Bathing Habits At Campgrounds...

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by NorthernIllinoisPlumber, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. jan-n-john

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    Nov 1, 2007
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    Perhaps I'm just out of the loop here, and admittedly we are not "campers," but for us the whole reason to get an rv and adopt the rv traveling style was to avoid using beds and bathrooms that everybody else also used. We have always thought of rv-ing as a way to not use motels when traveling, and instead have our own bed to sleep in and our own pot to *** in. But that theory extends to campgrounds. I personally have never yet used any campground bath house, and plan to keep it that way. We all (other than tent campers?) have facilities in our rv's. Why not just use them? Yes, it means that you have to dump it, but it's really not so bad once you get the hang of it. Buy a pair of rubber gloves and do it. Then you never have to even think about ladies who wash their feet in the sink (unless of course it's your wife, but I'm not going there).
  2. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Well this is a breath of fresh air. B)
    Started camping in tents (Europass and everything important is in the backpack on my back.) Talk about washing in sinks! Come on folks, get real.

    Here in the states, I could at least use the back of the Jeep to pack more creature comforts. Even so, got so disgusted with public bath and shower rooms as a necessary evil, that I made the decision. If I ever traveled full time in an RV, it would have an above average bath and shower!

    Was blessed at our first base camp (when I convinced the DH to go full time) to have great facilities. But gray/black tank managment is not rocket science. And it was soo much nicer to use our own bath, shower. Have never looked back. It's now a chore to peek into a campground or park's restrooms & showers so I can post a knowledgeable review!

    That said, I DID pick a park with robust facilities, when I knew a herd of offspring were about to come visit. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    QUOTE(FosterImposters @ Sep 23 2010, 08:49 PM) [snapback]24245[/snapback]

    But gray/black tank managment is not rocket science. And it was soo much nicer to use our own bath, shower. Have never looked back.

    My first RV..... I didn't want to use the RV toilet. I didn't want to deal with tank chemicals, I didn't want to dirty the black tank. Always picked RV parks with facilities. Well, one night, my dinner or something kind of.... "backfired" on me, needed to run to the facilities, and..... well..... I didn't quite make it, and if you want the gory details, PM me. After that, I started using the RV toilet. And now I have to deal with malfunctioning "fill sensors," but pretty much everyone deals with that on the black tank....... Those sensors get mucked up after awhile, despite my attempts to put lots of water in the tank.

    QUOTE(FosterImposters @ Sep 23 2010, 08:49 PM) [snapback]24245[/snapback]
    It's now a chore to peek into a campground or park's restrooms & showers so I can post a knowledgeable review!

    Me too....... And the exercise room, and the pet area, and the pool........

  4. Tallboy

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    Oct 28, 2004
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Sep 21 2010, 09:34 PM) [snapback]24203[/snapback]

    Thirty minutes for just a shower does seem too long. However, if these were individual bathrooms the ladies may have also been drying their hair or putting on make-up or doing other "lady" things. I can see where all of this could easily take 30 min. That is why it sometimes makes sense to have shower rooms separate from sinks and toilets so that more than one person can use the facilities at the same time. (Although we prefer the individual baths.)

    No. When I say 30 plus minutes, that is the shower water running. Can hear it through the closed door. Was a couple of times the other guy and I ended up knocking on the door to be sure the person inside was still alive. I was blown away on how long some men and women take a shower.
  5. lauriefla

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    Jul 2, 2010
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    Warm temperatures, beach camping, lots of sand, wearing swimsuits, legs to shave, sand to remove from spots that no sand should ever be in, long hair to shampoo and try to rinse in a trickle of water from a water saving shower head, trying to rinse sand out of hair.... Lots of reasons to be in the shower for a long time. Men be thankful things are easier for you with grooming!
  6. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    I'm a fence-rider when it comes to using my own shower facilities in our MH. I prefer to use our own if I have full hook-ups, but there are times I save money by getting W/E only, and then will use the campground facilities. I almost always use our own toilet.

    I too bought a MH to be able to use my own facilities, sleep in my own bed, and eat home-cooked food most of the time. That's why it puzzles me when I see a good-sized RV parked in a hotel/motel parking lot. Why??

    And yes, the non-flushers are true scum!!
  7. EMDQueen

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    Dec 2, 2010
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    This is why I use the bathroom in my TT for everything. I know who's been using it and I know when it was cleaned last.

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