Changes To Review Submittals

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by Webmaster, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. Webmaster

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    We have found it necessary to add some more security to the website when it comes to approving reviews. All members will now have to submit a minimum of three (3) different campgrounds before any of their reviews will be posted on the website. If you have not seen a recent review you submitted posted on the website that is because it is in a holding queue until the three review quota has been met and then they will automatically transfer to the approval queue and will then be posted. Any member that has already posted three or more will see no change. Sorry we have to do this but some campground owner's/employees think they don't have to follow the rules of this website and continue to try to post great reviews about their campground. The "great" campgrounds will never have to do that as they will always receive positive reviews from their customers. :) We have caught several and will continue to do so to try to keep this website as it was intended.
  2. campinggirl1964

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    Apr 28, 2005
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    It's too bad you have to do this to control who posts. However, I'd like to thank you for taking the extra time to ensure the reviews are legitimate before they get posted. It's too bad we (the people who read the reviews) didn't know which owners are trying to post their own reviews because they would be the kind of owner whose park I wouldn't want to stay at.

    Keep up the great work - this is a great rving resource.
  3. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    That is a shame because it's always the innocent who are hurt in the end.

    I love this site, but I'm what you call a repeat campground attendee....I latch on to a campground and usually stay there numerous times during the summer, but don't feel the need to post the same review for the same campground over and over. When I do go to another campground, I have posted the review here....the lastest one being this morning, but I guess nobody is going to see it, because I don't think in total I have posted over 5 reviews.

    I don't think a person should be penalized because of how few reviews they post...I don't know...just doesn't make sense to me....I'd be more inclined to think a person who posts a lot of reviews would be the one who possibly may be "inflating" for campgrounds, but that's just my opinion.
  4. gonefishin

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    Jul 17, 2006
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    QUOTE(Webmaster @ Jul 4 2006, 07:18 AM) [snapback]4533[/snapback]

    We have found it necessary to add some more security to the website when it comes to approving reviews. All members will now have to submit a minimum of five (5) different campgrounds before any of their reviews will be posted on the website. If you have not seen a recent review you submitted posted on the website that is because it is in a holding queue until the five review quota has been met and then they will automatically transfer to the approval queue and will then be posted. Any member that has already posted five or more will see no change. Sorry we have to do this but some campground owner's/employees think they don't have to follow the rules of this website and continue to try to post great reviews about their campground. The "great" campgrounds will never have to do that as they will always receive positive reviews from their customers. :) We have caught several and will continue to do so to try to keep this website as it was intended.

    This is a shame. I submitted my first ever review today because I am just getting into camping and felt compelled to warn my fellow campers of a really bad site in New Jersey. It is a shame that noone will get to see this review until I've gone to 4 more sites and reviewed them.

    If anyone is interested, I posted the main part of my review in the discussion area. Look for the green emoticon.

    Thanks and keep up the great work. This website is a tremendous service to people like me who are just getting started.
  5. pjtjmn

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    Mar 13, 2006
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    Just a thought..

    Five different locations? Wow, I just started camping, and I thought we were doing a lot of different locations this year at 4!!! With all the good reviews in "pending" status, we will be missing out on valuable information..

    I understand why you want to do this, but maybe there is another way to keep this honest??
    The new way actually gives the dishonest folks incentive to not only try to pump up their place, but hurt others..

    For example, if I were a dishonest CG owner, I could always give my own place glowing reviews and poor-to-middling reviews to nearby places...

    I was wondering why my review from two weeks ago didn't post!

    Maybe we could brainstorm a bit to think of another solution?
  6. BBear

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    Feb 20, 2004
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    QUOTE(pjtjmn @ Jul 17 2006, 05:39 PM) [snapback]4599[/snapback]

    Just a thought..

    Five different locations? Wow, I just started camping, and I thought we were doing a lot of different locations this year at 4!!! With all the good reviews in "pending" status, we will be missing out on valuable information..

    I understand why you want to do this, but maybe there is another way to keep this honest??
    The new way actually gives the dishonest folks incentive to not only try to pump up their place, but hurt others..

    For example, if I were a dishonest CG owner, I could always give my own place glowing reviews and poor-to-middling reviews to nearby places...

    I was wondering why my review from two weeks ago didn't post!

    Maybe we could brainstorm a bit to think of another solution?

    Great thoughts!

    I've been on this forum for a long time and I just feel totally offended by this new rule...I think it's totally inappropriate and serves no real purpose.
  7. dgc_61

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    QUOTE(BBear @ Jul 17 2006, 07:21 PM) [snapback]4601[/snapback]

    QUOTE(pjtjmn @ Jul 17 2006, 05:39 PM) [snapback]4599[/snapback]

    Just a thought..

