This Is Soooooo Wrong!

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by Beastdriver, Feb 26, 2007.

  1. COWolfPack

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    Sep 29, 2006
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    You definitely need to post the review for this park. This guy's behavior was inexcusable. Don't worry if yours is the first negative review, information like this does need to be passed on. As the saying goes, "a leopard can't change his spots." In the long run as more people see this type of behavior from this guy more negative reviews will be posted about this campground.

    As for how to word the review, I think you should write it just like you wrote your post. You did a very good job a detailing the facts in your post without getting nasty about it. You calmly and respectfully laid out the facts from your point of view and gave very good details. Personally I would give more weight to a review written like you wrote your post over some of the other negative reviews I have read where people were ranting or giving very few details. You should never have doubts about posting a negative review if it is well deserved by the park, and in this case it sounds like it is.

    I am glad that your granddaughter is well. And as Cheryl had stated I hope you received a full refund from this park.
  2. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    I agree with them. Post your review exactly as you wrote your experience here. Have you contacted the owner of the park about this matter?

    I have never submitted a review because we have never stayed at an RV Park that we didn't like and never met a RV Park Manager that wasn't just a super-fine person.

    Please reconsider not posting good reviews for the places you like. Good reviews help others find campgrounds just as well as bad ones.
  3. TexasTraveler

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    Jun 16, 2007
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    Hi Fellow RV'ers,

    Thanks for your well thought out advice. Cheryl, you're right about posting the good reviews as well and that part will be easy. We have had the good fortune to stay at many exceptional RV Parks and I'll get these written and submitted asap.

    Oh, and to answer your questions, no, there was no refund and I've looked on the Web but haven't been able to identify the owner of the Park.

    I guess if there is a humorous side to this mis-adventure at the RV Park in Vicksburg, it is that their advertisement in Woodall's says to come to their Park to experience some real Southern Hospitality. A fellow RV'er said yes, DELIVERANCE style. I have to laugh every time I think of that one.

    Thanks again
  4. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    Sorry to hear of your problem with "southern hospitality", but please voice your experience in the form of a review. We, the Rving public need to know all information about this campground and it's manager/owner. I guess he missed or slept through the course on "customer relations".

    As you stated, that the park was a "Good Sam" park, I would contact Good Sam, enlighten them as to what transpired, and request a refund from them, as the campground did not refund your fee. Being a Good Sam member would also carry some weight. I assumed you are. Personally, I would e-mail the info to the Good Sam website, and would follow up with a written, or e-mailed notice to Good Sams Highway magazine, and request they print it. The Good Sam organization needs to be made aware of the situation as it pertains to you.

    Again, please post your reviews, positive or negative, and thank you for enlightening us.
  5. TexasTraveler

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    Jun 16, 2007
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    Hi Butch and thanks for your reply.

    We live in East Texas and Southern Hospitality is something we pride ourselves on. That sure was a humilitating experience we had.

    Yes, we are Good Sam members and I had already written to them about the Park and they have written back stating they will investigate the matter. I didn't ask Good Sam for a refund. We paid with a Visa Card and I'll deal with them on the refund. But to be honest, it isn't a matter of the money, we're more concerned with seeing that no other RV'er has to endure this kind of embarrassment at the hands of this individual.

    I hadn't considered writing to Highway's Magazine, but that might be a good idea. I think I'll do that. I guess the more people that know about this incident, the better.

    And I'd like to point out that my intention is not to hurt the Park owners or even the manager. The poor guy obviously needs our prayers. He must have some very real problems that would make him treat his customers this way.

    Thanks Butch,
  6. denbroncs

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    Jun 24, 2005
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    If that had happened to me, I would consider starting a web page to tell the world what a moron that owner is! I would certainly write, Woodalls, Trailer Life, Highways, Good Sam, AAA & any other publication that comes to mind. I certainly would review it online. Wow. The drunks two sites down were probably left alone. I'm sorry to hear of your experience.

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