The Brains In Washington Have Done It Again

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Beastdriver, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    By now, I should not be surprised at the stupidity often exhibited by Washington, but I am. Today, I received in the mail the government "coupons" good for $40 off TV converter boxes to be used when the nation switches over to digital TV next year. Remember, we have until mid-February to install these boxes on our older motorhomes but, when I looked at the coupons, I note they expire in 90 days and are not good for the months that follow. We are leaving in a few days on a seven-month trip and it is not convenient for me to put the motorhome in the shop for the upgrade, but the wizards of Washington didn't even consider this. I'll toss the coupons and install the converter when I am ready. Can somebody explain to me why our government issued coupons to convert prior to the switchover deadline in mid-February, but made the coupons worthless fully EIGHT MONTHS before the changeover? Wonders never cease!
  2. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    You will probably be more upset when you find out that I agree with you on the idiots in Washington. I too was surprized that we actually had a common ground. Please don't take it to hard. ;)
  3. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(Beastdriver @ Mar 18 2008, 05:32 PM) [snapback]10792[/snapback]

    By now, I should not be surprised at the stupidity often exhibited by Washington, but I am. Today, I received in the mail the government "coupons" good for $40 off TV converter boxes to be used when the nation switches over to digital TV next year. Remember, we have until mid-February to install these boxes on our older motorhomes but, when I looked at the coupons, I note they expire in 90 days and are not good for the months that follow. We are leaving in a few days on a seven-month trip and it is not convenient for me to put the motorhome in the shop for the upgrade, but the wizards of Washington didn't even consider this. I'll toss the coupons and install the converter when I am ready. Can somebody explain to me why our government issued coupons to convert prior to the switchover deadline in mid-February, but made the coupons worthless fully EIGHT MONTHS before the changeover? Wonders never cease!

    What do you mean..... "put the motorhome in the shop for the upgrade????" I don't have my coupon yet. I figured the converter box was just a box with cables that I could install myself! Why would we have to put our motorhomes in the shop to have the converter box installed? Am I making an incorrect assumption here?

    Couldn't you take your coupon with you and buy the box on your way somewhere?

  4. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    To Ben: Actually, I agree with you more than I disagree. You would be surprised, too.

    JJ: You don't know me, but I can't sharpen a pencil without screwing it up. When I look at all the wires, connections, plugs, etc., on our tv/sound sytem, there is no way I am going to try to put in a converter box, not to mention I have no idea where it goes. Perhaps you will have better luck!
  5. gsbogart

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    Jan 10, 2006
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    QUOTE(Beastdriver @ Mar 19 2008, 10:26 AM) [snapback]10801[/snapback]

    To Ben: Actually, I agree with you more than I disagree. You would be surprised, too.

    JJ: You don't know me, but I can't sharpen a pencil without screwing it up. When I look at all the wires, connections, plugs, etc., on our tv/sound sytem, there is no way I am going to try to put in a converter box, not to mention I have no idea where it goes. Perhaps you will have better luck!


    Your statement in II really sums up in a more descript and succinct way than I would have ever been able to articulate, regarding some of your previous comments in this forum. But..... what can I say....You said it all.
  6. denbroncs

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    Jun 24, 2005
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    I already have one of these & they are not a big deal. Basically, it goes between your antenna and your TV. If you can hook up a VCR, you can do this. If you struggle with the VCR, then head for the shop. :D
  7. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    gsbogart: Thanks for the compliment. By the way, have you ever had a single post without a mispelled word? Its Beastdriver, Botart.

    denbroncs: Thanks for the advice. I'll try it.
  8. RLM

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    Aug 24, 2006
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    I suspect that everyone, except the worst of the liberals, knows that our policy makers couldn’t find their butts with both hands in broad daylight.

    It normally would be a simple installation, but keeps in mind that also having a satellite receiver, VCR, DVD player, or surround system in line with the TV will make it a bit more complicated. In addition, if there is a switching control box for different TVs in the rig, then it will also be a little less simple.