    Five different locations? Wow, I just started camping, and I thought we were doing a lot of different locations this year at 4!!! With all the good reviews in "pending" status, we will be missing out on valuable information..

    I understand why you want to do this, but maybe there is another way to keep this honest??
    The new way actually gives the dishonest folks incentive to not only try to pump up their place, but hurt others..

    For example, if I were a dishonest CG owner, I could always give my own place glowing reviews and poor-to-middling reviews to nearby places...

    I was wondering why my review from two weeks ago didn't post!

    Maybe we could brainstorm a bit to think of another solution?

    Great thoughts!

    I've been on this forum for a long time and I just feel totally offended by this new rule...I think it's totally inappropriate and serves no real purpose.

    I am another vote for there otta be a better way. I reviewed at least one other park that got listed right away. Now my latest review is held up pending who knows how long. I even sent in a correction to another park listed in error but I suppose that can't be released either. Why don't you ask for references from new people before you allow them to review? Rv.Net or Escapees would be good sources.
  8. Zig

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    Jul 15, 2005
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    I think we should be able to rate the reviewers. "Was this rating Helpfully?" I have seen this on other opinion sights. If it is just one or two reviews that are out of line, people will know to disregard those as somebody with a ax to grind, or somebody affiliated with the campground.
    I am not going to fill out 5 reviews, due to the fact that we don't go to that many in one year. We do stay at one park for a week at a time, but, just do not go to that many campgrounds. This is a bad policy. :blink:
  9. boater

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    Apr 2, 2006
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    We are new campers -one year, and have visited several campgrounds, maybe7 or 8. most came recomended from reviews on this site. it would seem to me that it would be very fair to ask for a little resume when one joins the site that has a history for the person. from this it woud be easy to tell who was posting for themselves.
    As the policy stands now we would not be able to post for campgrounds because like most everyone else now we are staying longer at fewer campgrounds and chosing the ones we stay at very carefully from the existing reviews.
  10. stonybirch

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    Nov 27, 2004
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    :( I too think the new policy is a bad idea. I don't always post if I concur with a campground that has several reviews. I have referred numerous RVers and campers to site and they have told me how much it has helped them. Several have left posts, using pretty much the idea as I do. I really don't think the policy will prevent 'owners' from 'loading the reviews'--they'll just have more time on their hands with less business!!!! Let's all do some thinking about how the problem can be 'fixed. One major problem--there will always be dishonest people doing very ugly things!
    Every trip we take--long or short-I use this site as much as possible! Love the forums, too. Have gotten some great ideas along the way!!!
  11. Webmaster

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    QUOTE(boater @ Jul 24 2006, 09:05 PM) [snapback]4628[/snapback]

    We are new campers -one year, and have visited several campgrounds, maybe7 or 8. most came recomended from reviews on this site. it would seem to me that it would be very fair to ask for a little resume when one joins the site that has a history for the person. from this it woud be easy to tell who was posting for themselves.
    As the policy stands now we would not be able to post for campgrounds because like most everyone else now we are staying longer at fewer campgrounds and chosing the ones we stay at very carefully from the existing reviews.

    We have lowered the quota for new reviewers to 3 different campgrounds. This is a temporary solution to this problem and we will have a better solution soon.
  12. johnwadams

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    Mar 19, 2005
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    I moderate and approve new members to an outdoor forum. I will not approve anyone who fails to answer each of 3 questions when they register and they must have a verifiable (normally USA) e-mail address. I found that I had about 2 people with Russian e-mail addresses try to join each week. All they probably wanted was access to the members e-mail address. I have followed this forum for years and made numerous posts to it. I would hate to stay at a campground that got a terrible review but I was not allowed to see it, just because the reviewer wasn't "approved yet". There has to be a better way to verify that the person posting does not represent a campground.
    John Adams
    Memphis, TN
  13. pjtjmn

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    Mar 13, 2006
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    QUOTE(Webmaster @ Jul 25 2006, 04:31 PM) [snapback]4633[/snapback]

    We have lowered the quota for new reviewers to 3 different campgrounds. This is a temporary solution to this problem and we will have a better solution soon.

    :) Thanks for listening to our concerns!

    Like I mentioned in an earlier post, I understand WHY you want to enforce a new policy, but 5 did seem excessive....

    This site has been valuable for me, (I'm new to camping), and I wanted to be able to give back by posting my reviews...

    (And now I'll complete my third.. I wasn't going to bother until I read your new guidelines.)

