Another Expert Input!

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by abbygolden, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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  2. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(DXSMac @ Jan 20 2009, 12:37 PM) [snapback]14906[/snapback]

    If a campground host EXPLAINS the reason, like saying, "we get a great rate if our credit card amounts are at least $X," then I am happy and will write a check.

    But if the host just says, "nope, sorry, we just don't take credit cards..." without providing the reason, then I say POO ON THE HOST OR OWNER!

    And when I say "reason," I mean.... the real, actual, driving, reason. I do not want to hear a bunch of bogus words made up to concoct some "semblance" of being a "reason."

    Also, "our computer requires it" is NOT a reason! (Computers don't have the ability to "Require." The campground is the one who "requires," thus, the software is programmed for it..... so, the "reason" would be the driver for why the software was programmed for this.)


    This thread has gotten off topic, which is to be expected, unfortunately.

    Your attitude toward a host leads me to believe that you have never been a host. Too bad. You might better understand what it is like working with people if you had been. The host is an employee, he will do what he is instructed to do, not what he wants to do.
  3. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(westernrvparkowner @ Jan 20 2009, 12:03 PM) [snapback]14910[/snapback]

    I don't want to train all my employees on the backround of all policies. Sometimes a policy has an origin that is nobody's business except the owner of the park.

    Ok, I can understand that. I guess what I really mean is..... "attitude" of the host or owner. If they just nicely say, "we don't take credit cards" then I'm ok with that. But if they just sit there with this "haughty" look and say "we don't take credit cards" with kind of a "nanner nanner nanner" attitude, then I'm not happy.

    And to Gilda and AbbyGolden: that is what I meant when I said "poo on the owners." I guess I didn't make myself clear. I was talking about "saying it with a haughty attitude." I've had some campgrounds just nicely say they don't take credit cards, and I was ok with that. And I've had some say it with this..... kind of..... HAUGHTY attitude. Kind of a.... "nanner nanner nanner." That is what I find irritating!

    And to Lindsay: If it's illegal to offer a discount for cash, then how does the gas station ARCO get away with it? They are still doing that!

  4. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Gilda,

    What is the name of your park?

    QUOTE(gilda @ Jan 20 2009, 01:40 PM) [snapback]14909[/snapback]

    And I wouldn't want you as a guest with an attitude such as your's.
  5. denbroncs

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    Jun 24, 2005
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    QUOTE(gilda @ Jan 20 2009, 05:12 PM) [snapback]14914[/snapback]

    It is the case in ALL states. Anyone can give a cash discount, that has nothing to do with a credit card and their rules. You CAN NOT add fees on to anyone using a credit card.

    That is my point. Charging less for cash or adding a fee if someone uses a cc is the same thing - unless you want to argue semantics. By offering a cash discount, merchants are (wisely) jumping through the loophole and staying within their contractual obligations. Like I mentioned, I'm in the Midwest - so I cannot verify firsthand what goes on in the rest of the country.
  6. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    And to Lindsay: If it's illegal to offer a discount for cash, then how does the gas station ARCO get away with it? They are still doing that!

    Those of us who have or have had merchants agreements know that in most businesses, you are prohibited from offering a different rate for cash. It is right there in the agreement you sign. This evidently isn’t true in the gas station merchant agreement and is probably so due to the totally different price structure of the product. I would hope that a campground owner would look theirs up and report on it.
  7. Just Jack

    Just Jack
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    Jul 2, 2008
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    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Jan 19 2009, 09:00 PM) [snapback]14893[/snapback]

    Whatever the reason for not taking the credit cards, a little communication between the desk person at the campground and the camper, would have gone a long way to settling the problem and getting a “happy camper”. In our old business, we did not take credit cards for small purchases as our average ticket was almost $200 and we got a great rate from the credit card processor and selling inexpensive items reduced the average ticket drastically and hurt our rate costing us money in all sales. We explained it very carefully and people seemed to understand and didn’t get offended if we just said no we didn’t it. Once again communications can get through a lot of rough spots. Credit card processors have been hurt badly by the economy and the bankruptcies of the times. New rules protecting the “deadbeats” have had the affect of increasing rates for those of us who follow the rules and have good credit. We seem to be rewarding bad behavior and punishing good behavior these days.

    As a park owner we have had to limit credit card purchases on discounted rates but we still accept a debit card. In one year we saved over $6000 in bank charges for credit cards. A debit card costs us 65 cents per tranaction. It all comes down to the bottom line for the park.
  8. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(Just Jack @ Jan 28 2009, 05:52 PM) [snapback]14976[/snapback]

    As a park owner we have had to limit credit card purchases on discounted rates but we still accept a debit card. In one year we saved over $6000 in bank charges for credit cards. A debit card costs us 65 cents per tranaction. It all comes down to the bottom line for the park.

    I can understand that. However, from a consumer point of view, I have fewer "rights" with a debit card than I do with a credit card. I'd rather use cash or check than to use a debit card.

  9. pianotuna

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    Jan 7, 2007
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    Hi Just Jack,

    You didn't have to do that. You made a choice. Perhaps the right choice for you.

    QUOTE(Just Jack @ Jan 28 2009, 07:52 PM) [snapback]14976[/snapback]

    As a park owner we have had to limit credit card purchases on discounted rates but we still accept a debit card. In one year we saved over $6000 in bank charges for credit cards. A debit card costs us 65 cents per tranaction. It all comes down to the bottom line for the park.

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