Trying to hook-up with some friends coming from the North and seems like Bluefield, VA would be the half-way point. Anyone know of some good campgrounds around there? Ive looked at some state parks online but cant find any privately owned around there. We'll need room for a 30 foot TT. Thanks for any help, 4runner
No camprounds around Bluefield that I know about. Bluefield is a mountain city and full of large hills. No good for RV parks. I would look at new place. One park is near Wytheville, VA on other side of the hill from Flying-J fuel pits. Fort Chiswell RV Campground is off I-77 & I-81 at exit 80. Park is 1/2 mile off I-77 low noise from Hwy 52. Good Sams park, it has a small fishing pond, we have spent night in park and it was Ok, see write up. West VA is a hard place to find parks.