Pets & Parks

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Procarver, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Theresal58

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    Sep 5, 2012
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    We bought a fifth wheel just so we COULD take our dog with us. I would like to see parks get MORE pet friendly. To their credit some parks have fenced in off leash dog areas. Love it. My dog can get exercise off leash.
    Rather than the pets, we would like to see more parks enforce quiet time. We get tired of hearing kids screaming at the top of their lungs for 12 hrs/day. My dog doesn't make a peep.
  2. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(KentuckyCampin @ Jul 15 2012, 06:21 PM) [snapback]30054[/snapback]

    Well I dont mind animals while camping. However I do mind the animals and owners who are not well behaved.

    My new (un)favorite dog owner trick is the guy we were parked next to recently who let his dog run around off leash and then kept yelling at the top of his lungs "Come here, Muffy*!!" and "You get back over here, Muffy*!!!!" This went on for a couple of hours during dinner and after.

    The guy coulda just gotten off his lazy backside and put the dog on a leash, don't ya think?

    Of course, this was the same couple that had an annoying 4 foot metal wind chime set hanging off the pin box of their fiver.

    (*dog's name has been changed to protect the innocent :D )
  3. nedmtnman

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    Sep 14, 2008
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    QUOTE(GandJ @ Sep 8 2012, 11:01 AM) [snapback]31029[/snapback]

    My new (un)favorite dog owner trick is the guy we were parked next to recently who let his dog run around off leash and then kept yelling at the top of his lungs "Come here, Muffy!!" and "You get back over here, Muffy!!!!" This went on for a couple of hours during dinner and after.

    The guy coulda just gotten off his lazy backside and put the dog on a leash, don't ya think?

    Of course, this was the same couple that had an annoying 4 foot metal wind chime set hanging off the pin box of their fiver.

    Yeah, a month ago we were at another park and I was walking the cat on the leash like we always do and someone had the little ankle biter yappy dog off leash and of course you know what happened. Scruffy took off after my cat on the leash. I let the leash go and Bob headed for the house. If push came to shove and it was the dog or my cat guess who dies. Of course the owner was all appologetic and so on which I could have cared less about. KEEP THE DOG ON A LEASH!!!!!
  4. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    We have thought about trying to walk our cats on a leash (if they would tolerate it), but decided against it for just the reason you described. I'm glad your cat was not hurt.
  5. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    Can just about imagine the altercation of small chasing dog vs pot-bellied pig (another thread) on a leash. Unless the pig was a baby, it would be pig 1, dog 0.

    Then all we would hear: "Why would you bring such a vicious beast into the park?"
    Another critter breed would go onto those "not welcome" lists... :lol:
  6. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(nedmtnman @ Sep 9 2012, 11:45 AM) [snapback]31046[/snapback]

    Of course the owner was all appologetic and so on which I could have cared less about. KEEP THE DOG ON A LEASH!!!!!

    Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. Rarely am I without a MilkBone or three in my pocket.

    But, WOW! If that dog's irresponsible owner is still alive with all his teeth in place, I do admire your restraint!!!

    He'd still be picking pieces of my shoe out of his backside.

    We only take our geriatric cat out in her enclosed stroller and I always keep pepper spray handy in case some moron's dog takes off after us. Canister holds enough for the owner, too.
  7. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(FosterImposters @ Sep 9 2012, 03:35 PM) [snapback]31050[/snapback]

    Can just about imagine the altercation of small chasing dog vs pot-bellied pig (another thread) on a leash. Unless the pig was a baby, it would be pig 1, dog 0.

    Then all we would hear: "Why would you bring such a vicious beast into the park?"
    Another critter breed would go onto those "not welcome" lists... :lol:

    Pot bellied pigs are rather docile - especially if neutered. I'm not sure the yappy dog wouldn't
    win there. Nice to think it would though. :)
  8. Andrea Silkman

    Andrea Silkman
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    Sep 11, 2012
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    A dog barking is just his way of saying hi. Constant barking is one thing, but a little ruff once in a while is nothing to get worked up over. Nothing can be quiet 24-7.... including humans, so no living creature should be forced to be, especially with a muzzle. If you wear a muzzle around the campground and not speak a word, then I'd consider it for my dog.... oh wait, no I wouldn't......
  9. stroza

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    Jul 10, 2012
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    QUOTE(Tom @ Nov 20 2010, 09:46 AM) [snapback]24910[/snapback]

    Procarver, sounds like you should be more upset with pet owners than the pets themselves.

    X2!!! Its the owners!! We take our 2 black labs and would not go without them!

    QUOTE(Lindsay Richards @ Mar 22 2012, 09:07 AM) [snapback]29092[/snapback]


    :) Classic!! Love it!!
  10. jschrubba

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    Oct 12, 2010
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 12:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    We travel with 2 dogs! And we are very aware that everyone is not an animal lover. For us it is a time to spend with our animal family after leaving them day after day to go to work. We pick up after our dogs and keep the barking to a minimum. Lets be honest dogs are going to bark once in awhile. I too am disgusted by the owners who are irresponsible for their pets. And I don't think that LARGE known dangerous breeds belong in any campground. On another point there are some people who go camping and let their children run rampant and wild....cutting through sites and generally misbehaving. I don't blame the kids I blame the parents.
  11. teaganr

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    Jun 2, 2010
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    I have now read most of these posts. Most of those individuals who dislike dogs do so because.
    1. Noise
    2. Poop
    3. Unleashed pets
    I must admit these are irritations to me also BUT a decent dog owner can and should alleviate most of these anxieties. I’m sorry you don’t like dogs procarver or others, as you are missing out on some beautiful times. I’m sorry because you are in for some lonely episodes in your life and you don't know it. I’ve been to nursing homes where a visit from a dog (or other therapy animal) is the highlight of the day – to see the joy and relaxation from the residents which confirms the value of touch and love.

