Walmart Parking???

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by bluedurango, Mar 9, 2004.

  1. RedHatter_B

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    Jun 20, 2004
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    We stay at Walmarts when it's just too long to get from point A to B in one day, we never pop out all three slides, just the bedroom so I can reach the closet. We leave the living area closed up and the trailer hooked to the truck. Husband used to be a truck driver and says Walmarts welcome truck drivers too. I think as far as $$ goes, we always stock up so our stays reap Walmart more than a hundred dollars a stop from us too.
    We have to agreee to another's quote: "The principal behind Walmart parking is that it is a convenient/safe place for overnight parking when it is going to take more than 1 day of driving to reach your destination. Most rest areas on major highways do not allow overnight parking. And, you can't always find a campground if you are not in a tourist area. " It is not meant to be a destination stop or vacation stop where you unhook and leave the RV during the day. The principal thing here, stay with the RV.
  2. racertech62

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    Jun 12, 2004
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    I too have used the Walmart parking lot on several occassions. Mostly when i'm too tired to safely drive any further and there is not a camp site open. It's been my experience that most small camp facilities close their gates at 8:00 pm or earlier. Interstate rest stops are full with truckers and crime is a problem. At 3:00 am and your seeing double, that well lite parking lot looks very inviting for a few hours of shut eye and yes! we too stock up on supplies before heading out on the road again in the morn. I for one am very gratefull for walmarts RV parking policy when availible. ;)
  3. MBageant

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    Jun 30, 2004
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    When I saw some other discussion areas talking about staying in a Wal-Mart parking lot overnight, in your RV, I too thought it was some sort of "inside" RV joke! Maybe one of those "urban legends"! :lol: We've just started doing the camping thing. I was flabbergasted when I read this thread verifying that people DO actually stay overnight in Wal-Mart parking lots in their RV's. :blink: I've been to a lot of Wal-Marts in Maryland, and I have NEVER seen RV's there. I guess the areas I've been in have laws against that. However, thanks for the information, and I will have to keep this in mind for the future if we are traveling out of state and need to find an overnight place in an emergency.
  4. seabirdrv

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    Jun 15, 2004
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    Small RV parks will often offer reduced rates for cutomers who don't require hook-ups, simply a place to pull off to park and sleep. Our park offers a $12 overnight parking rate. This allows you a space, without hook-ups from 8:30 pm to 8:30 am. You are also allowed use of the Dump/Cleaning station when you depart in the morning.

    We understand that sometimes you just need to rest before pushing on to your destination. Most owners are willing to work with customers if asked about reduced (no hook-ups) overnight rates. We truly do not want any of our spaces to just sit empty.

    If you ever find yourself pushing a late leg on your trip through the southwest coastal region of Oregon, we hope you remember us.

    Sheila Sparlin
    Owner, Sea Bird RV Park
  5. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    Last month on our way to Myrtle Beach, we stopped at PARAMOUNTS KINGS DOMINION CAMPGROUND. We pulled in after 2:00AM and left before 9:eek:oAM just to sleep. Never unhooked, used their electricity, but nothing else. They had plenty of unused sites. We were charged full price ($34.00) for the site, even after we told the person what time we had pulled in. It was the only campground advertised in the area. It was too hot not to be able to use the air-conditioner. So we paid, but that is a perfect example of why people use Walmart.
  6. Chief801

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    Aug 2, 2004
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    Along I-5 in Washington State the Department of Transportation has set up several
    dump stations located in rest stops. Its free to dump and also have potable water stations just in case your low. :D
  7. bayoubengal

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    Jul 24, 2004
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    QUOTE(seabirdrv @ Jul 27 2004, 11:58 AM)
    Small RV parks will often offer reduced rates for cutomers who don't require hook-ups, simply a place to pull off to park and sleep. Our park offers a $12 overnight parking rate. This allows you a space, without hook-ups from 8:30 pm to 8:30 am. You are also allowed use of the Dump/Cleaning station when you depart in the morning.

