Pets & Parks

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by Procarver, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(dalsgal @ Jan 8 2013, 10:27 AM) [snapback]32375[/snapback]

    I see owners walking their pets and starting to walk away without doing cleanup. I keep a couple of grocery sacks in my pocket and walk over to them and say "here, this will save you a trip to gt a bag". After that they seem to remember to clean up.

    Also, there was a man that I was continually reminding to put his dog on a leash and clean up behind it but he never did. Finally one day I saw him let the dog out and it went immediately to a neighbors campsite and pooped right beside the mans truck door. I got paper and went and picked up the poop and placed it by the dog owners truck door. Of course he stepped in it but....funny thing....he started doing his own clean up after that. Yes, I know that wasn't the recommended "nice" thing for a manager to do but after weeks of talking to the guy I knew it would take something a bit drastic to get through to him and it did.

    Unfortunately, that's the only way some people can learn

  2. acampingfan

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    Aug 3, 2010
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    QUOTE(astreamer @ Dec 29 2012, 11:43 PM) [snapback]32310[/snapback]

    Here, here! After stepping in dog poop twice in two days at two different parks and getting on my water hose and electrical, I am fed up with irresponsible dog owners. If you are unable to manage your pet then you shouldn't own one.

    It helps to have your eyes open when walking! If you cant, heaven forbid you step on some wild animal droppings!
  3. K9_Iraq

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    Mar 21, 2013
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    QUOTE(acampingfan @ Mar 18 2013, 11:42 AM) [snapback]32836[/snapback]

    It helps to have your eyes open when walking! If you cant, heaven forbid you step on some wild animal droppings!

    I agree that r/v guests have to take responsibility of their pets. Pets stay on their leashes and the handler cleans-up after the dog.

    The r/v park guests also has a responsibility to speak-up and civilly remind the handler to properly remove and dispose of the dogs droppings. It can be done in a non-confrontational manner... The reason dog owners and/or handlers continue that poor behavior is very few people speak-up and say anything.

    I carry extra poop bags and in a friendly exchange offer them to handlers and in most interactions we end up in a good ending... ;)
  4. Florida Native

    Florida Native
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    Nov 2, 2005
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    We saw a miniature pig at a campground a few weeks back. Had a fancy vest type harness and was tied to a tree at the camp site. Was causing no trouble, but looked strange. I have heard of them, but first time I have seen one.
  5. f5fstop

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    Apr 28, 2013
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    QUOTE(teaganr @ Nov 27 2012, 01:30 PM) [snapback]31989[/snapback]

    I have now read most of these posts. Most of those individuals who dislike dogs do so because.
    1. Noise
    2. Poop
    3. Unleashed pets
    I must admit these are irritations to me also BUT a decent dog owner can and should alleviate most of these anxieties. I’m sorry you don’t like dogs procarver or others, as you are missing out on some beautiful times. I’m sorry because you are in for some lonely episodes in your life and you don't know it. I’ve been to nursing homes where a visit from a dog (or other therapy animal) is the highlight of the day – to see the joy and relaxation from the residents which confirms the value of touch and love.

    HOWEVER you don’t have to dislike the dogs -- it’s the stupid owners who think they have the right to infringe on others. Yes, I too find those that hop out of their rig and start putting up numerous X-Pens cause my ire to rise. Those are the people who need to park down the road and down in the holler. (if there is an outback to the park – put them there). Number of dog limitation rules are acceptable. Breed restrictions are not remember it's the owner -- not the dog. So how do we identify STUPID people?

    I have found that dogs are more honest than humans. They don’t lie, they don’t cheat and they don’t care what you think. They don’t care if they are in a $300,000 rig or a $30 tent as long as they are with their human. They do steal tho (esp if it is a bone).

    My dog is my psychiatrist. He is non-confrontational, listens to my aggravations, sorrows and provides unconditional love AND the best part of it – it’s all free.

    Now if you want to talk about kids in the campground I’ll make you a deal. I’ll muzzle my dog if you muzzle your kid. I’ll make sure my dog stays on it’s lease and doesn’t poop but in specific area and I’ll pick up after it IF you keep your kid on a leash – or at least out of my space and off of my car. I promise not to approach your kid even if you wanted and please keep your kid away from my dog. I’ve seen kids cheat, steal, break other’s property and then lie about it. So whose companion is better behaved? Not all children are poorly behaved as well as not all dogs are poorly trained or supervised.

    We are all entitled to our own opinions. The answer is moderation and consideration.