    I’ve wanted to replace the boat anchor TV in the rig with a flat screen for some time. I’m going to put the converter box money into one of those. By the time anyone paid a shop bill plus the cost of a box, you could buy the newer TV.

    Do we need to call the Kindergarten Cops? :lol:
  9. Ed Mac

    Ed Mac
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    Mar 15, 2008
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    Gee, I remember when I first started camping way back in the late 50's. No million dollar movie star coaches. No one knew what a fifth wheeler was. A tow behind tent camper was the best of the best. No cell phones, no satellites (never mind satellite dishes) and you were lucky if your "C" cell battery powered radio lasted all day. DVD players and VCRs? Cable hook ups and WiFi? Gray water tanks and black water tanks? People respecting each other and each other's camp site? People cleaning up after themselves and their dogs and children? No loud, blaring radios and boom boxes, and partying well after the posted quiet time. Profanity! Booze! Maybe I'm just an old fashioned ground camper and Liberal purest, but, from what I've seen and continue to see while out and about, leads me to believe that all the idiots are not in Washington. Happy trails!
  10. denbroncs

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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Gee, I remember when I first started camping way back in the late 50's. No million dollar movie star coaches. No one knew what a fifth wheeler was

    The irony is that it is not uncommon to see a camper that is irate because there are "too many trees" and he cannot get his satellite to function. Camping now means something different to almost everyone.
    Me? Camping is being in an area that has so many trees that I would not even consider bringing a satellite dish. My wife would prefer the coach was without a TV - but cmon, it's March Madness!! :lol:
  11. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    One of the beauties of RV'ing is that there are as many opinions, likes, dislikes, preferences, and attitudes as there are people. Somehow, we all get along and, for the most part, respect each other's space. It's a huge country with vast spaces and widely diverse camping opportunities. There is a place for everyone.
  12. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    QUOTE(Beastdriver @ Mar 20 2008, 09:28 AM) [snapback]10811[/snapback]

    One of the beauties of RV'ing is that there are as many opinions, likes, dislikes, preferences, and attitudes as there are people. Somehow, we all get along and, for the most part, respect each other's space. It's a huge country with vast spaces and widely diverse camping opportunities. There is a place for everyone.

    Everyone ????? Even Jerry ?????????

    A reply to the subject of the time limit on the converter coupons:
    Maybe it's one of Washingtons' answers to stimulate the declining economy......
    One never knows how or what those in Washington are thinking.......
  13. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    Butch: Ha! Ha! Yes, even for Jerry. He means well, I'm sure, but his pomposity is a bit difficult to take sometimes.

    And you give too much credit to Washington for thinking, something that is apparently alien to those bureaucrats.
  14. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(denbroncs @ Mar 19 2008, 10:11 AM) [snapback]10804[/snapback]

    I already have one of these & they are not a big deal. Basically, it goes between your antenna and your TV. If you can hook up a VCR, you can do this. If you struggle with the VCR, then head for the shop. :D

    Debroncs, does it allow you to get the channels you can't on an analog? I do subscribe to cable, and supposedly, if you subscribe to cable, you aren't supposed to need a converter. Well, I disagree with that statement. Why? Because, at home, I have both an analog and digital TV. Recently, when my cable company sent out a statement saying that more digital channels were available, I rescanned the digital, and I got three extra channels (in addition to a gazillion audio channels), but I cannot get these channels on my analog. That's why I'm getting a tuner, to see if it will give me at least the three extra channels. I can do without the audio channels.


    QUOTE(denbroncs @ Mar 20 2008, 07:11 AM) [snapback]10810[/snapback]

    The irony is that it is not uncommon to see a camper that is irate because there are "too many trees" and he cannot get his satellite to function. Camping now means something different to almost everyone.
    Me? Camping is being in an area that has so many trees that I would not even consider bringing a satellite dish. My wife would prefer the coach was without a TV - but cmon, it's March Madness!! :lol:

    I guess I look at it as.... the reason for RV'ing is to see stuff. If your TV doesn't work because there are too many trees in the way, oh well, take it in stride. The RV is merely a shelter over your head. Ok, I do love to watch TV, but not to the point where I GOTTA have a satellite.... On the other hand, if I were to get into camp hosting, then maybe we would be talking satellite....

