Merry Christmas To All

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Meterman46, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. wpr

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    Dec 27, 2005
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    Here in Quebec's Eastern Townships there is no snow on the ground and it's raining at 40ºF. (This is the rest of the system that dumped two feet of snow on Colorado's Front Range, all we got was a little ice rain overnight and now the rain.) This is not so unusual, one Christmas out of five is green in our area. But what is unusulal is the fact that even Quebec City, about 200 km north of here, has no snow. The last time that happened was 50 years ago. I much prefer a white Christmas, but on the other hand it will make driving to Ottawa tomorrow a lot easier. We are going to meet our children, but more importantly Miss Lilly and Miss Maya, our grand-children.

    To all my fellow Christians Merry Christmas and to all the others Season's Greetings.
  2. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Well Nancy, I wish I could send you some of our snow so you could have a white Christmas. Why don't you just come on down, we have 3 guest rooms??? Wriggue, I hear you on the granchildren thing. We only have 1, a 4 yr. old grandson, and he will be here tomorrow night and Christmas Day. I bought a kit so we could build a gingerbread house together - should be an experience. I got out of the house today, for the first time since Tuesday, as Greg was home to cart me around. I discovered that there is still a world beyond my street. We had to go to the grocery store and I could not believe the traffic trying to get to Kohl's and KMart...guess those who put their shopping off until the last minute, got side-lined by the blizzard and are now making a mad dash. Sure glad I have been done for quite some time. Hope all of you have a Christmas surrounded by love, family and friends.
  3. Cheryl Fuller

    Cheryl Fuller
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    Jun 24, 2005
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    Okay, who ordered snow??? We are getting pelted and it wasn't even forecast. This, as you know, is something we definitely do need right now. Hope the kids can make it safely here. I hope each and every one of you have the best Christmas ever.
  4. Webmaster

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    Merry Christmas everyone, and thank you all for your continued support of this site!! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and New Year.
  5. OldSoldier

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    Apr 20, 2006
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    Belated, but Merry Christmas to all here. We wish you all a safe and prosperous New Year.

    Bec and Tate


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