    We understand that sometimes you just need to rest before pushing on to your destination. Most owners are willing to work with customers if asked about reduced (no hook-ups) overnight rates. We truly do not want any of our spaces to just sit empty.

    If you ever find yourself pushing a late leg on your trip through the southwest coastal region of Oregon, we hope you remember us.

    Sheila Sparlin
    Owner, Sea Bird RV Park

    Sheila, Don't know if you get many takers for $12 with no hook-ups. Our state parks only charge $12 with hook-ups (water and electric) and we've stayed in some PA campgrounds with full hook-ups for as little as $6. Maybe you should cut that price in half and get more takers. :)
  8. seabirdrv

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    Jun 15, 2004
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    QUOTE(bayoubengal @ Aug 3 2004, 08:17 PM)
    Sheila, Don't know if you get many takers for $12 with no hook-ups. Our state parks only charge $12 with hook-ups (water and electric) and we've stayed in some PA campgrounds with full hook-ups for as little as $6. Maybe you should cut that price in half and get more takers. :)

    The $12 allows you use of the bathrooms/showers(forgot to mention in last post) and use of the dump/cleaning station as you depart. We get plenty of after hours customer parking at the $12 rate. Compared to other parks and resorts that charge the full daily rate $12 seems very reasonable for secure overnight parking.

    We have Harris Beach State Park just down the road from us and they charge $18 for water and septic hookup. No reduced rate for a "no hook-up" site. It is a wonderful State camp ground overlooking the ocean. Full hook-up site runs $22 per night. So I think we are in a range equal to, sometimes less, then most local parks. Thats the great thing about this area you really have a big variety in service levels.

    Appreciate you feedback
  9. Brembo

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    Jul 10, 2003
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    QUOTE(seabirdrv @ Aug 4 2004, 12:09 PM)
    [The $12 allows you use of the bathrooms/showers(forgot to mention in last post) and use of the dump/cleaning station as you depart.  We get plenty of after hours customer parking at the $12 rate.  Compared to other parks and resorts that charge the full daily rate $12 seems very reasonable for secure overnight parking.

    We have Harris Beach State Park just down the road from us and they charge $18 for water and septic hookup.  No reduced rate for a "no hook-up" site.  It is a wonderful State camp ground overlooking the ocean.  Full hook-up site runs $22 per night.  So I think we are in a range equal to, sometimes less, then most local parks.  Thats the great thing about this area you really have a big variety in service levels.

    Appreciate you feedback

    Hi Sheila
    I’d say that Sea Bird RV park is the exception rather than the rule. What happens at your park if I pull up at 10pm? Is there a list of available spots? Are there any statements about just parking w/o hookups? I’ve been to parks with security gates that were absolutely closed after 8pm. You can only exit after that. What Wal-Mart offers is a quick easy place to sleep a few hours. I’ve never actually stayed at one, but plan to on my next trip, and only as a rest stop. I like the RV park experience, but only when I’m not in a hurry to get to my destination.

  10. Fleg

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    I myself have only stayed at a Wal-Mart once but I know exactly the type of "Wal-Mart Slug" that will ruin it for the rest of us.
    Living in Albuquerque every October we see the same thing. See, October is when the International Ballon Fiesta takes place. Campgrounds tripple their pricing overnight and hotels are booked a year in advance. So where do all the people that can't find a place to "camp" go?? Well Wal-Mart of course!! Most stay only a couple days, some stay the entire eleven. Slides all extended, tow'd unhooked, awnings down and folding chairs scattered about. It makes me sick. It's only a matter of time before Albuquerque and the neighboring towns do something about this.
    Thanks to the few that ruin it for everyone.
  11. seabirdrv

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    Jun 15, 2004
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    QUOTE(Brembo @ Aug 4 2004, 04:54 PM)
    Hi Sheila
    I’d say that Sea Bird RV park is the exception rather than the rule. What happens at your park if I pull up at 10pm? Is there a list of available spots? Are there any statements about just parking w/o hookups? I’ve been to parks with security gates that were absolutely closed after 8pm. You can only exit after that. What Wal-Mart offers is a quick easy place to sleep a few hours. I’ve never actually stayed at one, but plan to on my next trip, and only as a rest stop. I like the RV park experience, but only when I’m not in a hurry to get to my destination.


