I was due a new phone and got the new Verizon Droid. I was wondering if anybody else has it and what do they think. It has GPS with voice commands, email, internet access (unlimited for $29.95/month which is onlyy $15 more than I was paying for email only). It will take me a while to figure it out. Our 3 month trip delayed again as I have to get a new rear end in m truck. So far the Droid looks great.
Hi Lindsay, It gets great reviews. There are also ways to tether it to a laptop. Verizon is, at least for now, ignoring this "extra" feature. It would be a terrible thing to see the "Lindsay Pole" become a relic of the past......
My pattented pole will still be in use when when we have WiFi available. I have been playing with this phone and it is amazing. Still small for web surfing, but I can see the webpages very well. I am still amazed about it. I'll probably even enjoy it even better if I read the instruction manual.
My phone gets WiFi and phone internet. After testing it in 4 different places for speed of page loading, it looks to me that WiFi generally run about 3 times faster than the phone internet. It is slower even slower when testing a laptop on WiFi against my Droid on phone. At this stage, I don't see phones taking over WiFi, but it sure is nice when you don't have a lap top. I have spent the last 2 days hanging around the hospital while our daughter is getting some tests and they have a hot spot (free actually included in the $465/day) and it has really been nice. My fat fingers have gotten pretty good at it.
See the attached video about tethering to the internet using the Droid. Very interesting. http://blog.rv.net/2010/07/gabbing-with-th...t=Yahoo%21+Mail