Question : Pets

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by campNout, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. campNout

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    May 10, 2009
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    WOW what great idea's. I am going to copy your doggie paper for all to read and sign and I think I will check the dollar store and buy the clean up tools. If they don't have any thing to clean up with I will GIVE them one or just give every body one when they sign the agreement. The gift will help them not to be mad about having to sign the clean up agreement. I just love this plan. I really am not out to offend any one. My husband is going thru a mood that he counts the poops and gripes and gripes, 300 last week, and he is driving me crazy. This just might be the answer or it will at least cut down on Hubbys clean up.

    Thanks to all I know that most people are good campers and may be just don't stop to think that the next guest does not a site cover in poop, cigarette buts or any other trash.

    I don't mind buying the bags and giving them away but really the pet owner should already have their supplies.

    I will let you know how this goes.
  2. OurWheelyHome

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    Jul 21, 2009
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    SO glad to help. It is maddening, I'm sure. I don't blame your husband at all and I know my husband would be driving me crazy as well.

    If you give away the tools - tie a ribbon and treat to each gift set with a tag that reads "KINDLY clean up after your FAMILY MEMBERS. Thank you!". I can't imagine how anyone would feel offended after receiving this gift. Maybe it will ENLIGHTEN them and make a permanent change in their thinking. Good luck!

    DO LET ME KNOW how it goes.

    Good night to you!
  3. 3 camping families

    3 camping families
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    Jul 22, 2009
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    First of all, there will always be someone who thinks the world revolves around them and does not clean up after their pets.

    Secondly, we travel with our Golden Retriever and we always carry a bag with us to clean up after our dog. We have stayed at campgrounds that have the bags in metal boxes at the end of every road just in case you do not make it to the pet area. We also stayed at a campground that had a pet area with large garbage cans, shovels, bags, etc right at the pet area. The best suggestion I have is to have "cleaning up" supplies available throughout the campground and pet area.

    Please do not punish all the wonderful pet owners because of a few rude individuals.
  4. gilda

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    Aug 20, 2007
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  5. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(gilda @ Jul 22 2009, 09:10 AM) [snapback]17662[/snapback]

    OurWheelyHome....Thanks for some great suggestions. I will most definitely use the form agreement.

    Another question from me regarding this subject. When I took over managing this park, the previous owner allowed one (1) pet under 25 lbs. The owner prior to this DID NOT ALLOW PETS at all!! HATED THEM!! Well, when I took over, we had and still have around 30% of the park that have been here for a long, long time. The majority do not like pets.(which is why they chose this park way back) I love animals...all animals. I have minor restrictions (due to insurance). My park is set up in a way that I can not separate the dog owners from non dog owners. Plus, I (and the dog owners) enjoy the ability to walk the entire park (on a 6ft leash) without restrictions.

    Here's my dilemma..last season a LOT of guests were very upset because the dogs were urinating on their grass, flowers, trees, pots, etc. The dog owners will stop to talk and...well you know male dogs (sometimes females). This is the first year that this was an issue. I do not want to insist that they walk there dogs in a specific area. Plus, the park is not set up where I have a "dog run or area". Someone had mentioned taking a spray bottle of bleach along to disinfect, but that wouldn't work on plants or trees.

    I guess I'm asking for a solution, and I know there is not one, other than telling walkers to keep the dog in the middle of the roads; away from any grass, etc. Dog owners know that this pee situation is a bit "picky" by non dog owners. I personally was always just happy when my dog relieved herself in a proper place (outdoors). Any suggestions??

    Sadly, if one has female dogs, there is no solution other than following them and immediately dumping/spraying a WHOLE lot of water in the area on which they urinated. I've tried several products including G-Whiz AND water and have had almost no success with the former and very little with the latter. I have a product called Green Now on order and should get it shortly. It was promoted by the late Billy Mays and has a green colorant plus fertilizer combined. Should be interesting to try.

    Males aren't nearly the same problem as females because, just like human males, their aim isn't always great and the urine is spread over a wider area.
  6. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    QUOTE(abbygolden @ Jul 22 2009, 05:28 PM) [snapback]17666[/snapback]

    Males aren't nearly the same problem as females because, just like human males, their aim isn't always great and the urine is spread over a wider area.

