Killer Campgrounds

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by rodeo1, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. Tulirose

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    Jul 17, 2005
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    QUOTE(rodeo1 @ Sep 18 2006, 11:46 PM) [snapback]5076[/snapback]

    i just have to say this. i have been reading several campground reviews that have been [SIZE=12pt]getting low review numbers, then when you read them it is all over weak wi-fi. .......[/SIZE]

    This is why it is important to read the reviews and not just go by rating numbers.

    Variety is the spice of life.
    And different people want different things out of a CG.
    What I wanted in a CG 30 years ago
    is very different from what I wanted 15 years ago and
    at present more different still.

    I take all I read here with a grain of salt.
    And I take note of what the reviewer camped in.
    Then, I use my God-given brain and decide for myself.

    Happy Camping to you all!! :D
  2. jmo

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    Aug 20, 2006
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    Ouch :eek: maybe rodeo1 is a "small" campground owner :ph34r:

  3. Big Mc

    Big Mc
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    Jun 18, 2006
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    QUOTE(rodeo1 @ Sep 18 2006, 11:46 PM) [snapback]5076[/snapback]

    i just have to say this. i have been reading several campground reviews that have been [SIZE=12pt]gettinglow review numbers, then when you read them it is all over weak wi-fi. i think its a sad day when a really killer campground has to endure low reviews over some moron who cant go out and enjoy camping without a stupid computer to check his "e-mail" every ten minutes, then low rate a park over it.

    sorry just my 2 cents worth.

    I will identify myself as always. I am a cg owner. We, also have wireless internet at our park. In my humble opinion as an e.mail user and internet dependant, if you advertise something, you should have it and it should be useable. I have finally hired the job out so I will have what I say I have. You want to know what I found out? The man I hired, knows just a little bit more than me. I looked around and this is common. We are still in the "caveman" days as far as wireless goes. I can change out an electrical outlet, dig up and replace a water pipe someone has driven their awning spike through, even deal with a clogged septic pipe, (I've been inside the tank when the clog comes through) but when this aspect of the park has trouble, I'm ignorant. I have the courage to say so. Why don't campers have the same ability? One woman complained about the wireless and didn't want to try anything I had to say so I sent a camper I knew to help her with my suggestions. Guess what, the issue was hers and not mine. Sometimes we have to meet in the middle on things. 20 years from now wireless will be in the air.....everywhere. Life's too short.

    Leah J. Leon
    McIntosh Lake RV Park
  4. Browzin

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    Mar 20, 2005
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    Leah J. Leon
    I want to say thank you for presenting a campground owners perspective of the wi-fi situation, and at least taking the effort to try and make things operate the way that everyone would like them to.

    I am also willing to bet that the majority of RVers are as lost as how to set up and operate a wi-fi system as you are, I know that I am.
  5. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    Big Mc, I agree with what you wrote ;) , unfortunately we cannot criticize the RV resorts without evaluating with a little grain of salt who's writing the complaint
  6. Big Mc

    Big Mc
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    Jun 18, 2006
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    It's me again, the CG owner that does not know much about wifi. Previously in this forum I wrote,
    "I have finally hired the job out so I will have what I say I have. You want to know what I found out? The man I hired, knows just a little bit more than me. I looked around and this is common."

    As it turns out, I spoke too soon. P.C. Doctors from Savannah Georgia knows alot more than anyone else I spoke to. Not to mention, when things weren't working as they should they came back again and again (better than 60 miles each way) til it was working. They also gave me a 1 year guarantee. No other company was willing to give me more than 30 days. That said alot.

    I know I have gone way off topic but I wanted to make sure I retracted what I said because it was wrong. My park has a fabulous wifi system.....and it's free for my guests.

    Leah J Leon
    McIntosh Lake RV Park
  7. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(Big Mc @ Nov 21 2006, 09:18 AM) [snapback]5508[/snapback]

    It's me again, the CG owner that does not know much about wifi. Previously in this forum I wrote,
    "I have finally hired the job out so I will have what I say I have. You want to know what I found out? The man I hired, knows just a little bit more than me. I looked around and this is common."

    As it turns out, I spoke too soon. P.C. Doctors from Savannah Georgia knows alot more than anyone else I spoke to. Not to mention, when things weren't working as they should they came back again and again (better than 60 miles each way) til it was working. They also gave me a 1 year guarantee. No other company was willing to give me more than 30 days. That said alot.

    I know I have gone way off topic but I wanted to make sure I retracted what I said because it was wrong. My park has a fabulous wifi system.....and it's free for my guests.