    We have a Manager that resides at the park. There is a sign on the office door for after hours folks to ring the door bell and the manager will assist you with an available space. We also list the open spaces and rates for after hours customers and a time stamp video camera at the Park entrance records license numbers of those who park without ringing the manager, he will then greet you in the morning for the space rental.

    We took in six after hours customers just last night and one customer only stayed for about three hours and left the $12 in a envelope slipped under the office door with their license number written on the envelope. We have only had one customer in the last five years drive off without paying. We sent them a bill with the image of their rig entering and leaving the park and they sent us payment.

    If you are ever in the area we hope that you will stay with us.


    P.S. I hope everyone understands that we are not saying that you should never overnight park at Walmart. We want all RVers to be safe and if that means parking in a Walmart lot for some sleep to continue your trip safely we are all for that. :D
  12. Zabidoo75

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    Aug 17, 2004
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    Hi I have a really silly question...don't laugh too loud! Here goes...Does Wal-Mart parking also include pop-ups? I really can't see myself popping one up in the lot, but just to pull over and catch a few winks! What do you think?
  13. compokel

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    Aug 10, 2004
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    I saw a pop-up at one Wal-Mart that I stayed at.

    Wal-Marts are a great chance to catch a few zzzz's on the cheap. We needed to cross from Oregon to Mass. pretty quickly and the Wal-Marts that we stopped at were ideal for that purpose. And they were better than some of the rest stops/service areas that did allow overnighting. As a 38 footer w/toad, we've had to park next to semis (which smell :( & run their engines all night). Not fun.

    To the Campground owner in OR, we did stay at a couple of small camps along the way. Now mind you, we came across during off, off, off season. We got one discount ($13), which provided no water, no elec., no sewer, not much fun. I could have spent that at Wal-Mart on a sweat suit to keep myself warm for the night.

    I recommend the following books for quick overnighters: The RVer's Friend, Diesel & Parking Directory, as well as Rest Areas & Welcome Centers Along US Interstates, which includes Wal-Mart listings. No RVer should be without them! :D
  14. stanleee

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    Jul 29, 2003
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    Sheila, you sound like a campers dream as far as Campground owners are concerned. Wish they were all like you folks and if I ever get to your part of our country I will look you up.-Stan
  15. seabirdrv

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    Jun 15, 2004
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    Thank you Stan. My husband and I love to travel in our RV and we try to run our Park in a way that we would want to be treated when we travel. We want to make our guests feel welcome when they arrive and satisfied when they leave so they will come back and visit us when they can. Our Park is not a fancy one but our manager and hosts keep it clean and tidy with well maintained hook-ups. This allows the guest more time to enjoy the wonderful outdoor activities that make our part of the country a great place to visit.

    We are always adding new things to our website (This is a new thing for us) so feel free to visit it and see all the things this area of the U.S. has to offer.

    Thanks again Stan.


    PS - To everyone else - Sorry for getting a little off topic everyone. :rolleyes:
  16. maggie

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    Jun 14, 2004
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    I really can't believe that this topic has gotten so many responses!! This is going to encourage Wal-Mart to either start renting their parking spaces or building campgrounds!! All these responses have been very interesting but I think we all know by now that you can park and sleep at Wal-Mart, and I personally would like to see a new subject posted! (Hope I didn't offend anyone, and if I did I apologize!!)
  17. catadams44

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    Aug 30, 2004
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    The Wal-Mart Corporation has an official statement regarding RV parking at Wal-Mart stores. Here is the complete statement (as of 8/30/04) from the Wal-Mart Website:

    "Wal-Mart permits recreational-vehicle (RV) parking on our store lots, as we are able. The ability to accommodate RVs is determined on a store-by-store basis, contingent upon available space, local regulations and ordinances".