    My exact opinion. I'll take an occasional bark from a dog rather than listening to a bunch of brats running around on bikes (or drunks at 1 AM).
    I have a large dog, I pick up after her, she is always on a leash or a 20 foot tether when out of the trailer (I do NOT leave her tethered unless I am outside with her; not fair to her, and in some places I camp, too dangerous for her) or tow vehicle, and she does not bark; however, she will growl at Coyotes, and someone trying to steal my wheels.
  6. docj

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    RVing Expert

    Jul 4, 2010
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    My wife and I had dogs for many years; we chose not to have them when we started full-timing (our last dog now belongs to our grandchildren). I don't mind your dog since, if you control him properly, he is simply an attractive animal on a leash taking a walk and I can admire him and say hello as you go by. Almost all dogs bark once in a while and I don't mind that either, as long as you don't leave him alone locked in your rig for hours on end to the point where he stares out the window and barks at everything.

    BTW, my attitude about your kids is much the same. Most kids are energetic and exuberant at times and I don't mind that as long as the shouting doesn't go on endlessly and the running around doesn't include running through my site. If they are biking around the CG make sure they know to watch for cars and ride well enough not to bump into cars or RVs.
  7. Bob Pi.

    Bob Pi.
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    Aug 19, 2013
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    QUOTE(acampingfan @ Aug 26 2011, 03:42 PM) [snapback]27314[/snapback]

    I think the two key words are "Tolerance" and "Consideration of others" has been already related, the OP posted just to get a "flaming" war started. His original statements were so biased that convincing him otherwise would be useless. I travel with 4, yes, count them 4 Cavalier KCS, all saved from a variety of rescue organizations. I, too, bought an RV so that the kids could go along with us and I would not even consider Kenneling them unless the most dire situation presented itself.

    Once again, as others have noted, having a campground with separate areas for pet people and Non pet people(or as I like to call them, Pet Haters) would be a perfect solution. I know for a fact that I would prefer staying next to a fellow RV'er with 20 dogs/cats/birds etc etc than staying next to the OP!!!!

    So simply because I choose not to own a pet I am a "Pet Hater"? This seems to be an all too common opinion among dog owners, especially irresponsible ones who think their precious Fido can do no wrong. :angry: There are many reasons some people do not own pets. Do not assume we are "Haters".
  8. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(Bob Pi. @ Aug 30 2013, 09:11 PM) [snapback]34603[/snapback]

    So simply because I choose not to own a pet I am a "Pet Hater"? This seems to be an all too common opinion among dog owners, especially irresponsible ones who think their precious Fido can do no wrong. :angry: There are many reasons some people do not own pets. Do not assume we are "Haters".

    Take it easy Bob! :) I don't think most people that don't have dogs are pet haters...especially the folks that are on these camping boards.... I think most people have an understanding and respect of both sides of the pet issues.

  9. GandJ

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    Oct 28, 2011
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    QUOTE(dalsgal @ Jan 8 2013, 09:27 AM) [snapback]32375[/snapback]

    Also, there was a man that I was continually reminding to put his dog on a leash and clean up behind it but he never did. Finally one day I saw him let the dog out and it went immediately to a neighbors campsite and pooped right beside the mans truck door. I got paper and went and picked up the poop and placed it by the dog owners truck door. Of course he stepped in it but....funny thing....he started doing his own clean up after that.

    I hadn't seen this when it was originally posted. You deserve a pat on the back at the very least!
    Even though I'd never have the "huevos" to do the same, it's still fun to think about it when some spit-for-brains dog owner doesn't pick up after his pet.

  10. ThreeTravellingBlondes

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    May 21, 2012
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    Poo karma:
    I'm sure I've left a few quality bombs behind at times, and so when I run across an extra, I pick it up along with pooch's. It's all's just poo. Even the most responsible pooch owner will find themselves bagless or looking with confusion at the pile of mush that just ran out of the pooch's rear because we so joyfully shared the leftovers from the greasiest fish fry ever. There are some things even an organic poopybag cannot conquer.

    So---my apologies for leaving you a choice deposit that I missed in clean-up, but hopefully you are grateful for the extra I picked up leaving a clear path to the hookups at the next spot.
  11. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    QUOTE(ThreeTravellingBlondes @ Sep 2 2013, 10:50 PM) [snapback]34662[/snapback]

    ....because we so joyfully shared the leftovers from the greasiest fish fry ever...

