Patten Pond Camping Resort

  • Question:

    Can someone tell me please, where I can find the monthly or long term campgrounds?...

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    Sun Aug 13 2023

    1 Answers Answer Question

    Asked by kak18 0 Reviews | 0 Photos | 0 Tips


      Dschaefer answered - Sun Aug 13 2023

      Hi Kak18. I don't work for this campground, but I did recently stay there & can testify that we personally stayed for a month & saw other camp sites that looked like they were definitely set up for longer (if not permanent) stays. That said, given the way you worded your question & the fact that you have 0 reviews photos or tips, it's possible that you may have also meant either of the following...A) Given that Patten Pond is a "Thousand Trails" campground & you may be a Thousand Trails member looking for a place to stay, you may have been thinking "Where can I find a place to stay within the Thousand Trails network that allows me to stay for a month or more?" While I can't say for sure as I'm not a thousand trails member, most of what I've read indicates that depending on the type of membership you have, maximum stays are usually 2-3 weeks & require you to switch campgrounds even if you're staying within their networkB) "Where can I find monthly or long-term campgrounds in...

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