    HOWEVER you don’t have to dislike the dogs -- it’s the stupid owners who think they have the right to infringe on others. Yes, I too find those that hop out of their rig and start putting up numerous X-Pens cause my ire to rise. Those are the people who need to park down the road and down in the holler. (if there is an outback to the park – put them there). Number of dog limitation rules are acceptable. Breed restrictions are not remember it's the owner -- not the dog. So how do we identify STUPID people?

    I have found that dogs are more honest than humans. They don’t lie, they don’t cheat and they don’t care what you think. They don’t care if they are in a $300,000 rig or a $30 tent as long as they are with their human. They do steal tho (esp if it is a bone).

    My dog is my psychiatrist. He is non-confrontational, listens to my aggravations, sorrows and provides unconditional love AND the best part of it – it’s all free.

    Now if you want to talk about kids in the campground I’ll make you a deal. I’ll muzzle my dog if you muzzle your kid. I’ll make sure my dog stays on it’s lease and doesn’t poop but in specific area and I’ll pick up after it IF you keep your kid on a leash – or at least out of my space and off of my car. I promise not to approach your kid even if you wanted and please keep your kid away from my dog. I’ve seen kids cheat, steal, break other’s property and then lie about it. So whose companion is better behaved? Not all children are poorly behaved as well as not all dogs are poorly trained or supervised.

    We are all entitled to our own opinions. The answer is moderation and consideration.
  12. Farmerswife

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    Jan 20, 2009
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 10:43 AM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    QUOTE(Farmerswife @ Nov 29 2012, 11:37 AM) [snapback]32010[/snapback]

    [SIZE=14pt] [/SIZE]

    I am not sure how cranky and quarrelsome you sound!! I'm a responsible dog lover who thinks there should be more parks that restrict cranky unfriendly people who shoulda bought a condo with a no pets clause. Get over yourself!!
  13. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Procarver hasn't posted in about 2 years...just my opinion but maybe it's time to stop involving his comments in this discussion. :)

  14. melvonnar

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    Apr 24, 2011
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    QUOTE(Procarver @ Nov 19 2010, 03:43 PM) [snapback]24903[/snapback]

    We wish more parks had a strict "No Pet Policy". My wife is allergic to both dogs and cats so we have no pets and don't wish to be bothered by other peoples pets. Our family has been RVing for over 50 years and when we owned a dog and went camping our very well trained dog(s) went to the kennels where it belonged. Many people now days feel their damn mutt has more rights than people, such as being able to ignore leash regulations, nonsense. It also appears most of these "pampered pooches" have not had proper training which just exacerbates the problem. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the bozos who feel it is beneath them to pick up their animals deposits. Maybe it is time to equate non-pet owners rights with non-smokers rights. Remember, there was a time when non-smokers had no rights.

    I"m with you %100.
    I"m afaid the dog lovers will bash you real good.
    The one I like to repeat time and time again is this-----Ever see a dog lick his privet parts then give its owners a good face licking? :lol:
  15. melvonnar

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    Apr 24, 2011
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    QUOTE(rwarner22 @ Jul 24 2011, 10:14 PM) [snapback]26917[/snapback]

    I am listening to a dog bark now. He/she has been at it for the last 5 hours. Ugh

    There is a campground in Pa. called barking dog campground; Guess why? :lol:
  16. astreamer

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    Feb 14, 2012
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    Here, here! After stepping in dog poop twice in two days at two different parks and getting on my water hose and electrical, I am fed up with irresponsible dog owners. If you are unable to manage your pet then you shouldn't own one.
  17. rkw99

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    Aug 2, 2011
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    I wish dog owners would not walk their dogs through the playgrounds. Just in general, not just campgrounds. Even if you clean up the mess, there is still a residue left on the ground for children who like to sit in the grass, or pick up sticks etc.
  18. Joeperez

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    Jan 3, 2013
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    QUOTE(mdcamping @ Nov 20 2010, 12:17 PM) [snapback]24914[/snapback]

    So far we have never run into problems with any four legged campers, It's the two legged one's we've had problems with... :D
  19. B. Kidd

    B. Kidd
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    Apr 17, 2011
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    Responsible dog owners still outnumber the irresponsible ones, especially in the age 55+ parks.
  20. dalsgal

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    Jul 2, 2007
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    I see owners walking their pets and starting to walk away without doing cleanup. I keep a couple of grocery sacks in my pocket and walk over to them and say "here, this will save you a trip to gt a bag". After that they seem to remember to clean up.

    Also, there was a man that I was continually reminding to put his dog on a leash and clean up behind it but he never did. Finally one day I saw him let the dog out and it went immediately to a neighbors campsite and pooped right beside the mans truck door. I got paper and went and picked up the poop and placed it by the dog owners truck door. Of course he stepped in it but....funny thing....he started doing his own clean up after that. Yes, I know that wasn't the recommended "nice" thing for a manager to do but after weeks of talking to the guy I knew it would take something a bit drastic to get through to him and it did.

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