What Are Your Pet Peeves Rv'ing?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by imagardener, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    I've personally never seen posted rules on not walking thru someone else's campsite or space but I believe it is simply a matter of "camping politeness" that most all campers go by. I happen to agree with what littleleftie said about it being "inherently invasive and intrusive" so if you do decide to take a shortcut thru someone else's campsite to save a few feet getting back to your rig, etc. be prepared for the camper in that space to perhaps give you a not so friendly stare . It's nothing more than simple common courtesy IMHO to walk that few extra feet and not walk thru their space and show a little regard for their privacy. BTW, welcome to the forum, I think you'll find most all of us on it to be cordial, courteous and above all friendly. That is of course unless you insist on walking thru our spaces................. :D

    Regards, BankShot (aka Terry)
    Luvtheroad likes this.
  2. Jack B

    Jack B
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    Jul 21, 2014
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    Last year our towing gear failed. We were within a couple of days of our destination. We had Walkie-Talkies for back-in sites and now we had to drive our tow the last leg to our Winter home.
    My wife drove the p/u and I the MH and we used the Walkie-Talkies to communicate. Arrived safe and sound and had six months to square away the towing situation.
  3. rracer5

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    Apr 29, 2015
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    Yes, unless you asked if you could cut through. I would never refuse....just ask. It's the polite thing to do!
    Luvtheroad and mdcamping like this.
  4. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    Never have understood why some get so upset about someone walking through "their" site. I try not to do it, but impossible at some state parks. Put up a fence if you don't want cut throughs....

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
    Jack B likes this.
  5. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    Probably because it IS "their" site for the duration of their stay. If you rented a hotel room with patio door pool access, would you be okay with people passing through it because it was a shorter way to the pool?
    Luvtheroad and dalsgal like this.
  6. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    I would have no issues if my patio was unobstucted (no fence or wall) to the pool.

    That's why I said if you don't want cut throughs at a campsite put up a fence or crime scene tape to mark your "territory".

    You are a renter, it's not "your" exclusive property.
  7. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    I pay extra for sites that are waterfront (whether it be river, lake, or ocean).
    I have things that I have brought to enjoy my trip (chairs, bikes, kayaks, etc.). If any of this goes missing, I'm going to tell the rangers who was walking through my site uninvited.
    Most of the time my 13 y/o daughter brings a friend. They may be the only ones at our site while others have gone for a hike or to the store, etc.
    Some of the windows in my camper may only be visible from my site, and thus blinds may not necessarily be drawn. If you walk through uninvited, you may be able to see into those windows. If my wife or one of my kids happen to be changing at the time, you and I have a problem.
    I have a big dog that ignores everybody - until a stranger walks into our site uninvited. While he is tied up, you may not see him (and he might not see you) until you are right on top of him.
    I do not walk through anybody's site uninvited. If I'm playing music, I walk around my site to make sure it can't be heard in other's sites. I don't use bright lights at night. If I'm walking through the CG at night, I shine the flashlight at the ground just in front of my feet, so as not to be shining it into anybody's site. On the very rare occasion where I'm driving through the CG after dark, I go very slow and only use my parking lights, so as not to shine my headlights into anybody's site.
    I am not anti-social - I am very friendly to strangers that stop at the edge of my site and start a conversation. After that, they will be invited to come into my site. If you want to walk through this site without my permission, rent it before I do.
  8. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    I mean walking right through "your" room to access the patio door to the pool. Is that still okay with you? Is that really any different than walking through "your" site? Within the rules of the rental, you do effectively "own" the site for the duration of the rental for your exclusive use. Would you be okay with someone parking a car on your site? Setting up a tent on your site? Using your picnic table? Where do you draw the line?
    Luvtheroad likes this.
  9. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    If you feel this way, you should avoid Texas State Parks.

    The site fees are the same for waterfront as not. Everyone is allowed access to the water. If someone needs to cross part of "your property" to access the lake or River you have no rights unless you erect an obstruction (fence or crime scene tape). And if you do put up an obstruction, expect the Rangers to ask for you to remove.

    It is not your property. It is state park property.
    Jack B likes this.
  10. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    HUGE difference.

    They would need to cross a barrier (door or wall) to go through my room.

    That is why I said to erect a barrier (fence or crime scene tape).
    Jack B likes this.
  11. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    Yes, some places don't charge extra for waterfront. But I've never seen a CG that didn't have access to the water for those that aren't on a waterfront site. It may not be as convenient, but that does not give anybody the right to walk uninvited through a site that someone else has rented.
    Luvtheroad and TranQuilguy like this.
  12. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    If you feel this strong about your "space", erect a barrier so everyone knows what you consider your property.

