Family Friendly Campgrounds

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by coacbcps, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(brep @ Nov 13 2009, 10:49 AM) [snapback]20004[/snapback]

    I am an owner of a park and have struggled with this issue for the past few years. We did, finally, decide to charge for children this year.

    Our thinking is this. Why should a family of 2 have to pay as much as a family with 2 to 4 children? There are multiple costs to having all of the extras we have to provide for the little ones. We do not think it fair to overcharge couples so that little ones can be free.

    I understand how the families feel but we have to be fair to everyone, don't we? :unsure:

    Brep, I agree with you, if a side is calculated for a specific number of person, every extra one should pay extra.
  2. Lonesoldier

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    Sep 21, 2009
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    :angry: So I have to pay for the crumb snatchers :lol: Even if I am camping alone. Why? You pay for your kids and I still have to pay the price of two. I am pretty big but don't use as much water or electric than two people. I agree a flat rate for families, 2 or 4 is the best solution but one person should get a discount from the standard charge of two. :p Of course there is always the ones that will pick up all the neighbor hood kids and bring them along even if they don't have any of their own, because they get the family rate. :unsure:
  3. parkowner

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    Sep 17, 2009
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    I am a park owner and our rates are set up for 2 adult people per camper and any extra person 12 years old and older are charged $3.00 a/night.This is set up in our ads and policys.

    We have'nt had any complaints at this time and we have been in business since 1983.

    Hope this has helped.
  4. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(Lonesoldier @ Nov 13 2009, 06:47 PM) [snapback]20009[/snapback]

    :angry: So I have to pay for the crumb snatchers :lol: Even if I am camping alone. Why? You pay for your kids and I still have to pay the price of two. I am pretty big but don't use as much water or electric than two people. I agree a flat rate for families, 2 or 4 is the best solution but one person should get a discount from the standard charge of two. :p Of course there is always the ones that will pick up all the neighbor hood kids and bring them along even if they don't have any of their own, because they get the family rate. :unsure:

    Ha, ha, ha and don't complain, yes I believe that you are alone but when you bring in your girlfriend for the day :lol: or a bunch of guys to play cards, how much extra water and electricity are you using .... ;) and that without considering the extra garbage (i.e. beer bottles and McDonald’s containers to be thrown away by the resort..... :D !!!
    And that is also part of a good Samaritan who's sharing the cost with those with too many children...... :rolleyes:
    By the way, consider that, if you are a good catholic you may forfeit 10 or 15 years of purgatory for your sins.... he, he, he
  5. Lonesoldier

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    Sep 21, 2009
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    QUOTE(Galli @ Nov 16 2009, 05:33 PM) [snapback]20025[/snapback]

    Ha, ha, ha and don't complain, yes I believe that you are alone but when you bring in your girlfriend for the day :lol: or a bunch of guys to play cards, how much extra water and electricity are you using .... ;) and that without considering the extra garbage (i.e. beer bottles and McDonald’s containers to be thrown away by the resort..... :D !!!
    And that is also part of a good Samaritan who's sharing the cost with those with too many children...... :rolleyes:
    By the way, consider that, if you are a good catholic you may forfeit 10 or 15 years of purgatory for your sins.... he, he, he

    :lol: I am over and down at the bottom of the hill, no partying for me, been there, got it out of my system :( Check the name) :) . I have never complained and won't, if I want to stay at a park, I pay to stay. :eek: If I don't, thats what wheels are for, to move on down the road, over the next hill, etc.
    If the park says it is family friendly, then don't add extra charges for kids, they are part of the family, including the dog, cat, pet pig or whatever. Charging extra for the kids, if you advertise family friendly, should not mean you have a swing, there should be daily activities that are kid friendly, if not I would consider it false advertising. :(
  6. brep

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    May 1, 2009
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    QUOTE(Lonesoldier @ Nov 16 2009, 09:45 PM) [snapback]20026[/snapback]

    :lol: I am over and down at the bottom of the hill, no partying for me, been there, got it out of my system :( Check the name) :) . I have never complained and won't, if I want to stay at a park, I pay to stay. :eek: If I don't, thats what wheels are for, to move on down the road, over the next hill, etc.
    If the park says it is family friendly, then don't add extra charges for kids, they are part of the family, including the dog, cat, pet pig or whatever. Charging extra for the kids, if you advertise family friendly, should not mean you have a swing, there should be daily activities that are kid friendly, if not I would consider it false advertising. :(

    It is not just a swing. It is face painting and arts and crafts, ceramics, relay races, candy bar bingo, etc, etc.
    I guess what I take offense to is the---We are not family friendly---part. Are you suggesting that I should raise my rates evenly across the board and charge you, a single person, the same that I would need to charge that family of six? What am I now, not couple or single friendly? Doesn't seem fair to me.
  7. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(brep @ Nov 17 2009, 07:43 AM) [snapback]20028[/snapback]

    It is not just a swing. It is face painting and arts and crafts, ceramics, relay races, candy bar bingo, etc, etc.
    I guess what I take offense to is the---We are not family friendly---part. Are you suggesting that I should raise my rates evenly across the board and charge you, a single person, the same that I would need to charge that family of six? What am I now, not couple or single friendly? Doesn't seem fair to me.

