Thu Mar 23 2023How bad is the drive on 120 to this resort? We have a 35' motorhome with a toad and I'm a bit nervous about the reports of super windy, narrow road with a steep grade. TIA...
Asked by Grizzlymom 7 Reviews | 2 Photos | 2 Tips
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OKrver answered - Thu Mar 23 2023
I drove it with a 34 foot Motorhome with Equinox toad,It is windy, but if you take it slow you’ll be fine....
Tomme F answered - Thu Mar 23 2023
We had an SUV with a popup tent trailer that's only 17 feet when closed, so I don't know whether the length would be a problem. The road is super curvy and winding but I think you'd be okay if you just take your time....
Savvy Sojourner answered - Thu Mar 23 2023
The road it a typical windy mountain road. The grades are steep, but doable. Take your time and you will be fine. We had no problem with our truck/30 ft travel trailer, but also saw many motorhomes on the road with us. Enjoy your time at Yosemite!!...
Off_we_go answered - Fri Mar 24 2023
The Priest Grade is approx 4-5 miles, and looks scarier than it really is. Simple rules to get you through: 1) Drive slow 2) Stay between the lines 3) Don't worry about the folks behind you, they can pass you at the top. 4) Breathe. Happy trails....
Hard Rock Fans answered - Sat Mar 25 2023
I drive a 45' class A with a toad and didn't have any problem. You'll have to take it slow, only as a precaution because it seems scarier than it actually is. I did drive the road downhill in the toad before we left so I could actually know what to expect and to know where the turnouts are so I could let traffic by as needed. Just for fun, drive the old highway up in the toad. You'll appreciate the new grade....