Pets & Parks

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Procarver, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    QUOTE(rgatijnet @ Aug 25 2011, 06:54 AM) [snapback]27287[/snapback]

    We are just asking for a little common sense to be used and to request that strangers first ask before they approach our dog.

    Thanks rgatijnet. Could not have said this better.
    In fact, wish ALL dog owners would just ASSUME that my dog DOES NOT wish to meet your dog.
    I know how to act in public when I'm having a grumpy day.
    Dogs have a different standard.
  2. Edelou

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    Nov 13, 2011
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    :rolleyes: I have pets and travel by travel trailer so they can go with me. I feel for those who have pet allergies but I do not like children running and crying and screaming around the park but don't think people should be prohibited from bringing them on their trip. You may not want to be bothered by my pets or the wild animals that are in the park and give off allergies too. I suffer from allergies too nut I don't say camp grounds should cut down pine trees to accommodate me nor do I complain that the smoke from the wood fire pits sets my allergies off. If something like dogs, smoke or pine trees bother you that much--- STAY HOME! and let those of us that like nature including the animals both wild and domestic in the park alone.
  3. FranznHilga

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    Dec 9, 2011
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    Sounds like it's time to stop RVing! Like someone else said, no sympathy here! I tend to stay away from any park that shuns pets, and they are few and far between, because people who don't like pets are lemon trees! I would say 95% of the RVing public travels with pets, and they do so because it's the best way to travel with them. I would agree that not picking up after them is a problem, and every pet owner MUST do that, but besides that issue we have had no problems in our 50k miles on the road in the past ten years!
  4. casadelydia

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    Dec 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(MrsIslander @ Nov 30 2010, 08:03 PM) [snapback]24993[/snapback]

    :D We, too, did the same. They are our "kids" and if they can't go, we can't go. Period. They make our trips so much more fun! I do not have idle hands due to them. They are also the reason our coach is so clean... my hands are not idle with them around. I clean constantly and wipe hinnies and paw after walks and potty breaks. We are responsible pet owners, picking up after them inside and out. Too bad there are other pet owners that do not so much :angry:

    I can't imagine going camping without our two Jack Russell babies. I agree that they make traveling much more fun and they are so cuddly and happy when we're on the go. They are always up for a new adventure every day, and even if we run into a problem on the road, they are always in a good mood and ready for a pat on the head. As the previous post said, our travel trailer is also extremely clean because of our pets. We are very responsible and have had many folks comment on how well behaved our dogs are.
    I understand that everyone doesn't feel the same about animals as my husband and I do, but we don't generally associate with people who don't love animals...I'd rather be in the woods with my pets than in a crowd of people anywhere on earth...!
  5. ChipnMichele

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    Mar 5, 2012
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    Add us to the list of folks who bought an RV primarily so that we could bring our dog along with us! :) Our husky mix is 2.5 years old and travels with us on every trip. We're new to RV-ing and have a lot to learn, this forum has been extremely helpful thus far!

    I do agree with the posters who would prefer others not approach their dog. Loki has a skittish personality and while far from aggressive, he doesn't trust strangers and will bark at you if approached, certainly while he's on a leash and feels "trapped." Just as I wouldn't want strangers coming up to my children w/o my permission, same goes for my furkid.

    If we respect each other's space, humans and critters, we'll all get along just fine. :)
  6. B. Kidd

    B. Kidd
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    Apr 17, 2011
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    QUOTE(ChipnMichele @ Mar 5 2012, 02:07 PM) [snapback]28932[/snapback]

    Add us to the list of folks who bought an RV primarily so that we could bring our dog along with us! :) Our husky mix is 2.5 years old and travels with us on every trip. We're new to RV-ing and have a lot to learn, this forum has been extremely helpful thus far!

    I do agree with the posters who would prefer others not approach their dog. Loki has a skittish personality and while far from aggressive, he doesn't trust strangers and will bark at you if approached, certainly while he's on a leash and feels "trapped." Just as I wouldn't want strangers coming up to my children w/o my permission, same goes for my furkid.

    If we respect each other's space, humans and critters, we'll all get along just fine. :)

    If you expect yer' dog not to be approached, an RV park is the last place thatz gonna happen.
    Looks like your in for some surprises.......just sayin'. ;)
  7. exsailor81

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    Sep 3, 2009
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    Wow! All these pages because somebody has a problem with dogs in a CG? What a joke! Of all the issues involving camping, pets don't even make the top ten. Some of my best trips have been when wild animals were around and maybe even raided my site at night. Sounds like someone is better suited for hotels.
  8. joez

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    Mar 9, 2008
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    QUOTE(exsailor81 @ Mar 11 2012, 06:42 PM) [snapback]29015[/snapback]

    Wow! All these pages because somebody has a problem with dogs in a CG? What a joke! Of all the issues involving camping, pets don't even make the top ten. Some of my best trips have been when wild animals were around and maybe even raided my site at night. Sounds like someone is better suited for hotels.

    Wow, pretty harsh. There are a whole bunch of us folks that are not camping when we go to an rv park or resort. We are in rvs so we can sleep in our own beds, cook in our own kitchen, watch our television on our own HD with surround sound, and walk the dogs in a safe, convenient area. We want mowed grass and concrete/asphalt roads, friendly human and animal neighbors, and campfires built in designated fire rings with limited smoke. I go with the grandkids on a ten day backpack/canoe trip each year and DW and I do a mountain hunting trip annually. That's enough camping and wild animals for me, thank you. And we sure don't need to stay in a hotel.
  9. exsailor81

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    Sep 3, 2009
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    QUOTE(joez @ Mar 13 2012, 06:32 PM) [snapback]29032[/snapback]

    Wow, pretty harsh. There are a whole bunch of us folks that are not camping when we go to an rv park or resort. We are in rvs so we can sleep in our own beds, cook in our own kitchen, watch our television on our own HD with surround sound, and walk the dogs in a safe, convenient area. We want mowed grass and concrete/asphalt roads, friendly human and animal neighbors, and campfires built in designated fire rings with limited smoke. I go with the grandkids on a ten day backpack/canoe trip each year and DW and I do a mountain hunting trip annually. That's enough camping and wild animals for me, thank you. And we sure don't need to stay in a hotel.