    Leah J Leon
    McIntosh Lake RV Park

    Congratulations CG, I was surprised before when you said that the guy that installed the HI-FI just did only a little bit more than myself. If you hire a reputable company they must know their job in order to remain in business.
    Have a nice day
    Galli :lol: :lol: :lol:
  8. jmwebb

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    Jul 18, 2006
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    While I don't agree with any name calling, I have to say it is really a shame that Wi Fi and sattelite dishes are so important to people who are CAMPING. I thought the RV/camping lifestyle was at least partially getting away from that junk.
  9. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(jmwebb @ Nov 29 2006, 01:41 PM) [snapback]5538[/snapback]

    While I don't agree with any name calling, I have to say it is really a shame that Wi Fi and sattelite dishes are so important to people who are CAMPING. I thought the RV/camping lifestyle was at least partially getting away from that junk.

    I might agree with you jmwebb if we assume that camping is reserved to vacationers only, :eek: however, I know several people that conduct their business while camping and I heard others that they keep the residence at the campsite :) .
    That why I reiterate , it is not important to have the HI-Fi, it is important to provide a true feed-back when promoting the facility so that the RVer. knows exactly what to expect from there. :D
  10. mastercraft

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    Apr 15, 2006
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    Because technology has come so far in a short amount of time, things like wi fi and cell phones allow people to get away from the hectic lifestyle and still be able to conduct business from a campground and still partialy get away and enjoy nature or a new destination without taking time off from work. I wish I could do this, but my job does not allow doing business over the internet.
  11. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    We are getting away from it all when rv'ing, but that doesn't include our family. Internet allows our son to send pics of the grandson and for us to have IM chats with several members of our fmaily at one time. It is important to us. We do stay at parks that don' have wi-fi - that would not automatically knock one out of the running, but we stayed at a park in WY that advertised wireless internet. It is true, they did have it, as long as you went and stood right outside the office window, where there was no place to sit. If it is insinuated that they offer it, I expect it to be useable. These things are modern conveniences for us, the same way that a hot shower is. I don't plan on getting away from that either...
  12. gwbischoff

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    Jun 19, 2007
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    QUOTE(rodeo1 @ Sep 18 2006, 11:46 PM) [snapback]5076[/snapback]

    i just have to say this. i have been reading several campground reviews that have been [SIZE=12pt]gettinglow review numbers, then when you read them it is all over weak wi-fi. i think its a sad day when a really killer campground has to endure low reviews over some moron who cant go out and enjoy camping without a stupid computer to check his "e-mail" every ten minutes, then low rate a park over it.

    sorry just my 2 cents worth.

    This is my first reply to a post and this topic (while the thread is a little old) caught my eye.

    It caught my eye because I too was amazed after reading campground reviews for the first time of how many campgrounds that I was familiar with getting 1's and 2's based *solely* on the WiFi. Even to the point of the rest of the review glowing about the park.

    Some of us enjoy the comforts of RV parks and some of us enjoy the "camping experience". I myself fell into that trap of booking a stay in a park that got full high marks from nearly every brochure and magazine that I had seen. And when I showed up, the facilities were nice, but you couldn't wedge a stick of gum between the campsites. It wasn't what I was looking for.

    The other thing that struck me was the number of times I ran across the "Staff was very rude" comment. Not that I don't believe that there are rude camping staffs out there (I know that there are.) But I wonder how many of those fights were instigated by indignant campers who think that they own the piece of earth they camp on just 'cause they paid for the night. I've stood by and watched people have a stroke over the fact that the wind was blowing too hard for them and somehow it's the campground's fault. The wind.

    I appreciate everyone's input on the reviews. If you're going to post a review, be objective.
  13. rangiebob

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    Jun 2, 2007
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    My husband and I live full-time in our motor home as of May 2006. We travel around the country for our business and if we didn't have our online connection and cell service, we wouldn't have our business, hence we wouldn't have the money to pay for our motor home and diesel to run it and the luxury of living this wonderful lifestyle! ;)

    I don't appreciate being referred to as a moron because I check my email every 10 minutes. That's one of the things that has given our company such an excellent reputation, because we get back to people in a timely manner. To each her or his own, but no need to call names because it's not something with which you disagree, rodeo1.
  14. larrylund

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    Jun 30, 2007
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    QUOTE(woodman @ Oct 14 2006, 03:03 PM) [snapback]5247[/snapback]

    Well, hi.

