Owner's Input?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Finder9, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. Finder9

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    Question: How do you know if an owner/operator or their mother-in-law is posting favorable reviews in order to counterbalance some bad ones? I don't think there is anyway you can tell, is there?
    Just curious.....seems like there can be a stretch of bad ones for a location and then all of a sudden it's the greatest.
    Thanks --- but don't give away any secrets. I'm simply taking the position that "majority rules".
  2. aldebnj

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    I know that I am the odd man out for one of our favorite campgrounds. The previous two listings got concentrating on the pet policy and ignored the rest of the campground. I felt I had to write mine to counter-balance the other two. I am sure that what you are suggesting actually happens but sometimes it is just that different people have different expectations and hot buttons.

    Good question by the way.

    Happy Camping,

  3. Webmaster

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    We track the IP addresses as the reviews come in and match them to our database for location--very few people camp in their own backyard. We occasionally find a campground owner trying to "sway" the reviews, but we have other ways to suspect an owner or employee sending in a review (which we won't divulge). I would not want to be a campground owner "caught" trying to send "great" reviews as if we do catch them then we can add our own review, and it probably won't be pleasant! And like the other poster said--look at the overall picture, not everyone will have the same experience all the time. B)
  4. Finder9

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    Sep 23, 2003
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    Thanks! Appreciate the info.

  5. JJ

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    I am glad that the webmasters attempt to track this but it is not fool proof. Twice in my travels as a full-timer I have been in a park office using the modem connection and had an owner/manager ask what website I was looking at while researching parks for future stays. When I told them what it was they then looked it up and I personally saw both of these persons submit reviews, "glowing" of course, about their parks and both of those that I know of are still listed . The first was at Space Coast RV Park in League City TX, the second was at the former KOA south of Atlanta in McDonough I believe.
    Secondly, my sister workcamps at a park in Iowa and initially referred me to this site some time ago. The park she is at had several poor reviews which she pointed out to the owners who then delegated her to respond with favorable reviews which she did. Same for the park she works at in Texas during the winter.

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