look at the camp spots. Likewise why do you limit the year to enter when at a campground to only the existing year? We've stayed at some just last fall but I can't enter anything but this year.
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    The reason this website wants reviewers to actually stay at the park is because unfortunately not everyone is as conscientious as you about getting all the facts. Many times someone will just drive by a park, look at it from the road, and make a judgement call. It may be an accurate assessment of the park, but more than likely it is not. This is not fair to the park or to the people who read the review.

    I think at one time all reviews, regardless of the date stayed, were allowed. At some point it was changed and the stay date could not be older than a year because it was felt that any information older than that would not be very helpful. There was some talk of changing that the date to 6 months back because of the large numbers of reviews that come in. If a campground does not get many reviews then one from 7-8 months ago would be OK; but in most cases campgrounds get many new reviews every month, so why would someone want information that is much older when there are dozens of more up-to-date reviews.

    All that said, currently there does seem to be a glitch with the date. At the first of the year the date was set to 2009 and even reviews that were from Dec 2008 could not be entered. This was reported to the webmaster, but it may have gotten lost in his long "to do" list. If this happens again in 2010 I will certainly mention it.
  3. buffpilot

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    Oct 2, 2008
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    Hi, I am a newbie and have submitted a couole of reviews but they have not been posted. I try to be careful with spelling and short and to the point but what am I missing. Thanks Buffpilot
  4. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I cannot locate any reviews under your username. However, there are tons of backlogged reviews right now, and I could have missed them. Are you sure you got the "Thank You" screen at then end? If that screen did not appear then your reviews were not submitted. If you don't mind telling the names of the campgrounds here I can look a little more.

    Ok I just found one of yours. It is in the holding queue because apparently it is the only one that was submitted. I don't know what happened to the other one but for some reason it did not get submitted. The one we got started with MC in the name. Please submit the second one again, and then be patient. As I said there is a huge backlog, but the admins that check reviews are working as fast as they can. And whoever thinks people aren't traveling as much should see all the reviews that are coming in.
  5. buffpilot

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    Oct 2, 2008
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Jul 26 2009, 05:27 PM) [snapback]17774[/snapback]

    I cannot locate any reviews under your username. However, there are tons of backlogged reviews right now, and I could have missed them. Are you sure you got the "Thank You" screen at then end? If that screen did not appear then your reviews were not submitted. If you don't mind telling the names of the campgrounds here I can look a little more.

    Ok I just found one of yours. It is in the holding queue because apparently it is the only one that was submitted. I don't know what happened to the other one but for some reason it did not get submitted. The one we got started with MC in the name. Please submit the second one again, and then be patient. As I said there is a huge backlog, but the admins that check reviews are working as fast as they can. And whoever thinks people aren't traveling as much should see all our reviews that are coming in.

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