Actually, the reason the webmaster gave for instituting the new rule on postings was not to circumvent those writing one negative review but, rather, to stop dishonest campground owners or employees from posting positive, but untrue, reviews on their campgrounds. I don't think the webmaster had any intent to stop negative reviews, only to protect us from campground owners and employees trying to work the system.
First let me say that this website is " The Best ", and we have to understand that rules and controls have to exist, be enforced, and adhered to or you end up with a website like all the "others". When reading a posting, or review, one may have to read between the lines. I would hope that whose reading that information can see through it, and come to a conclusion as to why, and by whom it was written. I would hope that we are intelligent enough to understand which are factual, and which ones are written for another purpose.