Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Discussion in 'General Community Discussions' started by COWolfPack, Mar 21, 2007.

  1. Holiday Rambling

    Holiday Rambling
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    Jun 24, 2007
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    B) Our one truly horrible neighbor experience happened in Bluewater RV Resort in Key West. Mind you, this is a gorgeous upscale RV Resort with million dollar motorhomes. Case in point, money doesn't mean class! Here we are camped out in our 30' TT next to a million dollar plus mansion on wheels around 1:30 a.m. We were suddenly and rudely awakened by our neighbor slamming open his storage bays and throwing everything stored in them out onto his site. His wife is trying to calm him down and he is cursing her with every 4 letter foul mouthed word he could think of as loud as he could yell it. She finally comes outside to try to quiet him down and slaps and shoves her up against the motorhome while hurling more cursing insults at her. This entire episode goes on for well over an hour before he finally throws everything back in the bays, slams the doors shut and goes inside. I have never been so frightened at a campground. We knew well enough not to go outside and engage him. The next morning I went to the office to make them aware. I was informed no mgmt lives on the resort property and I should have called 911. After speaking to several fellow campers we had met while staying there, this was not an isolated incident with this pair.
  2. gwbischoff

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    Jun 19, 2007
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    Have any of you met Alex?

    You know, Alex.

    We became intimately aquainted with Alex up in Northern California. Alex was the littler feller in the spot next to us. Well, I'm assuming he was in the site next to us. He was actually in our site more than his. The reason that I know his name is Alex is that for an entire morning while we tried to sleep in, we heard nothing but "Alex, AL-ex, ALEX!!!"

    Now do you remember Alex?
  3. onemantwokids

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    Jun 15, 2004
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    :angry: Just camped last weekend and had the campers across from us put their garbage out at night so we got to smell skunk all night!! To top it off, the campers next to us set their tent up literally 3 feet from the back of our camper next to our bed and their kids were up and making major noise at 6:30 AM. After the lousy nights sleep due to the skunk and the early rude wake up I was yelling!!!
  4. dmsscs

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    Jul 23, 2006
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    How about the guy that lets his dog out at 6:00 am and goes back to sleep, the only person the barking didn't wake up was the dog owner. How is it that they can let an animal bark for an hour without bringing it in, think they don't hear it???
  5. Tallboy

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    Oct 28, 2004
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    Bad neighbors.
    1. Build a campfire where smoke drifts into your windows.
    2. build a campfire 3 feet from your RV. :blink:
    3. Party until 3 AM. :angry:

    The 3rd one I did go over and ask them to please quiet it down. I can't write on here what they told me, but it wasn't very nice. I did complain to the campground owners the next day.

    Otherwise, the neighbors in almost 3 years of full-timing have been excellent. :D Lots of friendly people.
  6. DXSMac

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    Sep 12, 2007
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    I probably should have minded my own business (except for the campfire), but what do you think of this?

    I had neighbors (family of 5) at a state park, who had cooked their breakfast over a fire, then got ready to take off in their car, and they made NO ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER to douse their fire. I offered to "douse" it for them, and they said, "go right ahead." Ok fine.

    Then they left, but small daughter's small bicycle was kind of "out there" to where someone driving along the campground main road could just "grab" it. Also, they left walkie talkies just sitting on the picnic table. I would think those would make lovely items to steal!

    I moved the bicycle so that it was closer to their things against their trailer, and I roped it. Then, I "hid" their walkie talkies in a nylon bag that normally kept their folding chairs. Then, I posted a folded up note to their trailer door that I had done this. Then, I had to leave as I had to drive home that day. Before I left, I notified the park ranger of what I had done, in case those campers complained about being "violated."

    I believe I was right to offer to douse their fire. But I probably should have minded my own business about the rest of it, but I was concerned that their items would be stolen.

    Any thoughts on this?

