Tunnel Mountain Village II Campground
(formerly Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court Campground)
Tue Jan 30 2024Regarding the long weekend alcohol ban, how strict are they? Will it be OK to just keep my beer in the refrigerator with no drinking? Does anybody have experience with the alcohol ban?...
Asked by Robert_644e84b91ee75 0 Reviews | 0 Photos | 0 Tips
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Joe from okee alberta answered - Tue Jan 30 2024
I have never seen anyone coming around specifically for that. It's usually when someone goes overboard...
Landmark Adventures answered - Tue Jan 30 2024
It will be OK to keep it in your fridge, drink it inside, and probably even to drink it outside discreetly. I believe the rule is there to give the park staff grounds to eject someone if they are being rowdy or disruptive (or worse). They're for sure not going to check what's inside your rig....
Jjsimon111 answered - Wed Jan 31 2024
What long weekend alcohol ban as I have never heard of such a ban....
Sifreeman answered - Wed Jan 31 2024
We stayed there for 5 nights last summer 2023 and never heard of an alcohol ban. We had beer and wine in our trailer and it was never a problem. Of course, we aren't wild or loud or have big parties....