    We morons finance our full-time life on the road by working part-time in gifted education, he running the business end of a mathcamp and I teaching writing to gifted kids. All this is via a Datastorm dish which, right now, isn't working worth a rip even though we paid nearly $6K for it and all of its accoutrements less than a year ago. Cell phones complete the gear we must use constantly for work.

    If that makes us morons in your book, then I can only hope you find others out here on the road as judgmental of how you must live your life as you are of how we must live ours.

  15. popup6

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    Apr 22, 2007
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    Perhaps the webmaster could add a check box in the review section about Wi Fi being good, fair, poor and let the readers of the review decide for themselves if having a great WI FI connection is important to them.
    I pick and choose what I deem is important from the reviews such as campsite size (are you packed in like sardines or have room and privacy) Are the grounds maintained, are the rest rooms clean? staff, ect
  16. igor2brvn

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    Oct 4, 2007
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    QUOTE(Galli @ Oct 18 2006, 06:32 PM) [snapback]5279[/snapback]

    ;) Well I cannot agree with the "Moron" definition and lower rating because the campground does not provide specific services, however and in my opinion, there should not be an evaluation by the camper but only a statement on what's available, what's not, and the status of the items identified.
    My reason for arriving at this conclusion is because we are human being with different expectations and values and I am pretty sure that if the chat would amend the rating form in which it would be identified specific items that should be compulsory in a campsite and the extra amenities available, the readers of the report would make up his own mind of whether the place is suitable for his,/her or not.
    As an example this list should start with size and locations (size; trees or not; whether it is well leveled or...; water, sewage, hydro, TV, Internet.. etc..; cost ..etc... and at the bottom of the list a comment by the evaluator whether the place was clean, functional, staff polite.. etc..
    I am not trying to open a competition among members but, I am pretty sure that if the chat moderator would ask the member for assistance in finding the proper questions, we will be glade to help.


    Evaluations and opinions of fellow RVers are what I value from this website. Fact sheets from CG owners tell me about facilities and amenities available. What is most helpful to me are opinions from campers who have experienced the campgrounds - accuracy of fact sheets, state of condition of facilities, noise levels, and things that make the campground a camping pleasure. So, fellow campers, keep your opinions and evaluations flowing!
  17. Galli

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    Nov 16, 2005
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    QUOTE(igor2brvn @ Oct 4 2007, 02:57 PM) [snapback]8550[/snapback]

    QUOTE(Galli @ Oct 18 2006, 06:32 PM) [snapback]5279[/snapback]

    ;) Well I cannot agree with the "Moron" definition and lower rating because the campground does not provide specific services, however and in my opinion, there should not be an evaluation by the camper but only a statement on what's available, what's not, and the status of the items identified.
    My reason for arriving at this conclusion is because we are human being with different expectations and values and I am pretty sure that if the chat would amend the rating form in which it would be identified specific items that should be compulsory in a campsite and the extra amenities available, the readers of the report would make up his own mind of whether the place is suitable for his,/her or not.
    As an example this list should start with size and locations (size; trees or not; whether it is well leveled or...; water, sewage, hydro, TV, Internet.. etc..; cost ..etc... and at the bottom of the list a comment by the evaluator whether the place was clean, functional, staff polite.. etc..
    I am not trying to open a competition among members but, I am pretty sure that if the chat moderator would ask the member for assistance in finding the proper questions, we will be glade to help.


    Evaluations and opinions of fellow RVers are what I value from this website. Fact sheets from CG owners tell me about facilities and amenities available. What is most helpful to me are opinions from campers who have experienced the campgrounds - accuracy of fact sheets, state of condition of facilities, noise levels, and things that make the campground a camping pleasure. So, fellow campers, keep your opinions and evaluations flowing!