    Go ahead brep, I shall vote for you :D ; definition of family is so vague that it may extend to grand mother and father, second generation of nephews and nieces then for the piece in the family, how can you refuse this title to a mother in law , or, when the wife is not around, the girl friend should be well accepted within this parameters, after all she would be just a replacement. :lol:
    Now serious :ph34r: = FAMILY FRIENDLY is just a commercial definition like when they state.. EVERY THING IS REDUCED BY 50 %, if you think about it, ask yourself,50% OF WHAT ? :blink: when you advertise FAMILY FRIENDLY, does mean that you are not extending the same curtsy to the single one or you are going out of your way for a family group at the expenses of the others :angry: . Most of the times, the words in advertising are misleading and they could be challenged for what they mean but in this case, family friendly it should mean gently service, ready to go a step further to please groups but does not mean that you may have with you more people than the number of persons prescribed for a given rate. :)
    Yes I know I am a traitor of the consumer group but we have to be realistic
  8. RLM

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    Aug 24, 2006
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    QUOTE(coacbcps @ Oct 15 2009, 01:33 PM) [snapback]19552[/snapback]

    You would think that they would at least give you two kids for free. It might be psychological but I hate having to pay extra for my children.

    When anyone has guests in their homes the utility bill goes up. The electric company doesn’t want to hear me complain about it. I have to pay. A ‘family’ restaurant isn’t going to raise prices on everyone just so kids can eat free. An amusement park charges to let kids in. Is not a campground a form of amusement for them? If they don’t have their own, the bowling alley will charge to rent kid shoes. I could go on.

    Compared to the cost of some other amusements we spend money on, I’d suggest camping is reasonable, if not cheap. Staying in a hotel with similar kids amenities isn't cheap. How much was the entry fee to get the kid into the soccer or t-ball league? What about the cost of the equipment and the cost of the gas to get them to practice and games? All probably done without complaint. That pizza plus tip that was ordered for the family the other night was about the cost of a campsite for a day and you didn’t get to enjoy it for an entire day.

    Maybe that family friendly campground should charge full price for the kids and let the parents in for free. Perhaps a bit of reverse logic to make customers feel better about paying.

    When you become parents you are expected to fund them.

    Now where is my discount for being alone? Gosh, I’m glad I’m not a campground owner!
  9. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Until this discussion I had never thought of "family friendly" as having anything to do with charging (or not) for kids. To me it simply indicated a place that had amenities (playground, pool, gameroom, etc.), possibly some planned activities, and perhaps most importantly, an atmosphere that would appeal to kids.
  10. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    I can imagine someone calling here for rates and having to say "If you are alone it will be $X, if there are 2 of you it will be $xx, if you have a child it will be $xxx and if you have 2 kids it will be $xxxx. It would be so very confusing to both employee and to camper. Then we also have the For 30 amp it will be $X, for 50 amp it will be $xx, for full hookup it will be $xxxx and for electric only it will be $xxxxx, these charges also vary depending on how many there are you in your group. Too many variables.
  11. Trentheim

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    Nov 13, 2007
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    Maybe a whole new campground category should be created. Maybe if a campground is known as "Crotchety Friendly" then those with families could avoid those CGs and go to the family friendly ones (and vice versa, of course). (I mean, seriously people, this thread is starting to sound like an "I don't like children" thread.)

    If a campground is that worried about extra electric, water, sewage, etc... charges when more people than X camp in a single spot, then why not install meters to the spot and charge for the actual usage? I know that when my family goes camping that the electric usage is not going to be much different than if it were just me. Why? The efficiency of the camper is the main reason. Showers in the camper are all done with the water conservation method (when soaping up, we flip the switch on the shower head). This is so that we don't lose all the hot water, which is heated by my own propane. It also teaches us the right way to use water for those boondocking times. I suspect that a majority of campers who use water in their RV's do the same.
  12. Lonesoldier

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    Sep 21, 2009
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    Whoops!!!!! Didn't intend to stir up the fire ants. I am sure this will be taken the wrong way also, but, I was attempting to be funny. It seems I got on someones last nerve and not intending to. I was hoping the emoticons would show that I was NOT attacking anyone, campers or CG owners. Owners charge what you want, advertise what you want. As I said, wheels were put on these rigs so I can move on down the road, not stay in your CG, or whatever. If this attitude is displayed with customers, how long do they stay, would they feel welcome.
    A true story, CG in Houston Tx, I explained to the owner during checkin that I had not gotten much sleep the night before because of dogs barking. She said she understood and said that would not happen here. About 9 PM a peacock started squawking, the dogs were quiet comparatively. In the AM when I went in the office, before I could say one word, she started in saying it was her peacock and was not getting rid of it, was not going to refund any money, I had paid for 3 days. When I left I had my money back. My Point: Will I be back at that CG? Not likely, will I visit a CG again that has not provided what is advertised? Not likely. As someone said, it is about the money, you are in business to make it and I have no problem with that. The best advertising in the world is word of mouth and repeat customers, if you don't have those 2 things, you won't make it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. RLM

