Are You Getting Your Money's Worth Out Of Your Rv?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by mdcamping, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    We took a job managing a CG for 6 months and have been here almost 6 years. We are required to live in a house on the property while here. Before that we lived in our bus conversion. Since we only paid $1.00 for it I guess you could say we got our money's worth from it.
  2. John S.

    John S.
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    Nov 2, 2003
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    I look at the cost of ownership and say I got it covered. I used it 260 days last year but only 114 so far this year. Most years I use it about 100 or so days a year min.
  3. kc8rxq

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    Jul 27, 2012
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    To the original poster - Mike,

    To paraphrase an old addage "...the best laid plans of mice and men..." probably fits me. We bought out 5th wheel with the intention of travelling in the Summer when the DW is off from teaching (but still allow me to work as long as I had a good Verizon signal) but the following happened soon after:

    May 2012: bought the RV
    June/July 2012: cleanup after the east cost derecho that lasted the rest of the summer
    September 2012 through November 2013 helped care for my Mother until her passing
    June 2014: enjoyed a brief vacation between a death in the family (two days before vacation) and the DW getting sick during the trip. That was an adventure! I don't regret or resent anything that happened, and I don't oppose anything that has been posted, but we have no control over the occurrances in life and there are things that matter more than RV'ing.

    I'm hoping to take the RV south this winter to leave at a campground, and then try to make trips within that time. We'll see what develops and go from there.
    y'all enjoy the journey now!

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