    I would agree with you 100% if the RV camper feedback is objective ! We are human being and use a different meter in evaluating what we see, however, if I see 3 or 4 reports mention the same thing about a specific campground, I would have no objection in rating the place in line with the submitted reports.
    What concerns me is when some one seriously criticizes a campground because it is too close to an highway an/or it takes time before the water warms up in the shower or the grocery store is not open till 11:00pm every day.
    Yes I agree those are inconveniences but the campground didn’t promised a 24 hours service and the camper should enquiry before leaving ( by internet or asking in the chats) about the place and whereabouts ; I am not making a judgment but, in general the most convenient places have some reasons for having the price lower than others.
    However and notwithstanding the above, if the camp side advertises internet service and when there it is not available or promotes a drive through camping spot and there is only two or three in all camp or campers are parting till 2-3-4 in the morning, I would consider that a very poor organization and I would agree 100% to report the fact on our chats.
    Let me clarify some thing now, I AM NOT A CAMPSIDE OWNER and I am not working on their behalf but my objection are dictated by the fact that I visited several camps and several times I was surprised to find a too sever or a too lenient reports than what I actually noticed.
    One recommendation that I already made to the moderator was to forward the complaints to the Campsite (without mentioning the name of the complainant) and ask him to defend him/herself by sending his objection, if any, to our chat.
  18. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    I agree if it's advertisied, it better work. But I also see rodeo1's point (somewhat). A state park I go too often seems to always have the same 5th wheel there (a couple in their 30's). They put up their direct tv dish, and you see them once a day - when the go to use the showers. The other 23 1/2 hours they are inside. Why not just stay home at that point?

    I agree that it is important to some people to have the Wi-fi, etc. But if you don't enjoy the CG by staying inside the whole trip, why not just setup in your back yard?
  19. Parkview

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    Apr 22, 2007
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    :D Hello all,

    Like BigMc, I am also a campground owner, and I regularly visit this awesome site both to see what RVers like and what they don't like. This Wifi question comes up a lot, therefore it is very important to me.

    The problem is, from our experience, that all of the issues stated in this forum about Wifi problems are not as easily solved as some might think. We have been working on our system for 5 years, and, after going through 3 different "expert" companies, finally are to the point that we think we have a very good system. Perfect, no, good yes. Having a park in a very beautiful rural area has its advantages and disadvantages. We don't have access to a commercial cable company or a DSL signal from rural telephone cooperative, so we have to access the internet through a satellite feed. This provides challenges that simply do not exist in more urban parks.

    I go to this trouble and expense because that is what many customers want and expect, therefore, I want to provide it. With satellite, the quality and availability of broadband signal is directly related to the amount of usage, the type of usage, and how crowded the park is at any particular time as well as some users' habits. When the park is full and there are many rigs between you and the nearest Wifi antenna or repeater, a site that had a perfect signal yesterday for one user may have a lousy signal today for a different user.

    Built in wireless antennas in most laptops are not omni directional and are not as strong as USB adapter antennas. We have had people who could not get a usable signal with their built in antenna, but got an excellent signal with a USB extrnal antenna just by putting the antenna next to a window (think of the old days of rabbit ear antennas for TV if you are old enough). Where one sits in an RV can affect the signal; microwave ovens are notorious for interfering with signal strength, metal skinned RVs block wireless signal more than fiberglass skinned ones.

    As for quantity and type of usage, satellite broadband providers like Hughes Satellite have a little know policy called the Fair Access Plan (FAP) that few people are aware of. Under FAP after a certain threshold of usage in any given 24 hour period is exceeded, the satellite provider with no warning will cut back the speed of reception to the park until the next day to a speed that is slower than slow dial up service. This FAP threshold depends upon the level of broadband service the Park has purchased. For 3 years we were totally unaware of this policy. The solution was for us to buy more broadband, doubling our monthly ongoing costs for broadband from $100 to $200. This may seem a little inside baseball for most, but do an internet search for "Fair Access Plan" and it will be explained far better than I can.

    Believe me, we want to provide what you want, but it not always as easy or as inexpensive as some in this forum seem to think. In some ways I envy the more urban park owners who do not have these problems, but I would not trade the beauty of this rural location for the convenience of a more urban setting.

    Thanks for letting me harp a little, and I don't think any of you are morons. Doug
  20. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    I would like to thank Doug for his view. I have been following several threads that address wifi, pay showers, KOA's services, etc., and I think he explained the park owner's position very well. He sounds like he cares about his clientele and wants to provide the services they want. However, there is always more than one side to a problem, and I think he has presented some things for us to keep in mind. I am sure some owners just don't care, but we need to be mindful that those that do care sometimes have valid reasons for not being able to provide the services most of us expect.

    I also enjoyed Doug's reply on another thread about "free services." We prefer for there to be one price with all the extras built in even though we probably won't use all those services. This is just simpler than trying to pay a base fee and then picking your amenities like an ala carte menu, and I'm sure it is easier for an owner to keep up with who is using what.

    Now, HappiestCamper, why do you care whether or not your neighbors stay in their RV 23 1/2 hours a day? They obviously do not camp the way you do, but so what. Would you rather have the group mentioned recently in the KOA thread next to you?

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