Exercise for People over 60 Begin by standing on a comfortable surface with plenty of room at each side With a 5 lb potato bag in each hand extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, then relax Do this for several days and each day you'll find that you can hold this position a bit longer each day After about two weeks move up to 10 lb potato bags and do the same thing. Then go to 25 lb bags. After just a few short months you can try moving up to 50 lb bags and will eventually be able to hold your arms straight out for more than just one minute. (I am currently at this level) After you feel confident at this level go ahead and put one potato in each bag.............. BankShot............(aka Terry)
--------------------------------------------------------------- Absolutely it will........... Regards, Terry.............(aka BankShot)