    In another RV forum I saw, the members there had a discussion about about RV parking at Wal-Mart and came up with a list of etiquette that they all would observe if they should stay at a Wal-Mart parking lot. Here's some of what I remember:

    (1) Always go in and ask for permission if you arrive during store hours. If you arrive after the store is closed for the evening, park in the furthermost corner away from the store. Be prepared to be asked to leave during the night if you don't have prior permission. You might also be issued a citation by the local law. If you'll be arriving after hours and already know that you'll be staying at the store, call the store ahead of time for permission. Always get the name of the person you talked with.

    (2) It's okay to open the slide-outs, but do not put down stabilizer legs, supports or jacks as they damage the asphalt parking lot surface.

    (3) Never cook outside of your rig.

    (4) Never put outside any chairs, or other personal belongings. Do not open your awning. In otherwords, the only thing you own that should be visible is the RV and the tow vehicle.

    (5) No loud music or tv. Try to be as quiet as possible.

    (6) It's okay to use your generator in very short intervals. Never run it for more than absolutely necessary, and never after 10pm at night or before 7am in the morning.

    (7) If traveling with children, do not let them run around and play in the parking lot.

    (8) The dumping of ANY tanks in the parking lot is not okay. Report anyone who does to the store management right away.

    (9) Don't unhook your tow vehicle or towed-vehicle and leave the RV. This is not a campgound. It is okay to unhook however, if you have repairs that need to be made to the tow vehicle and you are taking it to a local shop for the repairs. Put something under your supports so they don't damage the parking lot surface. Discuss it with the store manager so that they know what is going on and they also may be able to direct you to a local reputable repair shop.

    (10) Never do any repair work in the lot yourself.

    (11) Be good neighbors to the store. Purchase something during your time there.

    (12) Never stay more than one night. Period.
    If you have a reason that it's absolutely necessary, discuss it with the store manager.

    (13) Leave the area cleaner than you found it. Don't ever leave any trash.

    It all makes very good sense, doesn't it? We the RVers, should do everything possible so that Wal-Mart continues this gracious policy in towns where there aren't ordinances prohibiting it.
  18. LeviLady

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    Aug 29, 2004
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    During the Hurricane Charley, we decided the best thing for us was to get out of town along with hundreds of thousands of others. Leaving at 1pm on Friday the 13th, left us with little time to make arrangements for a campsite. Arriving in W. Palm Beach around 3pm we noticed a Wal-Mart super center being built near the W.Palm Beach airport. Due to lack of being able to find a camp site, motel, hotel room we pulled in to Wal-Mart. Their security guard was making his rounds. We stopped him to ask if it was ok if we waited out Charley in the parking lot. Well he spoke NO English. Soooooooo we parked waited and more RV's started pulling in. Wasn't long before the Asst. Managers came knocking on our door. Two wonderful, lovely ladies. The first words out of their mouths was WELCOME to Wal-mart. They also offered due to the fact there was tornado warnings in the area that if we got into trouble or felt unsafe, to please go to the main doors. The workers would be there all night and would let us stay inside Wal-mart for the night.

    All I can say is YEA!!! Wal-mart :D
  19. AnnaBanana

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    Sep 18, 2004
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    Our local newspaper did a story on RVers a while back. It did mention campers staying overnight at Wal-Marts during their trips. One word of caution that the story mentioned..... Many criminals are starting to target these overnight campers. They understand that most campers have cash on hand, and they have been known to just simply walk up to a travel trailer, knock on the door, and rob people at gunpoint. :ph34r: I don't know about you, but this scared me somewhat. Even though it's a hassle, I'd still rather pull into that campground.
  20. denicelit

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    Sep 22, 2004
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    We also stay overnight in Walmart. Most nights we arrive after 9:00 or 10:00 and we're on the road by 6:00. My thought is why pay $25.00 to $30.00 to stay overnight when once again, we are not using any of their services. It's a great place to rest while getting from Point A to Point B. We do put out our bedroom slide of our motorhome, but nothing else. We feel safe with our fellow RV'ers in Wal-Mart. Mind you when we wake in the morning we find Semi-Trucks as some our neighbors. I would rather people pull over for a few hours of sleep and arrive safely at their destination rather than drive tired. B)

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