Help with Vroom Slide Systems contact

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Jonathan491, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. Nancy_329

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    Jun 15, 2024
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    Hello Jonathan, I am so happy to hear that all is good with your slide and you got good support from the installation team in CT!! And you have someone reliable to call on for any other issues. Good for you! Hope the retirement is everything expected :)

    We cancelled the Vroom installation. We didn't want to deal with the customer facing contact at the Connecticut repair shop.

    My order went in to the CT group early Feb. 2024. I was told that these orders were taking around 4 months (as reported by others here). June came and went. In mid July emailed the woman at CT that I had placed the order with. I did not receive a response for several days. I got nervous, so I also emailed orders@vroom asking if they had any information about my order.

    The woman at the CT group then got back to me saying that the parts were 'tentatively' scheduled to be shipped mid August and she would 'contact' me then to schedule the installation. The usual non-committal script.

    I then heard back from orders@Vroom and was advised that they had been having some material sourcing delays which affected their manufacturing schedule. They promised me that the shortages were over, the materials were in house and they would build and ship the parts in their August run. The contact at Vroom was helpful and forthcoming about their delay problems. And I completely understood and accepted the information. However, the vagueness and lack of concern on the part of the CT customer contact really turned us off.

    I feared that installation would probably take another month or more. I had no faith that we would be treated fairly. So panic set in and we cancelled. AND paid the cancellation fee. Our camper sat in the back yard unusable most of the summer.

    In early August we reached out to a local shop, with an excellent reputation, who had done some body work on our old 5th wheel. They had us bring the coach right over and discussed the history of the slide issues. In exactly one week the team at Baileys in Amherst NH ordered a new system from Lippert and installed it. The slide is now working like new.

    We are disappointed staying with the more poorly engineered Lippert system installed instead of the Vroom, but very pleased at the installation result. No one is a fan of the Lippert system.

    Parts and install cost us just over 1/3 of what we would have paid the company in CT for the Vroom system. The folks at Baileys are professional, straightforward and employ experienced techs who will communicate directly with you, not just through a front end intermediary. And that front end person - she is was dream to work with too. And we had them reseal the roof too. They guaranty their work for 12 months. I think there is a youtube about how a full timer couple worked with Baileys when someone crashed into their 5th wheel on a Massachusetts highway.

    So, we will get some use out of it this fall and then will probably sell it (with confidence in the repair!) in the spring. We will take the financial hit but don't want to deal with the slide again. Because it will fail again at some point. Weakest point on the standard system is those crap plastic shoes.

    We are sad we didn't get the top quality Vroom slide. We purchased this rig from Campers Inn in Merrimack NH. Like you with Camping World, we went through hell with their service group. Our problems stated after our Mfg. 1 year warranty ran out. But, the parts in our side were defective and covered under the Lippert TSB. CI refused to work with Lippert. I don't want to discuss the horrible time we went through last spring. Incompetence of their techs aside, the lies and slimy attitude of the customer facing service group manager was disgusting. I'm still feeling so burned by the experience so, I just had NO PATIENCE for the crap attitude of that woman in CT.

    So, that's my (long) story, maybe I'm oversensitive, but sticking to it!

    Best regards, safe travels and happy camping!
    Paythebill likes this.

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