Marathon RV Parks & Campgrounds

Campgrounds near Marathon, Florida

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200 km
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Tips from campers about Marathon, FL

  • rkmoezee Marathon is VERY bikeable! We even got groceries via bikes! Make sure to check out Crane Point Hammock and get a fish pedicure!!! Also 7 mile Bridge is worth the views. We also went even further South to Key West for a day-trip.
  • Senanuff Check out the local happy hour times. We found several in the area that were very good (castaways and steak and lobster for example). The camp ground also had a schedule of events including pool party with music, bingo nite, excursions and a social happy hour at a local restaurant. Also, my wife did you their laundry which she liked since they had an app to pay and monitor the times.
  • Doug and Diane B Bike Ride Old Seven Mile Bridge, visit Curry hammock state park. Crane Point is another must see for a preserved park of the local ecosystem (pet friendly). Kayak, Boat, EAT. an hour to Key West

Questions from Campers in the Marathon, FL area

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