What If?

Discussion in 'Destinations and RV Parks' started by dmsscs, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. COWolfPack

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    Sep 29, 2006
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    I think there is one big difference between rating camp grounds and rating campers. When rating a camp ground you are the quality of service a certain business provides. I happens all the time, just look at restaurant or movie reviews. I have yet to see a lawsuit resulting from a bad movie review. Rating a camper brings things to a more personal level. If a campground owner writes that John Doe is a menace to society, a constant drunk and drug pusher and the lowest form of life on earth this could easily bring a defamation lawsuit.

    I, however, don't think I would have any problems if I were rated as a camper. :D
  2. PatJ3

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    Oct 20, 2004
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    From a campground owner: we don't rate campers, but if we have a problem with a particular camper, they are put on our Alert List - which means they have a notation on their file as to the problem. (We have a computer program where we can input all this information.) If they are not welcome back, our staff cannot take their reservation without contacting us first. They can tell the customer that there was a problem last time they were with us and the owner needs to speak to them before we can accept the reservation.

    We also use the Alert List for telling the staff that a customer is handicapped (some never tell us because they don't want special treatment), has a medical problem (on oxygen, etc), prefers specific sites, etc. These comments help us serve the customer better. For example, if we need to turn off the electricity, we can tell the customer on oxygen to switch to his portable tank for the duration needed.

    So we use our Alert List for the postive as well as negative comments. Usually, the ones with the negative comments don't return and therfore we do not have a problem. They may go to other campgrounds and have no problems at all. So, in a way, we already "rate" our campers on the Pass / Fail system.

    Just my comments. Thanks for listening. :)
  3. Beastdriver

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    Apr 24, 2004
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    I think your system is great, especially the part about making notations on the camper's needs, likes, problems, etc. I also have no problem with you keeping notations on "problem" guests. Chances are, if I stayed at your park and we had a problem, I wouldn't be back anyway. But, again, your system is very good, and I wish more parks would do likewise.
  4. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    A few years back we were witness to an altercation that occurred in an upstate New York KOA between some across the border persons and the KOA manager and a campground worker. An assault by the camping guest occurred and the State Police were called and one of the guest was removed and detained. This is what occurred in a nut shell, but the point I would like to make everyone aware of: is that KOA owners have the ability to write up anyone that is a problem for whatever the reason. This information is posted and is available to any and all KOA campgrounds. This information is applied so that it appears when that person makes an inquiry as to any services provided by any KOA campground. This procedure may have changed over the years, but was available.
  5. gwbischoff

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    Jun 19, 2007
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    Back on topic.

    dmsscs, if you want to start a website, I have a few names that we can start the thing off with! :D

    There are too many folks out there who have entitlement issues. It's not just campers. I've stayed in many hotels where the guests have the same problems.

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