    I won't address the rest of your questions because they are ridiculous.
    Jack B likes this.
  13. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    Like I said, do not camp at Texas State Parks if you are this adamant about your lakefront space. All visitors have right to access the waterway. Most, if not all (except some kids), are respectful and walk at perimeter between sites.
    Jack B likes this.
  14. NYDutch

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    Jul 31, 2009
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    Sites are generally fairly well delineated. Respect for others should dictate your actions.
    Luvtheroad and TranQuilguy like this.
  15. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    WOW!!! Someone really stirred the pot on this subject. Perhaps drfife is missing the real point in this walking thru somebody else's site thing. It's called "common courtesy" sir. I think most of us realize that kids playing or a loose dog, etc. can come onto or thru someone's site because kids are kids and dogs are dogs, etc.but for an adult to just not respect another camper's site and walk on thru as you evidently feel is okay to do, doesn't show much respect or common courtesy IMHO. Yes the park or campground property is not theirs but they have paid to use it and like a couple of others indicated, it's akin to your walking right on thru your neighbor' patio in a condo or apt. complex to get to the pool. How would you like it if you and your significant other were stretched out on lounge chairs at your condo enjoying the peace and quiet of a beautiful sunny afternoon and some guy came into your area and walked right past you on your patio area talking on his cell phone to someone? Or for that matter he wasn't alone but had his whole family with him with two of them hauling water gear along. Okay, perhaps I'm taking this too far but I think you perhaps? get the point of what the rest of us are saying about this. Again, it's called common courtesy. Some have it, some don't and it's pretty evident which group you fall into. Now you can jump back in here and rip me a new one if you feel you have to but it really doesn't serve any real purpose to do so. All we are trying to convey to you is that 99% of campers appreciate a "Pardon me but would you mind if I came thru your site", rather than just barging on thru and throwing common courtesy to the wind..........
    HappiestCamper and Luvtheroad like this.
  16. HappiestCamper

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    Aug 9, 2007
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    That's what we've been saying. Your other posts appear to say that it is perfectly acceptable for someone to walk right through the middle of a site.
    Luvtheroad and TranQuilguy like this.
  17. Jack B

    Jack B
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    Jul 21, 2014
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    Count me with "drfife" . We've become a society of walls, barriers, and "personal property" with tragic results sometimes. I'm sorry to see this discussion degenerate to big dogs, stolen property, and peeping-toms.
    I think the question is personal space. Where is your personal space? How about the side of your rv where the hook-ups are? Is that as closely guarded. Does your site have a pergola, patio, or fire ring? Isn't the space between these amenities and your rv more closely personal than someone walking outside these site improvements.
    Our winter site in Texas has a pergola. I would be amazed if someone walked between this structure and our motorhome, but because we have a large "end" site, people walk across the lawn all the time. We have never worried about property. And have met some great folks.
    Maybe it is where some people are camping. I can't imagine spending my park time worrying about trespassers.
    When we are sitting around our camp fire people come onto our site (heaven forbid!) to say,"Hi".
    We always have a chair for them. Every year we have more and more friends. We are just off I-10, our park almost empties every morning. This is not a seasonal park, but for the few of us.
    And when we walk our dog we do the same thing. "Hi, we saw your Illinois plates. Where are you from?" I can't imagine RV'ing without visiting and BS'ing, "Hey, I was in the Navy, too!" Should you ask to enter their private domain first? I really don't think I know how to. I just stick out my hand and start with, "Howdy".
    It sounds to me like people are bringing their insular and guarded "city-ways" to the country. That's why I left the city! You are missing a lot of folks you might treasure as lifetime friends.
    You should all stop worrying about a little patch of grass that isn't yours and come out to West Texas, where you can have all the sand and rocks you want. You'll also meet some great people who will share and care and make you one of theirs because they don't have a patch of grass either.
    drfife likes this.
  18. BankShot

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    May 26, 2013
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    Hey Jack B - I agree basically with what you say as it makes perfect sense. I think what this thread is about is when someone simply decides to use your site as their own personal "walk thru space". We are like you are, we enjoy greeting and meeting folks and when someone walks by and one or the other says howdy or mentions a license plate, etc. then to me all bets are off, they are more than welcome to walk right on in and shake a hand or two. This thread seems to have gotten off the original posters intent I believe as it was about those that insist on just walking right thru your site without so much as a howdy or "Do you mind", etc. We've been sitting inside our coach with the windows and door open and had someone walk right by the door outside and down the side of the coach on their way somewhere. We've also watched a few let their dogs on a leash walk over next to where our patio stuff is set up, and drop their load. Yes the guy or gal usually comes over and scoops it up but one would think they could pull on that leash and have them drop their load somewhere besides right next to our door. We don't need or want that kind of "greeting". We all camp in different ways and have different thoughts about what is proper and respectful, I personally just don't care to have someone use our paid for site as thier own personal walk thru path and that's all I'm getting at here. I believe that's how most of the others on this thread feel also but I won't speak for them, they can say that themselves.....................

    Happy camping and travel safe................. BankShot (aka Terry)
    Luvtheroad likes this.
  19. drfife

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    Aug 5, 2004
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    Perhaps you should re-read my posts before casting stones.

    Shame on you.

    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  20. mdcamping

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    Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    I have to lean towards having boundaries side of the issue here. Part of my reasoning is from an awful experience at a campground many years ago which I don't want to get into. This said I think we all understand why and why not having someone passing through a camp site could be acceptable or not.

    I think we all agree with Jack B about keeping an extra welcome chair and a cold one ready for who ever might stop by at the campfire! :cool:

    #220 mdcamping, May 12, 2016
    Last edited: May 12, 2016

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