    Now that I've got your attention... I do have one more suggestion: :D

    If only we could have an OPTION to switch back to the old format where you could see ALL of the reviews for an entire state listed one directly under the other.. It was more conveint for me to check out the whole state "at a glance". I know that others enjoy the new format due to slow computer speeds, but again, the OPTION to switch to "all at once" would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks again....
  14. Johna Kaye Lane

    Johna Kaye Lane
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    May 28, 2006
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    I think that I may have made the same review of the same campground, When I get to my 5 reviews will it post the same one twice :eek:
  15. blomquir

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    Aug 23, 2004
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    I'm with them. Even at 3 reviews it's a bad deal for the users.

    Our family only stays at a formal "campground" once or twice a year....the rest of the 10 trips a year we make is dry-camping out in the boonies. Basically, we hate campground camping but when we choose to camp in a campground it's critical to see reports from folks in order to make our stay as less-irritating as possible......and the more folks and the more reports the better. This new policy stiffles that. It also puts a clamp on us being able to submit reports for a couple of years (until we meet the new threshold for reporting)

    There's got to be a better way, especially for those of us that have already been published 1 or more times on the site.
  16. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    QUOTE(blomquir @ Jul 27 2006, 09:39 PM) [snapback]4665[/snapback]
    I'm with them. Even at 3 reviews it's a bad deal for the users.

    Our family only stays at a formal "campground" once or twice a year....the rest of the 10 trips a year we make is dry-camping out in the boonies. Basically, we hate campground camping but when we choose to camp in a campground it's critical to see reports from folks in order to make our stay as less-irritating as possible......and the more folks and the more reports the better. This new policy stiffles that. It also puts a clamp on us being able to submit reports for a couple of years (until we meet the new threshold for reporting)

    There's got to be a better way, especially for those of us that have already been published 1 or more times on the site.

    I think it is a necessary step to insure that campground owners do not come here and try to stack the deck in their favor. Maybe you should post reviews for the past campgrounds you have stayed at. You said you have submitted 1 but I would assume you have stayed at more than 1 campground. I support the webmaster in his efforts to keep the forum a true review by campers and not owners. I am sorry that you feel you are being left out but I really don't see any other way that wold not involve greater time and expense.
  17. blomquir

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    Aug 23, 2004
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    I submitted 1 in 2004 which is still out and can be read. I also submitted one a week or 2 ago from a trip we made last year (never posted on the site but now I know why).

    Fast forward to tonight. I just reviewed another CG we stayed at in June. When I finished that I saw a notice on the top of the page that said something to the effect of "thanks for submitting a review, we're holding it until you reach 3 reviews of different campgrounds, you have 1 of the 3 required on hold".

    So the system is not counting the one I have published from 2004, nor it is recognizing the one I reported on a couple of weeks ago (from a trip last summer). Frustrating................

    p.s. I think those folks that are submitting bogus reports to bolster campgrounds should be identified on the page.
  18. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I am still fairly new to this site, and I don’t want to anger all the good RVer’s who write honest reviews or the wonderful folks who do such a good job maintaining this site. What a job it must be to screen all those reviews! But here are my thoughts.

    If campground owners really want to be dishonest and post a review for their own campground, they will find a way to do it regardless of the restrictions that are placed on this site to try to keep them from doing just that. So then it is really the honest reviewers who are being hurt by the restrictions, not the campground owners. You have indicated that you have ways of determining if the review is from a campground owner, but I would bet that for every way you have, a dishonest person can figure out many ways around it. The only thing that keeps anyone (RVer or owner) from writing a dishonest review is his/her own honesty and integrity.

    Also, if some people write only one review a year it could be three years before their first review is posted. Campgrounds can change a lot in that time, and I think most people who use this site would prefer a much more recent review of a campground before choosing it.

    I just wanted to voice my opinion, but let me end on a good note. This is still a fantastic site. I always rely on it to plan our trips, and it has been a great help.
  19. Syl

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    Aug 5, 2006
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    Is there a link to click on to find out what campgrounds I've posted about? I'm new here and maybe it's staring me in the face but I don't see it. We took a lengthy trip recently and I'm not sure which reviews I've left that are in the 'hold' area waiting to be approved. I know ... it's not very smart of me, but I thought the posts would pop up quickly so I did not write them down. Now I am reluctant to add more in case I've already done so. Help. :(

  20. Lucky Card Campers

    Lucky Card Campers
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    Jul 16, 2006
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    On Monday (2 days ago) I posted a review to the site and it hasn't shown yet. I have other reviews on the site so obviously I have met the 3 visit quota- what can be wrong?

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