    Sorry, didn't realize we were so sensitive. But I camp a lot, mostly in state parks and in the woods and with or without TV. NEVER had an issue with dogs. By the way, who is "we"? if you are the spokesman for a group please let me know so I won't dare make a comment contrary to your group.
  10. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    exsailor, apparently you don't agree that we are all entitled to our opinions. You were very abrasive in your first comment on this thread and even worse in your rebuttal comment. People are sensitive about their pets and also the right to not like being around other peoples dogs. There are people that think their pets, like their children can do no wrong and should have the run of any campground. We have some here at this campground that refuse to put their pets on a leash or clean up after them. Most people are good but the few that aren't can make it difficult for other people. It may no be a big issue for you if you only camp on occasion but those of us that full time can find it a problem. If you full time your campsite is your home and a dog running through your site, or making a mess in it, is the same as if it was at your brick and stick home. We have had people let their dogs run free to come into our campsite and attack our cats that are on leashes and then get think it is funny that we are offended.
  11. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    There are many different kind of campers and there is room for all of them out in the camping world. This also holds true for this forum. Deriding a particular type of camper and thinking your type of camping is the "only" way is foolish.
  12. exsailor81

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    Sep 3, 2009
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    Ok well apologies to full timers but I think this is a losing battle and I only intended to poke fun at a post that went 5 pages arguing over dogs. We might as well discuss whose grandchildren are cutest because it is so subjective. (By the way mine are cutest) and when I camp my Bassett hound Ike is leashed and minds his manners.
  13. B. Kidd

    B. Kidd
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    Apr 17, 2011
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    Not to change the subject, but in an attempt to alter it a little, a friend of ours here in Yuma last Friday took her Boston Terrier outside the park for a walk, let it off the leash and it proceeded to a scrub bush in the desert across the street from the park and got bit on the paw by a sidewinder (for those who don't know, a rattlesnake species). By the time she got it to a vet, the dogs whole front leg had swelled and it was in obvious distress. The vet saved it and she was presented with a $1300.00 vet bill, for her, a small price to pay.
    Sidewinders are out EARLY this year!

    True story.
  14. mikel

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    Jun 10, 2006
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 12:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    Think it would be difficult to run and maintain a RV park and make $$$ if it had the rules of major hotel chains. That's why we RV. We take our cats with us, however they are easily maintained with a litter box. I somewhat understand you points on pets, especially with dogs. But it won't change, it's just like going to Disney World, there always morons there. There are people that jump lines, drunks, loud obnoxious jerks, etc. The fleas come with the dog. RV parks are no different. With the prices of recreational vehicles coming down, just about anyone can afford them. I don't foresee these issues changing. Lots of people don't know how to raise their own kids how would they know how to train a pet. I'm not sure of your status, fulltimer, etc. Ya gotta let some stuff go, don't stress out so much. Remember the parks you don't like and don't go back.
  15. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    I can't vouch for the accuracy, but I've seen statistics indicating that 60 to 70% of RV'ers travel with pets, so I don't think you'll find any rush to ban them at most parks. If the statistics are accurate, I'm a little surprised that at least a few more RV parks around the country have not copied the very dog friendly and apparently successful model of Four Paws Kingdom RV park in NC.
  16. ChipnMichele

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    Mar 5, 2012
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    QUOTE(B. Kidd @ Mar 11 2012, 12:09 AM) [snapback]29009[/snapback]

    If you expect yer' dog not to be approached, an RV park is the last place thatz gonna happen.
    Looks like your in for some surprises.......just sayin'. ;)

    Why should an RV park be different than any other public place? I wouldn't dream of going up to a strange dog w/o asking the owner if it's ok to do so. That's just common sense, isn't it? I'm not talking about greeting/admiring my pet from a few feet away, I'm talking about walking up to a strange dog and getting in his face. To me that's just not very bright and might cause some surprises to the person doing so. Just sayin'.
  17. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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  18. Lilly flower

    Lilly flower
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    Apr 1, 2012
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 02:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    Unfortunately it is a few bad pet owners who ruin it for others. I have a small dog whom is well behaved and I keep baggies in my pocket to pick up after him. I agree with the need to leash.
  19. Andresawan5251

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    Jul 11, 2012
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    I have a dog as a pet.He is my good friend.When i see some place where i can't take him it makes me very unhappy.Dogs are well trained so i think it would be better to remove this bar for dog.

    A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.
    Henry Ford
  20. KentuckyCampin

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    Feb 28, 2009
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    Well I dont mind animals while camping. However I do mind the animals and owners who are not well behaved. It never fails that there is always those few when we go camping. The last time we went matter of fact! We had two couples that were tent camping in the spot next to us and they each had a dog. Once was collie and the other was a lab mix, both big dogs. Needless to say they barked the whole time while there and it was pretty annoying. We were glad they left and when they did, they left a few doggie mines as well! I know the follow on campers probably were not "happy campers"!

    I just wished that owners were responsible and took care of the messes left behind and kept their animals quiet. I understand that dogs do bark periodically (we own a black lab, who does not go camping with us.), and can be taught not to bark at every little noise or person that walks/rides by the campsite.

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