New format frustrating

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by bingberg, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. jimLE

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    Jun 25, 2015
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    ok i have it in desktop browser mode and landscape this case landscape means it'll only show in wider landscape screen orentation.(nook is sideways) which i just used the map to locate american rv park & sales..also known as branson rv park.went from the map to their web site.
  2. Wecruise

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    Jul 7, 2010
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    They have totally screwed up this website. We have been traveling the US for thirty years and have seen a lot of changes in the RV info, from the old trailer life to these new websites. We used this site for years and found it very informative. But, no more, they have botched it up. If you are traveling into an area, you need a map to orient yourself and show the locations of the RV parks relative to your travel plans. Whoever created this current site has obviously never traveled in an RV. They added a lot of snap but forgot the maps.
  3. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    We did not forget the maps. They are still there. Most users seem to have no trouble seeing them. So just as I asked jimLE a few posts ago, what kind of device are you using--computer, tablet, smartphone?

    And just so you know, the owner of the site owns and has traveled in an RV, and all the rest of us who work here are also RVers and travel quite frequently in our RV's. Some of us are even fulltimers.

    If you are having trouble with the maps or anything else, you just need to let us know specifically what the problem is, and we will be glad to try to resolve it. Just saying that the website is screwed up does not tell us what's wrong so that we can try to do something about it.
  4. Jack B

    Jack B
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    Jul 21, 2014
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    your new site has saved me the price of the Trailer Life/Good Sam Campground Directory and the difficulty of consulting that 5lb book in conjunction with your old site. I would prefer that all the little red flags indicating a campground pop up all across a state like they used to, rather than those circles with numbers in them. Now we have to click on the circle to see the campgrounds nearby. Small gripe. I now use your site with no printed back up.
  5. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    It is interesting you feel this way because one of the complaints we used to get was that the map was so cluttered with the map pins that you could not see where the parks were located. In other words there were pins on top of pins on top of pins. We realize that with the new system you have to click on the circles until you get down to the pin level, but once you do then you can see where the parks are located. But thanks for your input and maybe one day we will find a way to show all the pins without having them overlap. At least you got rid of that big, heavy directory.
  6. Jack B

    Jack B
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    Jul 21, 2014
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  7. Jack B

    Jack B
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    Jul 21, 2014
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    waited a couple of days to see if I could explain this. People, like me, have used your site for trip planning. Long range planning. e.g. should I use US 83 or 183? How many RV parks are there, how many miles apart? In the old system you could see the pins, now you see circles with numbers. Others have tried to explain. You click on a circle "12" and get 2-'3's and a '6', then click on a '6' and get 2-3's, which you then click on and get a circle 2 and a pin, so you click on the 2. All the time the map is zooming in till you get so close you are at Google Street Level and you lose orientation as to where you are. And now that you've opened the circles you can't zoom out because the pins disappear and you are back to circles.
    I understand that Rapid City,SD had congested pins. It now has a circle "78", but the rest of SD is covered with blue circles of 2's, 3's, and 4's. One more, if you got rid of all the blue numbered circles in Kansas, you would be left with 3 yellow circles and a much easier map to work with.
    I think you just went too far. How about making 10 the minimum for a collective circle, many of your groups seem arbitrary, grouping for the sake of grouping, though many miles apart. If nothing else, how about leaving the circles open that we've clicked on after we zoom out again to see where we are. I think this is the "Map View" others talked about, if we open the circles to get pins, then leave the pins there when we back out to view the map.
    Fitzjohnfan likes this.
  8. RickB

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    Sep 20, 2010
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    I really like Jack B's explanation and suggestion. With the current setup it is very easy to lose where you are in relation to the general area and the route you are trying to plan.

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