    So is this why Elvis Costello kept singing to Alison "My aim is true" :D
  7. abbygolden

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    Oct 15, 2007
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    QUOTE(HappiestCamper @ Jul 23 2009, 10:35 AM) [snapback]17687[/snapback]

    So is this why Elvis Costello kept singing to Alison "My aim is true" :D

    I think I would laugh if I understood this, but I don't.
  8. nicki

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    Aug 23, 2008
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    I agree with those who who have said to politely inform dog owners that they will be asked to leave if seen leaving their dog's poop. This policy could also be reinterated on poop bag/garbage can stations throughout the park. I have two dogs, and on their leashes I have attached these cute little poop bag dispensers that are shaped like dog bones. The bags inside are refillable, and they are available at any pet store. I never leave for a walk without this. Maybe you could invest in a bulk quantity of them for your CG, even with the CG logo perhaps, and hand them out for free at check-in? I know that would be an added expense but maybe worth it in the long run? Or if you charge a fee for dogs, take it out of that fee. Good luck.
  9. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    QUOTE(abbygolden @ Jul 23 2009, 05:37 PM) [snapback]17700[/snapback]

    I think I would laugh if I understood this, but I don't.

    In the song "Alison" by Elvis Costello, he keeps singing "My aim is true"

    Ain't worth laughing.
  10. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    QUOTE(campNout @ Jul 19 2009, 01:34 PM) [snapback]17601[/snapback]

    I am the owner of a family run campground . I have a question for campers and park owners who post here, as I am at my wits end as how to handle pets and their owners. I just read the post "Do you follow all the rules" and according to the answers all posters here are good campers and the type of guests that are a pleasure to have. Here is the problem we are getting tired of having to clean dog poop EVERY DAY. Yesterday 26 were picked up and today 48. We have clean up required on the camp rules and we made a notice typed in BIG Letters that we posted on our bulleton board. Have also reminded (VERY NICELY) guests at check in to please clean up after pets. We even purchased novelty sign "Pet asking the owner to be responsible".
    Pets were free, after years of having to deal with clean up we added $1.00 per pet. Three years ago we changed to one pet free and $1.00 for aditional, thinking if the dog was free may be people would clean up. I have tried every thing EXCEPT charge a deposit for pets. If you clean up, deposit returned at check out. This was suggested by a guest. They told me they have even been in parks that charge a deposit and give the money to another camper who report another camper for not cleaning up. I don't think I would like the tattle tale part . We are thinking people would be more likely to clean up as they would not know when they were being watched. What do you good campers think. It is not fair to us to have spend our time cleaning up and NOT FAIR to other guests who check in and the site has poop OR Covered with cigarette butts (thats another story). When we are busy it is hard to check every site between check in and check out. I know that good pet owners get as up set seeing people not clean as we do, as some have voiced their opinons to us. HELP ME Is there a ANSWER or do we GRIN and Bare it keep on scooping and smiling .

    I don't think this has been posted but one suggestion might be is to have a minimum age requirement for walking your dog. I've seen kids walk their parents dogs at campgrounds many times and kids will be kids when it comes to picking up dog poop.

    This suggestion is certainly not a cure but this might reduce the amount you find.

    Hope this helps,
  11. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    on their leashes I have attached these cute little poop bag dispensers that are shaped like dog bones. The bags inside are refillable, and they are available at any pet store. I never leave for a walk without this.

    Me too, only mine is shaped like a fire hydrant.

    I don't think this has been posted but one suggestion might be is to have a minimum age requirement for walking your dog.

    Can't see this working when most campgrounds don't enforce their "all driver's of golf carts most have a valid driver's license" rule.
  12. danel-ksc

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    Jul 2, 2009
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    We have two dogs that travel with us and since we don't let them do their job in our neighbors yards when we are home we don't just "walk the dogs" to other campers sites when we travel.
    They do what they have to on our site and we pick it up and dispose of it, then we go for a walk. People will pick it up or you will at least know who isn't.

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