    JJ :unsure:
  7. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    I probably would have put out the fire, moved the bike closer to the trailer, and left it at that.
  8. rodman

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    Jul 26, 2006
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    QUOTE(DXSMac @ Sep 23 2007, 02:13 PM) [snapback]8421[/snapback]

    I probably should have minded my own business (except for the campfire), but what do you think of this?

    I had neighbors (family of 5) at a state park, who had cooked their breakfast over a fire, then got ready to take off in their car, and they made NO ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER to douse their fire. I offered to "douse" it for them, and they said, "go right ahead." Ok fine.

    Then they left, but small daughter's small bicycle was kind of "out there" to where someone driving along the campground main road could just "grab" it. Also, they left walkie talkies just sitting on the picnic table. I would think those would make lovely items to steal!

    I moved the bicycle so that it was closer to their things against their trailer, and I roped it. Then, I "hid" their walkie talkies in a nylon bag that normally kept their folding chairs. Then, I posted a folded up note to their trailer door that I had done this. Then, I had to leave as I had to drive home that day. Before I left, I notified the park ranger of what I had done, in case those campers complained about being "violated."

    I believe I was right to offer to douse their fire. But I probably should have minded my own business about the rest of it, but I was concerned that their items would be stolen.

    Any thoughts on this?

    JJ :unsure:

    You did a very nice thing. You always take a chance on how people are going to react but just think how that little one would have felt if the bike were gone. I always try a take a chance and do something nice, maybe they will respond and do something next time for someone else. RV people are good people and you just proved it, what a great trend to start.

    Just my opinion,
  9. gwbischoff

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    Jun 19, 2007
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    QUOTE(Cheryl @ Sep 23 2007, 04:49 PM) [snapback]8423[/snapback]

    I probably would have put out the fire, moved the bike closer to the trailer, and left it at that.

    You're a better man than I am.

    I'd'a moved the bike, walkie-talkies *and* the fire closer to their trailer! :rolleyes:

    I can't bee-leeve that someone would let a fire go in a State Park.

    Never mind, I can believe it.
  10. Cheryl

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    Mar 16, 2004
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    You're a better man than I am.

    Maybe that's because I'm a woman!
  11. gwbischoff

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    Jun 19, 2007
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    QUOTE(Cheryl @ Oct 15 2007, 03:43 PM) [snapback]8686[/snapback]

    You're a better man than I am.

    Maybe that's because I'm a woman!

  12. Butch

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    Jul 23, 2005
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    Gotcha !!
  13. markfoto

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    Mar 26, 2008
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    We are full timers, and tend to stay at RV parks that are primarily full timers. We have only had minor disturbances from neighbors, and in every case, they were "weekend warriors", hell bent on having a good time; cramming as much quality party time into their "wilderness adventure" as they can. We enjoy our cocktails and music like anyone else. But during quiet time, well, the operative word is quiet.
    What irks me even more are folks who have no qualms about strolling thru your site, any time they feel like it. Even if your sitting in a chair. Sometimes they say hi, sometimes not. They usually ignore the request to not continue the practice.
    But the winner of the gall award goes to the folks that will knock on the door and ask to see the motorhome, as if it is a common practice in these United States to show off one's home to any and all strangers who apply. Somehow, I am the bad guy when I say No, as they will usually announce their displeasure with their opinion of my families sexual history.
    Have made some wonderful friends though from neighbors.
  14. FosterImposters

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    Nov 4, 2007
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    QUOTE(Markfoto @ Mar 26 2008, 03:26 PM) [snapback]10910[/snapback]

    But the winner of the gall award goes to the folks that will knock on the door and ask to see the motorhome...

    Had to laugh at this one Markfoto! We too were totally amazed when the owners of a very classy, 40', DP, Country Coach...wanted to see our new, lil' 32' Southwind last year at a park in Utah. "Knock, knock...can we come see?" I overcame my astonishment and invited her in.
    Apparently the fullbody paint and large aluminum rims (?) were more than they could envision with a Fleetwood product. I DID rangle a reciprocal tour...two can play that game! ;)

    Glad to see other fulltimers aboard!

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