Thugs Should Be Shot.....

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Cheryl Fuller, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Okay, I realize there are those who will disagree with me. It just burns my hide for people to think they have the right to take what someone else has worked hard for. My son has a new Mustang - he has had it about 3 weeks. He saved until he had the money to pay cash. He called me this morning and said when he was leaving for work, he discovered his brand new car sitting on blocks...someone decided they liked the wheels and tires. Now insurance says they never got the request to transfer his policy from his Jeep Wrangler (which he traded in) to the Mustang, but he did the change. I don't know what that entails as far as them covering the loss, he is still trying to deal with it all. Of course, he will have to replace them but hopefully will get some reimbursment. He works fulltime but is also in school finishing up his master's degree, so doesn't really have the money to replace them as he just used his savings on the car. So I imagine that mom and dad will be offering to lay out the money until insurance decides what they are going to do. I think the world would be a better place if we could get rid of all the thugs!!! Yeah, I am mad, so excuse my venting....not only because those type of sleaze bags get by with it (even if they get caught, nothing is really going to happen), but also because they did it to my baby!!!
  2. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    Cheryl: Sorry about your son's experience. But, when you use the word "thugs" in the same sentence with crooks and insurance companies, you have to be specific as to which you are calling thugs. To most of us, especially those who have lived through hurricanes, the real thugs are the insurance companies. Unfortunately, both kinds of thugs--the robbers and the insurance companies--are due to one thing and one thing only--the best Congress money can buy--literally.
  3. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    I understand your anger but will disagree with you on a level you may not expect. From reading many of your posts, you come across as a sweet woman who tries to be nice to everyone. People knowing this forum personna might be surpised by your response to this incident. My initial response: Get your priorities straight. If this is the worst "crime" your son ever experiences in his life, he's lucky. One of my teenage nieces was mugged last summer coming home home at 9PM from her part-time job at a Walgreens in one of Chicago's "nice" suburbs last summer. She suffered a broken arm and numerous bruises - all for less than $20. She didn't think any of the 3 attackers were any older than her (17). Her older brother used to pick her up when she worked late, but he left for Army boot camp at the begining of August. He will probably be leaving for Iraq within the next few months. So, do you want to switch places with my sister-in-law? PRIORITIES!!!

    Your son seems to be doing well: a job that allows him to afford to pay cash for a new Mustang, almost through with grad school, and, from the way your story was told, living independently. Maybe this incident can mark his emergence as an independent adult who solves his own problems. Just a thought.

    Would I have killed to protect my niece? Yes. Would I kill to protect 4 tires? Never.

    Jerry S.
  4. COWolfPack

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    Sep 29, 2006
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    Sorry to hear about what happened to your son. I did have one question for you. Any time I have ever bought a car I have needed to call my insurance company while I was at the dealer and have my insurance company fax over proof of insurance on the car I was buying to the dealer. I was wondering if your son had also done this. I know this might not be the case since your son paid cash but it he did have to do this the dealer might still have a copy of this fax even if your son doesn't. This would be one way to prove that the car should be covered. I would also like to suggest that with a car this nice your son might want to invest in a car alarm. A few hundred dollars now could save more in the long run. Also, if you don't mind me asking, what insurance company is he dealing with?

    Sorry to hear what happened to your niece also. I hope she is doing well and has been able to recover from that traumatic experience. Although I have had a car broken into before (someone stole and equalizer out of my Chevette when I was a teenager) I have never been personally attacked like that and wouldn't wish the experience on anyone, except maybe the thugs that are out there. It would be nice for them to get a taste of the terror they cause other people. By the way, did they ever catch the people?
  5. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    COWolfpack, no, the dealer didn't fax anything to insurance. May be different in the Springs than it is here in Denver because we have never had the dealer do this either, we have always called the insurance agent sometime after we arrived home with the new purchase - usually the next day or so. An adjuster is coming out tomorrow to look at the car - he said that he is not sure if it will be covered though because you are supposed to notify them within 14 days of the transfer of insured vehicle and he has had the car 19 days. Even though he did notify them the following day, the agent said they don't have it. I think they really do though and are trying to get out of paying because when my son spoke to the assistant later, she said that they show he has 3 vehicles insured - the Jeep, his motorcycle and the Mustang. He told her no, that he had traded in the Jeep on the Mustang. We'll see what they have to say after tomorrow. Beastdriver - I am inclined to agree with you about it being hard to distinguish who is the crook...
  6. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    As I posted in a different thread, my son totaled my truck last Tuesday night. We didn't notify the insurance company until Thursday after my other (mechanic) son looked at it. I had a check in my hands Monday, for quite a bit more than we were expecting I might add. Today, I got a phone call from their concierge department offering my help in finding a replacement. Our insurance company - Progressive Drive. And to second what COWolfPack said, my car salesman called my insurance company to put the new car I got on the policy before I left the dealership.
  7. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    Thank you for your sympathy and concern. No one was ever caught. Although only a suburb, the town is 45,000 people surounded by similar sized 'burbs. While not a crime-ridden town, the police said they are understaffed due to 15% of the force (reservists and guardsmen) having been called to active duty in recent years. Homeland Security!!!!