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
    OMG...almost had the coffee 'out the noise' I am laughing so hard!
    Well said!
  12. TentBird85

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    Sep 10, 2013
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    I specifically picked the campground i did because it let me bring my 4 dogs, it even had a dog park.

    Now i will say I was VERY nervous about bringing them. I have 1 dog and i was afraid he would bark the entire time. Luckily he didnt but i was aware how it would bother the campers around us. I kept all 4 of my dogs on zip lines, they were never loose and I also picked up after them. OP, im sorry you didnt/dont have a good experience with pet owners....there are good owners out there.
  13. Lila Jean

    Lila Jean
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    Jan 30, 2014
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    when i first read your post i was upset and almost just skipped the whole thing but i decided to keep reading. I figured i would tell ya a bit about my situation. I'm a single mom of a wonderful boy who is high functioning Autistic. I just bought a rv and am getting ready to move about 1400 miles away. This was really the only option i had to beable to take alot of our stuff and keep our animals. I have 1 bird which i really dont think anyone would have an issue with unless she decided to sing in the middle of the night lol. Then there's our Cat, He's fat and lazy and doesn't really make alot of noise but he wont be leaving the rv unless i can get him to let me put him on a leash (dont see that happening). Now my dog... I will have some issues with him traveling for one thing he is a 150lbs puppy. He's a bit over a year old Lab and Rot mixed. He's not a barker or mean in any way. He loves other dogs and only wants to play with them. but his size intimidates alot of people. and i dont want it to cuase issues when we park for the night, and honestly no idea how he's going to react to all the noise around. But as a single mom i wouldnt even dare try this trip without my dog. It's a dangerous world out there and some really nasty people. I feel so much safer since i have gotten my dog. yes there is alot of pampered pooches out there and Tank is pampered but not to the point he gets his way. ok well most of the time :p as for noise i would be more worried about my son disturbing someone then my dog. Heck to get into my house to gotta get past the cat first he's my guard dog hehe. Ok back on topic here sorry about that. as i just showed you everyones lives are different with different sceniros. and if the RV parks or campgrounds told me i couldn't go in there becuase of my dog that would leave me and my son parking off the side of the road or somewhere i was allowed to go. Now i dont know about you but parking on the side of the road just doesn't seem to safe to me. Now i can agree with a pet area. which i'm sure everyone would agree they dont like stepping in doo doo :p. but to make it 100% pet free would leave me and my son sleeping on the side of the road if we couldnt find another park that allowed pets.

    For most of us Pets are our family. If your just going on a trip and dont wanna bring them that's fine, but that is your choice. I dont mean this to sound rude but it seems a bit selfish to say we should leave our animals home. that's like telling someone that they can't go somewhere unless they leave the kids with the babysitter. and it's not becuase the kids our a problem it's just the ones asking has no tolerance for other people's kids. it's the same with pets. Or smokers. or Coffee drinkers vs tea drinkers. Our world is all about fighting and being prejudice. (sorry spelling is horrible). our world has learned to always fight someone else. there is always going to be "one of THOSE people" we compete with everyone. Boys Vs Girls, Our Town against the next town. Heck townies vs collage. Our state against another state. our country against another. Everyone seems to forget that we all live on the same planet. That us Vs Them scenero can go on and on. It's in our nature and honestlyhard not to do. But if everyone could learn a bit more in patience and tolarence of others life would go so much smoother. So next time just smile and go ask politely to pick up or calm there dog down or whatever the issue is (maybe share a few tips that you have learned with your own) who knows you might actually make a friend or two :)
  14. visionquest

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    Feb 28, 2014
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    I'm in agreement with many of you who say that dog owners, not the dogs are the problem in most cases. Why is it that owners cant train their friends to act "adult" in public, also owners who do P/U after them , happy to see that.

    For us, we have a cat, who is our "KID" and wouldn't think of putting him in a kennel, He is always on a leash ,w/harness and has his litter box out of sight but in range, so to speak, lol.

    I cant see NO Pets parks being a reality, and can see stricter owner laws being enforced.

    Safe Journey to all
  15. LeClair's

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    Feb 23, 2014
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    QUOTE(mdcamping @ Nov 20 2010, 11:17 AM) [snapback]24914[/snapback]

    So far we have never run into problems with any four legged campers, It's the two legged one's we've had problems with... :D

    Love your post, so true!
    I also agree about the gentleman who posted his dislike for animals is an angry person! We too bought our RV so we could incorporate our dogs in our travels. They make the trip that much more special to share the fun with them. The last two campgrounds we stayed at had fenced-in dog parks for the dogs to run free. An occasional poop was spotted, but over all everyone is very good about cleaning up after their dogs.
  16. hypogi

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    Aug 17, 2006
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    As a park owner I absolutely love campers with dogs. I'm guessing that more than half of our campers have dogs. Generally the dogs are well behaved and owners clean up after them. We understand that this is not the case %100 of the time but it would be foolish to think otherwise.

