Paper Or Real

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by DXSMac, Jun 14, 2008.


What kind of dinnerware do you carry?

  1. Paper/Chinet (including recycled products)

    0 vote(s)
  2. Plastic-Disposable

    0 vote(s)
  3. Hard Plastic

    0 vote(s)
  4. Ceramic, Stoneware, etc.

    0 vote(s)
  5. Fine China! Only the best in our RV!

    0 vote(s)
  6. We're camping! We use what we can find.

    0 vote(s)
  1. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    This poll started out as "idle curiosity." But when I saw how passionate people were about their choices, it was worthy of an article. I have written a few articles for RV Lifestyles E-Zine, which is from the people who have the web site (Jaimie Hall and Alyce Zyetz). I also ran this poll on

    The article was published in the July 14 issue. Here is the article, from the E-Zine (the E-zine isn't in their archives yet, so I can't put a link to the entire E-zine):


    GUEST COLUMN: Paper or Plastic: the RV Dinnerware Dilemma by JJ Dippel

    What should we use in our RVs for our dinnerware? Paper or Plastic? I recently posted this topic on two different RV forums. The reasons for the choices are compelling. In general, RV travelers are conscientious about the “green” factor and are certain that their choice is the “green” choice. The options range among paper, acrylic plastic, Corelle™, ceramic stoneware, and even fine china!

    A majority of RV travelers who provided opinions on the forums choose either Corelle™ or acrylic plastic because the dinnerware is lightweight, durable and washable. Thus it will not contribute to the garbage in landfills.

    On the other hand, a significant number of travelers choose paper plates and argue that by using paper, they consume less washing water, which conserves resources especially when dry camping. Further, they make an effort to purchase recycled products as well as products that are easily disintegrated in the landfills. The choice for paper products is based on the convenience factor.

    Some travelers choose to carry both paper and real dinnerware. They use plastic or Corelle™ for indoor dining and paper for football tailgate parties and other outdoor occasions.

    Whether paper plates are a green option or not, they are usually accompanied by polystyrene plastic cutlery, a definite threat to landfills since they do not easily break down—some can last for hundreds of years. If you are using the sturdier plastic cutlery with your paper plates, you can try to be “greener” by washing and re-using them before disposing or, better still, use regular stainless cutlery.

    What do you use when you’re out RVing?
  2. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Nice work, JJ.

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