Wed Apr 10 2024I noticed when checking the maps that there are several very big power lines across the street from the RV park. If there are any others like me who are very sensitive to those high voltage lines, were you far enough away to not feel the effects? I personally get nauseous when I'm too close to them....
Asked by Theoriginalgiga 5 Reviews | 46 Photos | 4 Tips
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Jamoss answered - Wed Apr 10 2024
I'm not sensitive to them, so I haven't paid attention. Sorry I can't be more helpful....
SandyBBB answered - Wed Apr 10 2024
We were along the very back fenceline next to the trail. Power lines don't bother me though. Usually they put transient people in the pull-thrus up front but they were full at the end of the fair when we were there. We had a great experience....