Site Updates This Week (and a few recent)

Discussion in 'CGR Site Admin, News and Announcements' started by Janet H, Oct 20, 2020.

  1. Janet H

    Janet H
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    Sep 11, 2013
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    You may have noticed a number of small changes in the past few weeks and I wanted to let you know about these as well as some coming soon.

    Park ratings calculations: This week you will see some change to park rankings as we refactor the way these ratings are calculated, moving to a weighted scoring system were older reviews count less towards the overall rating of a park. For most parks this will mean only a tiny change in their score but for parks who have worked to improve their properties and services in recent years there should be a noticeable improvement in their ratings. Some of the parks in our system have been here for over a decade and old reviews don't necessarily reflect the current state of a park. The reviews will still be available - just not factored so heavily into the parks current rating..

    State page layout changes on Wednesday: The page will be streamlined a little to improve usability. Ads will be moved, headers reduced in height to move more information up the page. The map will be resized a little and a searchable city list will appear in the left column (screenshot)


    International Currency display: we've had a number of requests to display rates paid at parks in USA, CAD or MXN currency and members can now select this when submitting a review.

    No Stay reviews: Big change here... you can now submit a review that did not involve an overnight stay and there is a field on the review form for this (also displayed on the actual review). We made this change as people often visit a park for an event or perhaps it's a local park used for daytime activities. Reviewers must affirm that they were at the park when they submit the review and we are hoping that members will take time to include reviews of their local parks and include lots of photos.

    Speed Test - There is an option under the submit link in the site header. When you click a test, even if you're not in a park, it may ask you if you are in one that is nearby. Any logged in user can run the speed test. In the long term this data will be immensely useful to help determine how much service is available in a park and with what carrier. You can run the speed test anytime - you don't have to be in a park. if you are in a park the speed test results will be added to the info about that park so that others can know about connectivity. Data associated with your account is not reflected here - only the results of the test.

    speed test.png

    Photo Sizes
    - The minimum size requirements for photo uploads has been eliminated. We hope you'll upload large, lovely pics, but don't want the restrictions to be a barrier.

    Ranged filters - There is a new tab on the search page "more" reveals a new filtering option for ranged filters - sliders. This allows for sort by stars, election, number of sites, etc

    ranged filters.jpg

    RVL PRO Member View - RVL PRO users (trip wizard and app subscribers when logged into the site have ad free viewing.

    Covid Alerts are being removed now as most parks are open. They can be replaced if needed.
    #1 Janet H, Oct 20, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2020
    Rollin Ollens and NYDutch like this.
  2. Condor60

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    Aug 1, 2020
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    Submit a review that is now pending and I noticed it picked up the wrong park in the title. How do I edit before it's posted?
  3. Janet H

    Janet H
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    Sep 11, 2013
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    I can change it for you... What is the correct park?
  4. Condor60

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    Aug 1, 2020
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    Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort
  5. Texasrvers

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    Mar 6, 2006
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    Thanks for reporting this. Your review has been moved to the correct park. Just FYI for the future, it is best to send this type of request to our Help Desk by clicking on the Contact Us link located at the bottom of each page.

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