    I get more nervous when I see a camper come in with 4 kids than I do when I have a camper show up with 4 dogs. The dogs can be destructive but nothing like the way 4 unsupervised children can be.

    A dog may leave us a landmine once in a while but I've never had one flood a bathroom, pee in the dryers in the laundromat, steal from the store, vomit in the pool, use a picnic table for firewood, or write graffiti in the bathrooms.

    There is a reason why extra children cost money but dogs are free.
  17. mdcamping

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    Jul 3, 2007
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    Well said hypogi

  18. TheLearningBanks

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    May 5, 2014
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    QUOTE(hypogi @ Apr 27 2014, 05:26 PM) [snapback]36359[/snapback]

    As a park owner I absolutely love campers with dogs. I'm guessing that more than half of our campers have dogs. Generally the dogs are well behaved and owners clean up after them. We understand that this is not the case %100 of the time but it would be foolish to think otherwise.

    I get more nervous when I see a camper come in with 4 kids than I do when I have a camper show up with 4 dogs. The dogs can be destructive but nothing like the way 4 unsupervised children can be.

    A dog may leave us a landmine once in a while but I've never had one flood a bathroom, pee in the dryers in the laundromat, steal from the store, vomit in the pool, use a picnic table for firewood, or write graffiti in the bathrooms.

    There is a reason why extra children cost money but dogs are free.

    Your reply made me smile. :)

    Our dogs are part of our family, and were a major consideration in choosing the motorhome that is now our full-time residence. I'm grateful that most park owners seem to share your opinion, and even those that were skeptical of large dogs (ours are ~50 lbs) have come to love and enjoy the company of our dogs as well.
  19. SKatie

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    May 14, 2014
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    My wife and I are new to fulltiming and have stayed at 3 parks long term so far. We have a Husky and follow all leash rules and potty rules, if we leave for the day we crate him turn on the AC or Heat just in case he makes a noise (and he never does, I have checked in on him to make sure).

    Every park we have stayed at has had several Taco Bell dogs that bark non-stop and are left off leash or in their rig with open windows, I often find small dog poo everyplace and not picked up.

    At first I thought it was me being over sensitive but now I'm wondering if traveling this way is worth it, not very relaxing, it's like living in low rent apartments.

    I have no problem with folks as long as they respect me and my family as we do them.

    I sometimes find myself trying to relax with yapping dogs in the background researching electronic directional sound generating devices that may bother the offenders as much as they are bothering my wife and I. :ph34r:

    Is this what early retirement is all about?... I hope not.
  20. Kawhiacamp

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    May 5, 2014
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    QUOTE(SKatie @ May 15 2014, 08:45 AM) [snapback]36567[/snapback]

    My wife and I are new to fulltiming and have stayed at 3 parks long term so far. We have a Husky and follow all leash rules and potty rules, if we leave for the day we crate him turn on the AC or Heat just in case he makes a noise (and he never does, I have checked in on him to make sure).

    Every park we have stayed at has had several Taco Bell dogs that bark non-stop and are left off leash or in their rig with open windows, I often find small dog poo everyplace and not picked up.

    At first I thought it was me being over sensitive but now I'm wondering if traveling this way is worth it, not very relaxing, it's like living in low rent apartments.

    I have no problem with folks as long as they respect me and my family as we do them.

    I sometimes find myself trying to relax with yapping dogs in the background researching electronic directional sound generating devices that may bother the offenders as much as they are bothering my wife and I. :ph34r:

    Is this what early retirement is all about?... I hope not.

    I would assume that the parks you stay at have rules concerning pets? If so then the best bet is to have a quite word with the park management, and they should have a word to the owners of the problem dogs. For example my camps dog regulations are:

    Pets: Dogs to be kept at heel or on lead if off site at all times.
    No dogs allowed in or around the facility block.
    Owners to clean up after their dogs immediately.
    Excessive barking will mean the dog will be removed from the camp.

    The above I police and make sure the dog owners stick to them as they are a good compromise between dog lovers and dog haters staying in the same park. But there are times I am unaware that a dog is causing a disruption and it is in these cases I rely on other guests informing me.

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