"Trip To Bodega Bay, CA"

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by BankShot, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hi all -

    Just returned from spending a fabulous week over at Bodega Bay. We managed to squeeze this trip in between storms that have been saturating our much need dry state lately. For those of you who haven't visited this charming little seaside town it's well worth the visit, if of course you like the ocean. Stayed at Bodega Bay RV park which we highly recommended in our review and ate at a few very good small cafes and at Lucas Wharf where we also enjoyed a great lunch. Drove out to Bodega Head and up onto a bluff parking area overlooking the coastline to the north and south that was spread out to either side, as some fairly big waves crashed against the rocks below. Pretty spectacular sight. Lots of "touristy" shops inside the town limits of course but we still enjoyed playing tourist and going in and just browsing around. The best thing was the great weather the entire time we were there. Some good sipping of the old fermented grape juice going on in the evenings for sure. Getting there in the motorhome via Hwy 12 west out of Santa Rosa was a piece of cake drive. A few narrow spots but nothing that gave us any problems. Even going up Hwy One that Hwy 12 ends into was a beautiful drive with no problem areas whatsoever. One curve that I had spotted prior on Google Earth that appeared to be quite a tight one turned out to have lots of room to traverse even with another big Class A passing us in the other direction. Didn't even clip mirrors......... :eek: So, if you have ever thought about this area we can highly recommend it for a few days of relaxation, fine food and whatever your favorite liquid libation might be................

    Happy and safe travels, BankShot
    mdcamping and nedmtnman like this.
  2. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    So cool BankShot! Am so pleased you were blessed with some of our famous beautiful weather! You deserve it! Cheers!
  3. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    I have my first camping trip coming up in less than 3 weeks, I hope you plan on sharing some of that great weather with us here on the east coast. ;)

    Enjoyed reading your post, sounds like you had an awesome trip!

  4. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hey Mike -

    Hopefully by the time you leave on your trip the weather gods will be sending some good weather to your neck of the woods. In early May we are heading over to Arizona up near Sedona for a couple of weeks and will have our fingers crossed that the weather will be good then also. Found a park we will stay at for the very first time. Distant Drums RV Park near Camp Verde...............

    Enjoy your first trip...................Terry

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