    I had thought about bringing up the car alarm and insurance issues to Cheryl, but didn't because, as I implied in my post, maybe it is time for Cheryl's son to learn how to do these things himself.

    Jerry S.
  8. Meterman46

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    Mar 12, 2006
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    Cheryl Sorry to hear about the lost. In the City of Champaign just south of where I live about 20 miles ( yes Jerry it's 20 minutes to drive) The Ford Dealership lost 2 whole sets of rims & Tires from 2 Brand new Mustangs!!!!!!! The owner of the dealer was pleading with the public for any information on the thefts. I don't think they caught anyone yet. I personally had someone break into my garage this past fall while I was away camping It is not a good feeling to know someone has been where they don't belong, I got lucky as nothing was stolen but that feeling of trust is gone & I don't know who it was...I do know that all of my neighbors didn't see or hear anything but when anyone of us leaves we always make sure the others around us know who is gone just in case. Because now a days you never know. It doesnt matter weather or not it was paid for in cash or if your son was on his own or still living at home. A theft still hurts regardless of who,what or where. Rims and tires aren't cheap .I'll PM you with some more info on some help maybe with the insurance as remember my wife works. Hope they catch the thieves. Brian
  9. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Jerry S. I agree that if this were the worst crime my son were to experience, it would be good but unfortuneately, it isn't. 3 yrs. ago, he was on one of his motorcycles when he was hit by someone driving a stolen car and fleeing a crime scene. Of course, they also fled that scene and left him there lying on the road. It was touch and go for a while and he endured 3 very long surgeries over the next year, the shortest being 8 hrs. long. When we arrived at the hospital, the Dr. was very frank with us and told us that he was not sure that my son would survive his injuries. He had to fight his way back and will always have some physical disabilities from it. So, I have been in the position of not only having my child injured but also of being told he might not make it thru the night. I spent countless nights sitting beside his bed in that hospital, praying. I am not going to debate to what degree crime should be punished, because I do believe that criminals should pay high prices for their crimes. While it is true that I don't believe they should really be shot for theft, one has to wonder why, in countries where they get their hands chopped off for stealing, crime is very low. We recently discussed that here in another thread, so my feelings on that aren't secret. I don't know if I have ever talked about that time, which was the lowest point in my life, here before. Jackie, who I consider a dear person and a good friend, is probably the only one here who knew about it, as I knew her before she came to this forum . Okay, I have rambled enough - I just wanted to make my point that I do have my priorities children are my #1 priority and even though they are grown, mama gets upset when someone messes with them!!!
  10. Jerry S

    Jerry S
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    Jan 9, 2007
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    I sincerely apologize. In your situation, you have every right to be protective of your son. In my defense, just imagine that someone who didn't know your horrible experience of 3 years ago came to you with a story about her son similar to the Mustang story. While being sympathetic, I don't think you would have thought it was such a big deal.


    Jerry S.
  11. COWolfPack

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    Sep 29, 2006
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    Cheryl F.,

    I think there was a little misunderstanding. It is not the dealer faxing paperwork to the insurance company. What I have always done is I call my insurance company while i am at the dealer and then the insurance company faxes the proof of insurance to the dealer. The dealers I have always dealt with wanted proof of insurance before leaving the lot. However if your son waited until he got home to call this wouldn't help anyway.
  12. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    COWolfPack - thanks so much for your help - I know you were truly trying to offer a fellow Coloradoan (even though I will always consider myself a transplanted Texan!) direction. Thank you for that. Luckily, a dear kind soul here on the forum, happens to be married to an nsurance agent and their spouse took pity on me and contacted me with the information my son will need to move ahead and get this matter settled - I won't "out you" on the chance you do not want to be, but you know who you are and I sincerely thank you for that act of kindness.

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