  15. denbroncs

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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Debroncs, does it allow you to get the channels you can't on an analog? I do subscribe to cable, and supposedly, if you subscribe to cable, you aren't supposed to need a converter.

    If you have cable, you may or may not get HD channels that are currently available over the air for free. I have the DISH and I do not get any local channel in HD - but I can receive a HD signal over the air (for free) with a converter or a simple HD antenna. For example, channel 6 is abc; 6.1 is 24 weather; 6.2 is 24 hour live doppler radar - those channels are not offered with cable. The only advantage of cable are the cable channels, i.e. ESPN, CNN, etc.

    Please take note that if you have a HD television and an antenna that picks up a HD signal, you will not need a converter. If you do not have an HD television, a HD antenna or converter will allow you to tune into HD channels although they would not actually be in HD.
  16. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(denbroncs @ Mar 20 2008, 02:27 PM) [snapback]10823[/snapback]

    Please take note that if you have a HD television and an antenna that picks up a HD signal, you will not need a converter. If you do not have an HD television, a HD antenna or converter will allow you to tune into HD channels although they would not actually be in HD.

    Ok, I don't care if they are in HD or not, I just want to get the extra channels that I can't get on my analog. Actually, the HD doesn't mean a thing to me. I just watch the show, I don't care about seeing the wrinkles in the actor's skin......
  17. firesafety552

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    May 11, 2006
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    QUOTE(denbroncs @ Mar 20 2008, 03:27 PM) [snapback]10823[/snapback]

    If you have cable, you may or may not get HD channels that are currently available over the air for free. I have the DISH and I do not get any local channel in HD - but I can receive a HD signal over the air (for free) with a converter or a simple HD antenna. For example, channel 6 is abc; 6.1 is 24 weather; 6.2 is 24 hour live doppler radar - those channels are not offered with cable. The only advantage of cable are the cable channels, i.e. ESPN, CNN, etc.

    Please take note that if you have a HD television and an antenna that picks up a HD signal, you will not need a converter. If you do not have an HD television, a HD antenna or converter will allow you to tune into HD channels although they would not actually be in HD.

    are we talking HD or Ditigal..not all is going to HD in Feb....My understanding if, you have cable or sat, and a Digital capable TV..then you won't need to do anything...also the outside antenna, for the analog will work for the humble opinion after reading a bunch of staff.
  18. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    There seems to be more than a little confussion here. We were talking about HD, and that is what the converter box is for. If you don't have a HD TV you will need a converter box or you will not be watching TV.
    That is why our wonderful fathers in Washington see fit to send us $40 so we can all still watch them on TV.
    firesafty I think you need to to go back to reading. With out an HD TV or a box you will be out ofTV. :rolleyes:
  19. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Hmmm, doesn't sound like the confusion is cleared up yet. The following is quoted from the website.

    It is important to understand that the DTV transition is a transition from analog broadcasting to digital broadcasting. It is not a transition from analog broadcasting to High Definition broadcasting. Digital broadcasting allows for High Definition broadcasts, but High Definition is not required, and you do not need to buy a HDTV to watch digital TV. A Standard Definition DTV (which is simply a TV with an internal digital tuner), or a digital-to-analog converter box hooked to an analog TV, is all that is required to continue watching over-the-air broadcast television. Digital broadcast television includes Standard Definition (SD) and High Definition (HD) formats. You can watch High Definition programming on a Standard Definition DTV (or on an analog TV hooked to a digital-to-analog converter box), but it won’t be in full High Definition quality. It is also important to know that Standard Definition DTVs are comparably priced to similar sized analog TVs.
  20. Big Ben

    Big Ben
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    Nov 12, 2004
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    Well maybe I need to go back to reading. Bottom line is if you have an older tv you need the box or you can't watch tv correct?

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