Power Gear Electric Jacks

Discussion in 'Towing, Vehicles, Maintenance and Repairs' started by togators, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. togators

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    Feb 22, 2011
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    Just trying to educate myself on my jacks before spending $1000 for repair. I have PG electric jacks on my 08 fleetwood expedition and my drivers side rear jack is faulting. I did all the manual test at the key pad and she was not budging. Brought in to dealership and was informed I need a new motor at $665 plus 2 hours labor at $125hr. Ask to see mechanic and he showed my the motor and how it would not turn. He said buy a new one, she is stuck. Here is my question, I have read that you can take it apart, clean and they work great. Most of those forums spoke of the brake getting water intrusion then rusting out. Mine appears (as I was told) to be a motor issue. Do I just bite the bullet and spend the $$$$. By the way, I am fairly mechanical but not alot of free time working and raising a family. Thank you for your time and thoughts.
  2. Fitzjohnfan

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    Apr 6, 2010
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    I have PG jacks on my '89 southwind also. They may be a different model, so maybe different info, by I had one fail on my unit as well. I wrote to PG and they said they could get me a new motor to about $185.00. You might want to contact them directly, and see what you get.

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