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    Aug 24, 2006
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    QUOTE(Trentheim @ Nov 17 2009, 02:32 PM) [snapback]20036[/snapback]

    (I mean, seriously people, this thread is starting to sound like an "I don't like children" thread.)

    It's no different than a thread that appears to be anti pet. We would be having the same discussion if pet owners were charged extra for the dog.

    As long as everyone behaves with a small amount of social grace by not flaming someone, then I think honest opinions are a way to learn something.
  14. dog bone

    dog bone
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    Dec 16, 2003
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Nov 17 2009, 02:18 PM) [snapback]20033[/snapback]
    Until this discussion I had never thought of "family friendly" as having anything to do with charging (or not) for kids. To me it simply indicated a place that had amenities (playground, pool, gameroom, etc.), possibly some planned activities, and perhaps most importantly, an atmosphere that would appeal to kids.

    i have to agree with this out look. some things for the family to do together either at the campground or near by.
  15. nicki

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    Aug 23, 2008
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    QUOTE(Texasrvers @ Nov 17 2009, 02:18 PM) [snapback]20033[/snapback]

    Until this discussion I had never thought of "family friendly" as having anything to do with charging (or not) for kids. To me it simply indicated a place that had amenities (playground, pool, gameroom, etc.), possibly some planned activities, and perhaps most importantly, an atmosphere that would appeal to kids.

    Me too. I don't know how "family friendly" translates to "kids stay free."
  16. SLCatn

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    May 27, 2009
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    QUOTE(nicki @ Nov 19 2009, 11:30 AM) [snapback]20053[/snapback]

    Me too. I don't know how "family friendly" translates to "kids stay free."

    That's exactly what I thought as I read through this thread!!

    The Park I currently stay in charges a flat rate for two persons and $2.00/night per child over 12 years old. This is plainly advertised on their website and in their brochures. I've never heard any complaints and I would hope that anyone who disagrees with this additional charge - or with any of the Park rules - would stay somewhere else. That's what I do - if I disagree with the rates, or the rules, or whatever, I make a decision to stay somewhere else. I have the freedom to do that just like the Park owners have the freedom to charge what they will and establish whatever rules they see fit. It's THEIR park.
  17. USMC7478

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    Nov 18, 2009
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    QUOTE(SLCatn @ Nov 23 2009, 04:08 PM) [snapback]20111[/snapback]

    That's exactly what I thought as I read through this thread!!

    The Park I currently stay in charges a flat rate for two persons and $2.00/night per child over 12 years old. This is plainly advertised on their website and in their brochures. I've never heard any complaints and I would hope that anyone who disagrees with this additional charge - or with any of the Park rules - would stay somewhere else. That's what I do - if I disagree with the rates, or the rules, or whatever, I make a decision to stay somewhere else. I have the freedom to do that just like the Park owners have the freedom to charge what they will and establish whatever rules they see fit. It's THEIR park.

    I have to agree with eveyone else,family friendly simply means there are things to help keep kids occupied. Now I love the poster who put crotchety friendly. For me nothing ruins a camping trip then some grouchy old buzzard looking for a reason to gripe. I try to teach my kids to be respectful,but we have encountered some people who think if a kid runs by their campsite they are trying to start trouble. But for the most part the reason I love camping is they are mostly good friendly people who will go out of their way to help.
  18. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    Just saw a review where they said they got funny looks from their neighbors when their kids were playing in the streets, so they felt that kids weren't welcome :lol:
  19. kcmoedoe

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    May 22, 2008
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    QUOTE(HappiestCamper @ Dec 7 2009, 12:44 PM) [snapback]20257[/snapback]

    Just saw a review where they said they got funny looks from their neighbors when their kids were playing in the streets, so they felt that kids weren't welcome :lol:

    Perhaps the campground should consider adding a rule that would make "funny looks" a "leave the park" offense. Of course that would mean I would not be welcome at the park since I look funny all the time.
  20. eyeball

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    Apr 11, 2010
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    While I am always looking for a good deal, I do belive a campground owner has a right to earn a profit and support their family (Just as you do). They rightfully set their prices and policies at what they feel the market will bear. Their success or failure will dictate any future price adjustments.

    Some have to take into consideration that they are not a year round operation but their personal bills for food, clothing, and general life events roll in all year long.

    Just an aside but Disneyland is billed as a family friendly destination yet the charge for each person...

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